Chapter 56

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"Rachel?" I looked at her with wide eyes as she looked like a deer caught in headlights "It's you?"

She was really one of the last people I expected standing there.

"You knew she was coming?" she turned accusingly to Nathan who just shrugged at her "It doesn't change anything, right little rose?"

I totally disregarded his question as I stared at her in disbelieve "How could you?"

"How could I? Daniel's mine", she yelled loudly and it left me completely baffled. This was so far from the person I had come to know "You come in and take away the one person I truly cared for, the one that had been taken away from me from the beginning"

She sounded absolutely crazy as she continued yelling and I think I finally understood her motive. She was in love with Daniel. Does she really think that gives her the right to do this?

"So what, you teamed up with the person who raped me and threatened me?" I yelled back and I tightly balled my fist as Nathan tutted before speaking up "You shouldn't call it rape, little rose. We were just two people in love and we both know how you liked it a little more rough"

I ignored him, even tough those words disgusted me to the core, those words were all I needed from him and turned back to the girl in front of me I had called a friend for all these months.

"How was I supposed to know you were in love with him? And what does it even mean 'taken away from you from the beginning'?" I asked and she looked at me like I was absolutely stupid "I'm not in love with him you idiot"

She started shaking her head and sighed before looking back at me "First it were his parents that separated us and now you? You all want to take him away from me"

Where the fuck is this going? What do his parents even have to do with this, with any of this?

"His parents separated you? How even?"

Her glare got even worse as she snarled back at me "Yes, separated us. They came in and took him away from me, leaving me to grow up alone in that wretched system"

"You were together in the system before he was adopted?" I asked confused, finally understanding how Nathan even got that information.

"Of course we were, our real parents dropped us off very nicely with the orphans" Their real parents? Wait, that means...

"You're his sister?" I looked at her in shock and now I focused on it I could see it. The same darker brown curls that softly flowed till past her shoulders and let's not forget the exact same brown eyes. They didn't look identical but still, how did nobody notice this before?

"Unidentical twin sister if you want to be exact", she explained casually before I asked my other question "But how do you know when he doesn't?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed before answering "Unlike my brother, I had to grow up in the orphanage itself and I learned that if you truly want something that you need to get it yourself. I made sure they trusted me as I got older and like that I could easily make my way to the records without raising any suspicion"

"And how did you get here then?" I pushed another question since she made no problem in answering them.

"I found out about him when I was twelve and when I discovered a couple from this neighborhood were thinking about adoption, all I had to do was act like the perfect little girl and I was out of there", she ended her explanation and I just stood there shocked, no words for what I just heard.

This can't be real... This is fucking crazy.

"Just know that I would do anything to get him back and I don't care one bit if that hurts you, hell I love it when it hurts you. I'll threaten you until you'll finally stay away and the-"

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