Chapter 29

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"Oh my god"

Ethan and Jason both looked at me like deer caught in headlights.

It didn't bother me one bit to find them kissing but let's just say I didn't see that one coming, not even one bit.

"Uhm", Jason nervously rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes going everywhere but me.

I wanted to tell him it was fine and that I was happy for them but no. I just continued to stand there like a complete moron, looking stupid with my mouth wide open.

"You know what, you explain", Jason told Ethan and bolted passed me, out of the garage.

"Oh my god", I started smiling and turned to Ethan who had a faint hint of smile on his face as well.

"So I guess that's out", he said, shyly looking down for a second. I stepped closer and sat down on the cupboard next to him, excitingly waiting for details.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked and he sat down next to me, looking pretty excited as well.

"Yeah I wanted to tell you that he couldn't have been the one texting you but then you would have asked me how I knew that and then I had to tell you about Jason and I and I knew that Jason wasn't really comfortable with too many people knowing so I just didn't tell you anything", he rattled out and suddenly the realisation struck. That means Alexander is the only one left...

"Wait, so how long have you two been hiding then?" I asked, looking back at him.

"Two weeks or so", he spoke with a bright smile and it actually made me really happy for him. Seeing friends happy will always put me in a good mood.

"I'm really happy for you Ethan", I told him and his smiled widened even more.

"So it's Alex", I commented, hoping he'd confirm my suspicions.

"You've gotta talk to him yourself, I'm not gonna spoil anything", he held his hands up and hopped of the cupboard.

"I'm gonna go look for him, see you outside in a bit?", he said and I nodded. He gave me one last smile before stepping outside, closing the door after him. Ethan and Jason... I totally ship it.

Then again, what's up with everyone around me suddenly being in a relationship...

I felt my phone go off and opened it to see a new message.

-Are you enjoying the beach house?– unknown

-It's nice

I replied, feeling weird on not knowing if it's Alex or not. I mean, it wasn't Ethan or Liam, Eric, Oliver and Daniel have girlfriends, Adam is out as well so that leaves just one...

-Have you been to the beach yet?– unknown

"I thought you were gonna get ice?" Matthew chuckled as he stepped in the garage. Right, totally forgot about that.

"Sorry, I got a little distracted", I answered and he walked over, sitting down next to me.

"Is this our little friend?" he raised his brows and I nodded at him as he read with me as I typed my reply.

-Nope and I'm not planning to

-I know you're not a fan of sand and all but there's nothing more refreshing than a walk on the beach, you should try it – unknown

I read and I was beginning to be more sure by the minute. Alex was the only one of the guys there when I said I hated the beach because I don't like sand...

-I'll see but you better get ready for your dares mister

-Just text me when you've got one. Enjoy the rest of the trip Clark – unknown

"It's Alex, isn't it?" I turned to Matthew and he just started smirking before standing up.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about", he told me before happily skipping to the door. Still hating on the fact that everyone knows except for me. I'm really gonna have to find out on my own, aren't I?

"Come on, everyone is waiting outside", he said and I hopped of the cupboard, following him out of the garage. We walked back to the bonfire to see our friends wrapped in blankets already cosily sitting around it. Sarah patted the space next to her and I quickly went to sit down as she but her blanket around the both of us.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Matthew asked, sitting down himself.

Blake handed him a beer before Sarah spoke "We were asking each other weird questions"

"What was the question?" I chuckled at her and took a quick sip from her drink.

"Who's relationship do you find complete couple goals?" she answered.

"Daniels, a 100 percent. It's weird to really see him like that with a girl", Matthew instantly answered. They always speak so nice about his girlfriend, I really wish I could meet her one day.

"I'm with Matthew", Jason answered, shaking his head slightly as Ethan answered next "I really liked Adam and Michelle together".

Ethan gave me a smile and I instantly returned it. I really liked them together as well...

It was my turn and I saw Jason nervously looking around, probably afraid I'd spoil their secret. I would never do that and to me, secrecy makes a relationship all the more thrilling. So why would I ruin that. If I could say it however, I totally say him and Ethan though.

Now I come to think of it, this was probably the big secret Matthew was talking about earlier.

I reassuringly nodded at Jason before turning back to the group to answer.

"I'd say Oliver and Sophia", I spoke and I saw Jason visibly relax. I wouldn't spoil that for them.

"It'd say them too. It did take them long enough though", Eric answered next and Sarah and Blake nodded, agreeing with him.

"Alright, if any of us had to be president, who would be the best choice?" Blake asked, making most of the group laugh. Tough question though.

"Just anyone but Matthew", Sarah immediately threw out, Matthew head snapping her way as he accusingly looked at her "Why not?".

"You can't even heat up soup without making a mess. What business would you have leading a country"

"Because heating up soup is one of the skill checks for becoming president?", he narrowed her eyes at her.

"Who would you choose then?" I asked, trying to calm their catfight. I might not have siblings but I know damn well that those fights never go well.

"Myself", he smiled at Sarah who huffed at him "Of course you would".

"How about you?" Blake asked me.

"Probably Jason"

"Why's that?" Eric asked as he carefully put some more wood in the fire. The fire slightly flared up as I looked back at the group to answer "He doesn't take any shit from anyone yet still cares and protects the people around him"

"Hell yes, Jason for president", Blake started clapping as Jason shook his head, trying to keep a serious expression. The rest of the group started clapping as well, making Jason lean back in his chair, clearly embarrassed with us. We all just started laughing, enjoying the fire as Sarah passed some more drinks.

And that's how we all enjoyed the rest of the night. 

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