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- Chapter 26 .

" I'm really sorry. " Dr.Paul says .

I didn't know what to do, i pushed myself out of that chair and stormed out of his office. I pushed past everyone in the corridors and made my way to the elevator. I heard Hardin call after as i made my way to the elevator . I got into the elevator and took it to the ground floor to go to the parking lot . We drove a few miles away from the hospital.

" Baby , do you want that doughnut ? " He ask me , as he gently squeezed my thigh.

" No , I'm not in the mood . " I say .

I don't know why Hardin is trying to act so calm , I can see in his face that his hurt just as badly as am. His trying to hide his pain bit his clearly not hiding or well .


We got home , i got out of the car and immediately ran to my room . I threw my bag on the floor and immediately fell down on my knees . I put my hands on my belly and immediately started to cry . I was so excited to have this baby and now ? Now I must hear that I have to abort my child ? Why , why is all this happening to me. Why , what have I done ? I heard the door creek open.

" Baby , don't cry . " Hardin's say as he picked me up from my the floor and carried me to our bed .

" Baby , don't cry. " he repeats as he comforts me.

" Baby , our little one is going to be okay and she will be just as stubborn as you. " he says before giving me a kiss.

" It's going to be okay , stop crying. " he says

" Stop saying that , it's not going to be okay. I child could die ! " I say yell as i hit him against his chest with my closed fist.

" She won't die . " he yell back at me . I could see the tears bubbling up in his eyes . " I'm sorry . " he says before wiping his tears from his .

" I have to get some air . " He says and left.

- [ Hardin's POV ]

" She won't die ! " I yell at her . I didn't mean to shout at her but I couldn't hear her saying that my child was going over and fucking over again.

" I'm sorry . " I say as I wiped the tears from my face. " I have to get some . " I say and walk away out of the room .

I know this is not the best time to leave her but I can't see her in this state , i don't like seeing her in this state. I went to go call Stassie to stay with her while i catch some fresh air .

I went out side and made sure nobody I could see me . I went went to go sit right at the back of the yard , i lie down on the grass and looked up the blue sky . The doctor's words played in my head like a song on reply.

" You can either choose to abort the baby or carry the baby for the full nine months , but I can't guarantee that the baby will live for that nine months ." his words replays in my head.

Why , why did this happen to me, to us ? Why ? The pain I'm feeling right now , I wouldn't wish this on my fucking worst enemy . The slowly run down my face into my ears , i wipe the tears from my face .


Later that day we all were all sitting around the dinner table eating or food . Some of us more then others , Olivia barely took a bite of her food and it her favorite , Spaghetti . I asked to make it specially for because she haven't eaten since when we came from the hospital.

" Baby eat something. " I say running my hand down her arm.

" I'm not hungry . " She says .

" But you haven't eaten since .... " I say .

" I said I'm not fucking hungry ! " She shouts at me before running upstairs and i ran after her . She went into our room and shut the door behind her . I opened the the door and locked it. She was laying in bed , just staring out of the window with her hand on her stomach . I walked i do the closer and took out my pajamas before going to lay down next to her. I placed my hand on her as i pushed my body closer to hers. She wasn't crying but she was staring at the window.

" Why did this have to happen ? " She ask me , i could barely hear her .

" I don't know baby , but everything happens for a reason. " I say before planting a kiss on her head.

" Baby , please get me another doctor. I want to do another rest . " She says .

" I will do anything that you want , my love . " I say and she turns around to me face me .

" What if we loose the baby ? " She ask with tears in her eyes .

" Don't ask me that , that will never happen. " I say wiping her tears with my thumb . I don't know what to say to her because I don't want to say the wrong words and hurt her more. I don't want her to cry again .

" You heard the doctor , there's a high risk of miscarriage. " She says .

" Baby please. " I say and have her a kiss ." Please stop talking about that , our baby will be healthy . " I tell her .

" So what we trying , to say we need to a miracle ? "She ask . Is that what I'm asking ?

" Baby, can we please just change the subject or go to sleep ? It has been a really long day . " I say.

" Goodnight Hardin . " She says turning her face away from mine and i gave her a kiss on the back of her head before turning away from her .

Why is it that i don't have anything to say to her ? I hate feeling helpless, i hate feeling like I can't do anything for the person that I love ? Why eveytime I try to have kids something alway bad needs to happen. When me and Gianna tried for a baby , she lost the baby and now the same thing might happen to Olivia . Why ? Am i not meant to have kids or what ?

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