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Chapter 18.

I literally could barely remember what happened last night, I woke up with a massive headache and for some reason my knees where hurting. Oh wait , my knees are hurting because I was Hardins sister. I hear the bedroom door creek open and I see Hardin walking in with two cups in his hands , he brought one for me and one for him . He walked around the bed and placed his cup on the nightstand before he opened the blinds in my room . The bright sunlight burning my eyes . Why doesn't he have a hangover? He was drinking just as much as I did .

" The light ! " I say and cover my eyes with my hands and he laughs before he came to sit next to me on the bed with our backs against the headboard. I got up and walked to the window to close it . I looked down and saw the head of Hardin's mother and Zara next to her . What the fuck and why are they coming here so early.

" Your mom is coming here . " I warn him.

" Fuuuck " he growls and cover his face with the duvet covers.

" She's going to force me to go to a wedding where I'm just going to waste my damn time. " He says and the annoyance in his tone is clear. I heard someone knocking on the door and I got up to go check who was at the door but Hardin stopped me .

" Don't open ! " he says. " Let her knock she will leave eventually. " he says.

" If I don't go open Stass will and she's not a morning person especially when she's hungover. " I say to him .

" I don't have time for my mom's lecturing now, not today. " He begs .

" When she ask for you I'll just say that you are sleeping . " I say tell him .

I put my pink fur slippers on and robe before I dragged my body to the front door . The house wasn't dirty. Thank God , I don't Queen Alexa judging me now , I'm already hungover and thank aunt Allison for helping us clean last night .

" Morning. " I say as I open the door for them . Allowing the to come in . " Sit down . "

The went to sit in the couch . They look like the at already judging my living space. Seriously people, get over yourself not everyone can afford multi-millionaire dollar mansions . Like get over yourself.

" Can I get you something to drink like coffee or a glass of whiskey ? " I say sarcastically.

" Yes , you can bring my brother. " Zara says.

" His sleeping . " I tell her .

" Go get him you gold digging..." She says.

" Bitch finished that sentence and that will be last sentence you'll finish . " I tell her .

" Gold digging bi-... " She says but Ms.Alexa stops her .

" Zara ! You're not a kid don't entertain her . " Her mother says. " Can you please go get Hardin. " She says nicely

I pushed myself from the sofa and dragged my ass to my room , I turn the knob and enter my room where Hardin is laying in my bed . His not going to like this.

" Your mom is waiting for you . " I tell him.

" Why didn't you tell her I was sleeping? I'm really not in the mood for her. " She says as he pushed himself out bed . I walked back to the living room with Hardin following me . He was just in his black boxers , he was literally naked . Let the judgement begin.

" Morning mother. " he says .

" Have you ever heard of sweat or pajama pants ? " Zara ask him .

" Oh shut up . " he says and sit down on the armchair .

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