1.29. - Hardin's Birthday

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Chapter 29 . - Hardin's Birthday.

- Twelve Weeks Later

So it's been a whole twelve weeks since w broke the news to his mom and aunt Allison . It's Hardins birthdaytomorrow and I don't know what to get him , he had everything his heart desire and I really wanna do something special for him tomorrow.

Me and Stassie are in the stores now to buy gifts for Hardin . He has everything in this fucking store , we went to s jewellery store and I saw a sliver watch . I think I might just get it for him . I walk up to the counter and a lady came to help me .

" Hello , I'm Selma and welcome to American Jewels , how can I help you ? " She ask me.

" Can you give me the price of that watch please ? " I ask her .

" The watch is 100 thousand dollars. " She say .

" That's alot of money . " I say.

" Yes but this watch is from a really expensive brand and they only made like 10 of this watches that's the reason for it price . " She says.

" Okay, i take it. " I say .

That's alot of money but his birthday is only once a year. I took the black card out of my purse and handed it to her . I purchased the watch for him , she put the watch is a bronze coloured box before putting in a bag and handing it to me .


The next day I woke up a hour earlier to bake him a cake, i got the recipe from aunt Allison and I got a little help from Alice . We had fun making the cake , Stassie and Ayden pitched in as well . When we finished the cake we decorated it and put on a few candles before taking it to him.

" Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday Dear Hardin ... " we all song together as we entered the , he woke up with a smile on his face . We sat down the bed waiting for him to make a wish.

" Make a wish . " I say .

" What should I wish for ? " he ask .

" Anything. " I say , he blew out the candle.

I cut a slice of cake for him and we shared the slice , we ate like half of the cake before Ayden decides to decorate our face with cake . What is it with this rich people and wasting cake ?

" Stop , you are making a mess in my room ! " I yell .

" Not our room ! " Stassie yells while stuffing a piece of cake in my face .

Fuck this . I went out my room and locked them inside , i went to the kitchenand got tomato sauce, flour , eggs etc . Everything to make a mess in their room , i threw the stuff around their room and their room was just as dirty as mine. I unlocked the door and chase them out of my room leaving me and Hardin alone in our room . I went to go lay down next to him in the dirty bed .

" So what did you wish for ? " I ask him as i lie down in his arms .

" Nothing , i have everything I could wish for right here next to me . " he says before giving me a kiss . I pushed myself ontop of him .

I layed down on top of him and we started to kissing, he pulled his oversized t-shirt that I'm wearing over my head before pushing me off him . I was laying in my back and he got in between my legs . We were in the moment, we were both naked .

" Liv, what the fuck did you do in our room ? " Stass yell while banging on my bedroom door.

" Fuck off ! " I yell , me and Hardin continue our doings .

He slowly slipped inside of me , i literally forgot how big he since we haven't had sex since I was pregnant. He slowly moved ontop of me me , his lips found mine . His thumb found my clit as he starts rubbing his thumb agaisnt my clit . My breath started getting louder , i let out a loud sigh as he kissed me in my neck .

" Fuck . " I moan as I let out a loud sigh as he fucked.

He moved faster and he fucked me harder , he took my hands and held it next head as be fucked me harder. My breathing and moaning got louder . He was enjoying it it and I'm glad , because I never had sex like we having now . I felt the muscle tightening aroumd his dick , as I felt a orgasm building up. I legs stiffen and my toes curled as I came undone .

He moved faster on top of me and he fucked me harder , his balls slapping harder against my hot pussy . He grunted as he fucked me relentlessly , i bit on my bottom lip as I moaned loudly. I swear the people in China could hear me now. He tugged on my hair as he slows down the pace at bit , what got in him . I like this side of him . He fucks me harder as he let out a loud growl , closing his eyes as exploded inside of me. His head sank into my neck , placing a gentle kiss into my neck before getting of from me .

" Sex , was a-fucking-mazing. " I say.

" I have to go to work now . " he says .

" Do you have to go work , on your birthday ? " I ask him.

" Yes , i have some really important meetings to attend with Ayden. " he says getting out of bed .

I followed him to the bathroom and took a bath with him , we got into the warm bath. He sat dowm behind infront of me , i leaned back against his chest . He took my bath sponge and squeezed the water out over my boy.

" I like it when we take baths together . " I say quietly.

" So do I, especially after we had sex. " he says giving me a kiss in my neck . It was ticklish , so I giggled a bit .

After our bath , he went to work and we got the house ready for the party later tonight. Everyone pitched in we got everything ready . We finished about 4pm side. The guest started to arrive , the cake came an i left it in the fridge till Hardin came.

" Liv, Hardin and Ayden are almost here . " Stassie says .

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