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Chapter 59

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The place was packed.

It had been a while since Seth had seen The Grubbery this busy. Every table was filled, with people constantly coming and going as if they wanted to be in his way as he tried to take orders, deliver orders, and clean the tables.

Usually Tripp helped him with this, but the owner had sequestered himself behind the counter. He took payment, chatted with customers, and while he seemed to be busy with someone every time Seth looked, Seth got the sense that Tripp was taking it easy. It was like the man was purposefully letting Seth shoulder the majority of the work.

Seth told himself it was fine, that Tripp deserved a break after running the diner on his own for a week, but he couldn't help a small thread of resentment from forming. He hadn't slept, or at least, he didn't think he did, because he felt drained and achy like he'd just dragged himself through a hundred-mile run. Tripp, on the other hand, was his usual chipper self, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed.

"Hey! Hey, kid!"

The rude shout made Seth stiffen his shoulders, but he turned around, a pleasant smile firmly pasted in place.

The greasy man at the nearby table waved him over. "Gimme another, yeah?"

Seth's eyes dropped to the empty beer glass. It was the third one. The man leaned towards him, releasing a fetid blast of sour breath as he spoke. "Better make it two, yeah?"

"Okay," Seth said, though he wasn't sure if it was okay. This guy had been tipsy when he first wandered into the diner, and now he was treating this place like a bar.

He headed to the counter, pausing only to snag some empty dishes on a recently evacuated table.

Tripp had just finished ringing a couple through, and was actually free for once. Such convenient timing.

"That guy wants more beer," Seth said, and set the dishes on the counter. Tripp would bring them into the kitchen. "He's kind of drunk already."

Tripp looked past Seth's shoulder for a moment. Then he turned and pulled a glass from the overhead rack. "Tell him this is the last one. If he has any complaints, he can come see me."

"Okay." Once the glass was full of frothy amber liquid, Seth took it back to the table.

"Hey, there you are!" The man greeted him like a long-lost friend.

Seth set the glass on the table. "Boss says that's the last one."


Seth repeated himself, a little louder this time. He was aware of the trio of young women watching from a table over, and felt the first hints of a stupid flush heating his ears.

"But I asked for two," the guy said, and he suddenly sounded forlorn. He looked at the glass, and reached out to cradle it protectively in both hands.

It was better than shouting and being rude, Seth decided, but it was no less awkward. "Sorry."

The man grunted and stared into his beer. He seemed to forget Seth was still standing there. There was no point in hanging around any longer so Seth turned, intending to grab a wet rag and wipe the empty table down.

"Excuse me!"

Frustration rose, but he bit it down. One of the women waved at him, as if he couldn't figure out that the person calling out to him wasn't seated right beside him. Smile growing strained, he asked, "What is it?"

"Can we get some extra napkins, please?"

He glanced at the counter. There was a little dispenser full of them, available for public use. It was also barely more than 8 steps away. All three women gave him dazzling smiles. He wasn't in the mood to be dazzled.

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