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Chapter 7

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"Some time ago, there was a clan similar to ours," Rasin began. "They were the biggest of clans with thousands of able-bodied members, and almost as many children, elders, and others who weren't able."

The beast pulling their wagon slowed, turning its great head to the side where a clump of grasses grew. It reached out with an agile tongue, wrapping it around the grassy stalks and tugging the bunch out of the dirt. Rasin slapped the reins against the beast's shoulder, prompting it to turn its head back towards the road. It chewed as it walked, ears flicking back.

Severance watched it plod along, following the wagon ahead dutifully. He thought its life must be very dull, being a simple-minded beast of burden. Dull, but peaceful.

"Because this clan was so big," Rasin went on, "they also divided themselves into seven branch families."

Also? That caught Severance's attention, and he gave Rasin a questioning look. But the man gave no indication of noticing, for he continued on his story in a low tone that wouldn't reach the other wagons.

"They spread out across the land, building their own cities. It took a lot to supply so many people, as you can imagine, but they had a system figured out. Even though most clans like to keep their bloodlines separate from the rest, this clan had the ideology that they were stronger as a whole.

"They lived together in great Houses. Each House would have its own purpose, and when a child grew old enough to decide on a profession, such as a hunter, they would leave their family House join a House of hunters. In this way, the clan nurtured talent and grew more powerful each day."

Rasin fell silent, gaze fixated straight ahead. His grip tightened on the reins, and a muscle along his lightly bearded jawline tensed.

Severance cocked his head. He wasn't sure where Rasin was going with this, nor had he any idea why. And to be honest, he wasn't exactly in the mood to learn about how some random clan functioned.

When Rasin didn't seem inclined to continue speaking, Severance sighed inwardly. This silence was worse than a tedious story. "So?"

That seemed to wake the Veiled man up, for Rasin blinked, then rubbed at the side of his neck absently. Most of the blood from his earlier injury had dried by now, but it undoubtedly felt irritating.

Severance could relate to that; his own face was stiff, like he wore a disgusting mask. An attempt to wipe it off had been made, but that had failed spectacularly. Only a proper bath or logging off would get him clean now.

Rasin exhaled softly. "Anyway, this clan was at the very top. They were the most powerful, but they had to be, for they had the single most important responsibility resting on their shoulders. They were the Keepers of the Towers."

"Towers?" Severance asked, his curiosity piqued. He pictured a field full of Eiffel Towers, an army of metal reaching for the sky. That was probably not quite what Rasin meant, but it was the first thing to pop into his mind.

"That's what they were called." For a moment, a ghost of a smile lightened Rasin's features. Then it was gone. "But it was a poor name for them. These Towers were constructs, yes, but they were so much more than that. It was said they held unimaginable treasures, locked behind powerful guardians. It was also said that a Tower could change the very landscape around it, that it could regenerate the scars left behind by man. Or it could do the opposite and strip the land of all life.

"No one really knew or understood their full capabilities. But that didn't matter. Everyone tried to gain access to them, to try to use them for their own gain. And if one person could gain control of a Tower, then the possibilities would be endless for them."

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