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Chapter 84

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Time Elapsed: 02:57:23

"Aww, why do we have to quit now? We've been doing awesome! We can totally go a third time!"

Awesome Dude kicked at a small black rock. It skittered off the platform and bounced off hardened lava. If he wasn't the size of a full-grown man, anyone would take one look at him and see a pouting child.

"We need a break," Jack Coyote coolly returned.

It was his decision to call it quits, and while most seemed to share Awesome Dude's sentiments, there was little arguing. After two full rounds with K-792, they were sall worn out and no longer at their best.

Severance rubbed at his eyes. It felt like grit was stuck under his eyelids. He'd gotten a face full of explosion, and it still felt like there was metal shrapnel burrowed beneath his skin.

"We'll meet up tomorrow," Jack decided. "Same time. For now, think about how you can improve, because there still was a lot of pointless deaths."

"Hey," Awesome Dude pointed at the tank. "Dying is part of the fun."

"You died eleven times." Jack's expression was flat. "Heisenberg, who is new, only died four times."

He actually kept track? Severance couldn't believe it. Who would even bother doing that?

He wasn't the only one disturbed by that, because Awesome Dude's mouth dropped open. "No way! You counted?"

"Jack always counts," Mr Snowman said, snickering.

There was a faint whoosh followed by the party list losing a name. Another player left right after. Now that Jack had spoken, the party was beginning to disband.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Morning Glory gave Severance a bright little wave. She too, left.

In very short order, there were only three players left on the platform.

Not that Severance expected anything different. The others only had limited play time, so they likely had other things to look after before they logged off for the day.

"Soooo, Sev. Buddy." Awesome Dude sidled over and threw an arm around Severance's shoulders. He had to stand on his tippy toes to do it, but that didn't stop him. "How's things?"

"Fine," Severance said warily. He was ever aware of Jack's looming presence nearby, but since Jack wasn't doing or saying anything, he decided to ignore him. "Why?"

"Oh, just wondering." With a tug, Awesome Dude pulled Severance down, forcing him to lean over. They almost knocked heads. Very quietly, even by normal standards, Awesome Dude whispered, "You sure? People talk about Jack, y'know. No one likes him."

Severance smiled faintly, more amused than anything. He suspected it was Jack's blunt, forward nature that people didn't like. Yet after two full raid runs, during which Jack consistently went out of his way to literally shield Severance from every bit of damage he possibly could, Severance had a sneaking suspicion that Jack maybe wasn't as cold-hearted as he first appeared.

Either that, or he wanted Severance to survive long enough for him to unravel whatever supposed mysteries the Veiled were hiding.

"It's okay," he whispered back. "He's not the nicest person, but we have an understanding. He's not a bad guy."

"Yeah?" Awesome Dude didn't appear convinced. He gave Jack a pointed look, nose wrinkling as if disgusted. "Huh. Even if you think so, I'm still gonna be watching."

He didn't bother to lower his voice for the last part, and when Jack looked over at them with a frown, Awesome Dude pointed at his own eyes and then at Jack, giving the silent, but undeniable message: I'm watching you.

Eliona's War 2: Veiled HealerWhere stories live. Discover now