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- Chapter 24 . - Hardin's POV

She came back with a small gift box in her hand , she came to sit down in her chair . She place the box infront of me. I don't like getting gift when I already have almost everything , except a little boy or girl in my life .

" Baby , you didn't have to . " I say as I carefully tore the wrapping paper from the rectangular box . It looks like a box from a pregnancy test. Oh my god, seeing the box makes me even more excited . I took the test out of the box and it read pregnant.

Oh my fucking god , i can't believe I'm going to be a fucking father. I look at her and felt the tears bubbling up in my eyes . Someone pinch me the fuck if this is a dream .

" Baby don't cry . " She says before wiping my tears from my face.

" We are going to be parents ! " I shout with joy before lifting her up in the air and spun her around in a circle . I put her down .

" How far are you ? " My mother ask her.

" The test said 5 - 6 weeks . " Liv replied .

" I wonder if she's really pregnant. " Zara mumbled under her breath.

" What was that ? " I ask her.

" Nothing. " She simply answers . That wasn't nothing. I had enough of her insulting Olivia, in my own house .

" That wasn't nothing , tell me what you said now ! " I demand .

" I said , i wonder if she's really pregnant! " She raises her voice at me .

" Why would she lie about something like this ? Why can't you just be happy for other for once in you life ? " I raise my voice .

" Hardin, baby stop please. " She says pulling my face towards her .

" You know what Zara , you can leave and don't ever come near my house again ! " I say . I just had enough now.

" Hardin , don't say that she's your sister . "My mom covers for her.

" Mom she can't just insult her eveytime in her own home , that's not right. " I say.

" I think we should just leave . Congratulations . " My mom says as she pushes herself out of the chair .

" Thank you for coming. " Olivia says as she walks them out . She came back to the backyard , and she didn't look happy. I know she wanted to avoid the drama for once and now i am the one that cause the whole scene.

" I'm sorry . " I say as she sat down.

" It's fine , you were just looking out for me . " She say before taking a sip from her juice.

Today she just made me the happiest man alive , i think it's time . Time for me to take our relationship to the next level. I'm going to do it , I'm going to propose. I already have the ring and now it's just time for me to ask the question . I have to do it on a really romantic way, i would need Anastasia's help with this project do i can be sure that Olivia loves the proposal. Nothing over the top , just low-key.


After a few hours , Olivia went to bed early an I gathered everyone in the living room to go over the plans for tomorrow . What I want to do is , take her on a lovely romantic date tomorrow night , make reservations at the best five star restaurant , go for a nice sunset walk in the beach and after that when we get home I want the backyard to be beautiful decorated with small cables and rose peddles . That's it , the best plan ever . Not that Anastasia and Ayden is on-board this proposal is going to be a massive success.



he next evening , it's time for the big day . I'm waiting for Olivia to come down from our room . I don't know why she had to always have to take forever to get ready , i don't care how she lools or what she wears , she's fucking beautiful. You know that moment in the movie's where the gorgeous girl walk down the stairs and everything goes into slow motion , this is that moment. She came down the stairs wearing a silver off shoulder velver dress and heels . She walked till infront of me and u couldn't take my eyes of her cleavage.

" Let's go baby . " I say and we locked hands and I took her to my car , i got a driver for us so I didn't have to drive. He opened the door for me and Liv and we got in. We left Ayden and Anastasia's alone at home , i hope they just don't fuck this up . The driver took us to the restaurant . We walked inside and went to the table i reserved for me and my soon to be fiance .

" Good evening, Mr.Smith and Ms.Smith can I get to anything to drink ? " a lovely waitress named Emily asked as she hand us out menu' s.

" A glass of your finest champagne please . " I say .

" Coming up . " She says before walking away .

" You know this place is really expensive. " Olivia says.

" I know but only the best for my girlfriend. " I say before leaning forward and gave her a kiss .

The waitress brought the champagne and poured a glass for me and Olivia. We ordered our food and desert now it's time for the second part of the plan . The sun was just setting and it was the perfect mood.

" You know what, even though I just ate I'm in the mood for ice cream. " Olivia say as we walk on the beach with the sand between out toes .

" Them I'll get you some. " I say . I saw a Ice-Cream shop just about to close. Fuck no , we ran over the rode and and stop the woman that was busy closing the store .

" Hey , i was wondering if you could serve us some Ice-Cream please. My girlfriend is pregnant and she's craving ice cream , please. I'll pay double. " I beg her and she opened the store for us . I got vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and Liv got strawberry ice cream with rainbow sprinkles .I gave the woman a $100 bill and told her to keep the change . She was nice enough to open the store for us .


The driver dropped us off at home , now I just hope thag they did what I asked them to do. Before we went inside I blindfolded her and then I open front door. On the the white floors was a trial of red rose peddles and candles. The trail lead to the backyard where the peddles and candles formed a heart . We were under the bright light of the moon. I took the blindfold of and went down on one knee with the engagement ring in my hand .

" Olivia Ashley Young , I'm hundred percent certain that i wanna spend my whole life with you. From the day in the coffee shop, till today . I never wanna be second apart from you knowing that you're not my fiance . So I'm going to ask you now, would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me ? " I ask her and i see the tears rolling down her face.

" Yes , yes a thousand times yes . " She says holding her hand out for me to slip the ring inside. I got up and immediately kissed her .

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