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Chapter 28 .

They had to remove the fetus , they put me to sleep while they removed the fetus . I woke up and i saw Hardin sitting in the chair next to my hospital bed . His eyes were red from crying , he raised his head and saw that I was awake .

" How are you feeling ? " He ask me as he held my hand .

" Where's Stassie ? " I ask him .

" She went to get some coffee me and her . " he says .

" Oh, can I go home please . " I ask him .

" You will soon , we waiting in the doctor . " he says.

I lie down in the hospital bed with my hands on my belly , it feels like the baby is still their but I know it's not. The way in feeling now is like I just lost a part of me . A part of me that can't be replaced .The door open and i saw the doctor in the with coat walking closer to my bed.

" I'm glad that you are awake . You can go home as soon as you want to. " The doctor say .

" And I'm really sorry . " he says before walking out of the room leaving me and Hardin alone in the room .


After I got dressed w went home , Stassie drove with the car that we came with and Hardin and drove together . The whole drive home I was quiet , didn't dare to utter a word . Every minute or so I would feel Hardin's eyes on me , making sure if I was okay . When w floor home , i got out of the car and immediately walked to the bar . I grabbed a bottle of alcohol begore running to my bedroom . I opened the bottle and just as i wanted to start drinking Hardin came in and took the bottle from me .

" What the hell are you doing ? " he asked me .

" I dont know , i just want the pain to stop . " I cried out to him.

" You can't just run to a bottle and drink your problems away . Alcohol won't solve the pain . " he says.

" I'm sorry . " I say.

" Sorry for what . " he says .

" Sorry for not being able to give you ... " I say .

" That could've happened to anyone and trust me one-day we will have a baby . " he says sitting down infront of me with his knees between my legs . I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his face towards mine and i lips locked .

" What are you doing . " he say pulling away from me and I push my lips against his again .

" I need you . I need you inside of me . " I say , desperately kissing him . I unbuttoned his shirt and took out of . He picked me up from the floor and put me down on the bed begore getting back between my legs.

" We can't do this Olivia . " he says.

" Why not ? " I ask him .

" It's to soon. " he say and i push him from me . I got of the and went to go change into my pajama . I went downstairs for dinner , Stassie and Ayden was already sitting at the table . Ayden got up and walked towards me and gave me a hug .

" I'm so ... " he was able to say before cutting me off.

" You don't have to be sorry , things happen for a reason . " I say sitting down.

After we ate me and Stass decided to do the dished just to clear or head . It gave us more time to talk and we didn't do it for a while .We enjoyed it and it kind of cheered me up a little bit. I went to bed and Hardin was laying in bed waiting for me. I walked closer to him and got in bed next to him . I layed my head on his name chest, listening to sound of his beating heart .

" Are you okay ? " I hear him ask .

" Better then I felt a few hours ago . " I tell him .

" I'm glad you're feeling better. " he says giving me a kiss on the back of my head .

" Did you tell your mom yet ? " I ask him.

" No . "

" But we have to tell her sooner or later . " I say tilting me had up to him .

" Yeah , did Anastasia tell her mother yet ? " he ask .

" No , why don't we invite them over and tell them together ? " I ask him.

" Yeah , we can take then out for lunch ? "

" Yeah , sure . " I say .

We said goodnight to each other beforeI fell asleep on his chest. I liked falling asleep on his chest , it's best feeling every with his hamds all wrapped up around me. Some how it's satisfying .


I called aunt Allison and told her that we need to talk , she agreed to come . After Hardin made reservations at a restaurant he called his mom and she agreed to see us . Now that they agreed to come see us , i need to get dressed . I went to go take a quick shower before putting on clothes . I put on my black jeans , with a plain white t-shirt and pink faux fur jacket with a pair of white heels . I pulled my hair into a high ponytail before going downstairs to meet Hardin so we could leave .

We got at the restaurant and waited for his mom and aunt Allison to come. When they came , we ordered ordered our food and even though I'm not pregnant u still didn't ask for a glass of wine with my food . I got a glass of water with slices of lemon in .

" So what you wanna talk about . " His mom ask ?

" It's the baby okay . " aunt Allison and my facial expression immediately changed .

" That what we wanted to talk about . " I say .

" I went to the doctors yesterday because I was bleeding , i went to the doctor and that is when I found out that . I had a miscarriage . " I say with tears in my eyes .

Aunt Allison was in shock , she had her tears running down her face and Hardin's mother , she didnt say anything . Really , sometimes I think this woman is made out of some .

" I'm so , so sorry my darling. " Aunt Allison say standing up from her seat to give me a hug before she went to sit down .

" Everything happens for a reason . " Hardin's mom say.

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