✨ Rules to Feeling Lonely✨

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What's up everyone?

I'm currently busy making some major edits (because the story really is in desperate need of those) so chances are some things (lots of things) won't make sense yet but I'm working on it :)

Just for information, this was my very first book. Some parts are edited, some obviously aren't so my younger self would already like to apolagize for the amount of word garbage that can be found in this book <3 Whether it's good or not though, it does hold a great meaning to me.

So if you already see mistakes or find something that doesn't make any sense, make sure to let me know. Votes and comments are, of course, always more than welcome as well.

I am a big fan of criticism as it's a way to reflect and potentially better yourself but I do want to point out that there's a major difference between criticism and full on bashing someone. I'm not just saying that in regards of my story but as advice as well. Don't be a hater, it's not good for the mind and it does make you a bit of an a**hole... sorry not sorry

Another quick mention; English isn't my first language so I do tend to make some mistakes but I'm trying to keep out as many errors as possible.


The first chapters introduce a lot of characters so if there's ever any confusion, feel free to ask. 

As I mentioned, I based Ella a bit (a lot) on my own personality and even though I did not experience the same things she did, I did try to make her opinions and choices as accurate as possible.

ALL of the other characters of the story are completely fictional.


I suppose a little warning with regards to mature language is in order. I'm a swearer, always have been. I know it's not exactly 'right' or 'good' or whatever but when I say sh*t or f*ck, it's just another way I express myself. So when I say sh*t like 'I f*cking love you', then you know I d*mn well do xxx


Lastly (if you even made it this far) I just wanted to thank you for coming to my story, it really means a great deal to me!! If you struggle with something like in the story or you simply need a listening ear, I'm here to give you one, all you have to do is reach out to me. I've had enough sh*t happening to me and the people around me to know that growing up, life can be a b*tch sometimes so please reach out to each other, help each other and care for each other. Problems are easier overcome together and you my friend, are not alone <3


I hope you and your families are all staying safe, especially right now.

Enjoy the story! xoxo,


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