Chapter 16

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Sam's doctor approaches us.

"Here comes Sam's surgeon," I announce.

Sammy immediately stands up along with everyone else. We anxiously wait for him to come over and tell us how Sam's doing.

"Dr. Preston." I reach out my hand, and he takes it.

"Mallory," he greets me.

"How is he?" I asked, concerned.

"He had a substantial amount of internal bleeding due to the ruptured spleen. The damage was severe enough that he needed a splenectomy. We were able to drain the blood from his abdomen, and his blood pressure is rising. We inserted a tube into Sam's pleural space to remove the excess air from his chest. His lung re-inflated nicely. We stitched up his lacerations and wrapped his ribs," he explains in detail,

Sammy speaks up, "How long till we can see him?"

"As soon as he's out of recovery. The nurse will give you his room number," he responds.

"How long will he be in the hospital," Sammy asks.

"You can expect him to be here for about a week. Full recovery can take up to six weeks." He replies.

"Thank you, Dr. Preston," I say with appreciation.

"Mallory, can I see you over here for a moment," Dr. Preston asks.

"Of course," I reply.

We step away from the group. "Sam was beside himself before being put under anesthesia. He more or less demanded that you be able to come into the recovery room. Something about you needing to see him as soon as possible. Normally, we would never allow family or friends into recovery, but since you're an employee here at the hospital, I don't see a problem with giving Sam his request."

Tears well up in my eyes, knowing I was first and foremost in Sam's thoughts.

I nod. "Give me one minute."

"Take your time. You know where to go." He smiles at me before walking away.

I go over to the group. "Sam wants me in the recovery room."

"Is he awake?" Scott inquires.

"No, he requested before going under for his surgery."

"Go," Sammy demands.

"We'll be right here for you and Sam, okay?" Kendall adds.

I nod, "Okay."

I enter the recovery room, where I see Sam lying in peace and looking very pale from the internal bleeding. I walk over to his bedside, careful to keep out of the way of his nurses. They smile as I wipe away the loose tear that escaped my eye.

I speak out loud, "Hey, Babe. I'm here; you scared the shit out of me. Sam, I love you so much. My heart hurts so much for you. I promise I'll take good care of you, Baby."

I stand there, ensuring I'm touching him somewhere while the nurses check his vitals. When they walk away, I take his hand into mine.

 When they walk away, I take his hand into mine

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