Chapter 10

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I notice that Scott is as white as a ghost. "You okay, Scott? You look pale."

Sam looks at Scott. "Come on, Scott. Sit down and take some deep breaths. Kendall is going to need you to be strong for her. Okay?"

"Okay. I can do this. It's my family, my wife, and my son. I'll be strong. I only need a minute."

Sam places his hand on Scott's shoulder, reassuringly squeezing him.

"I know you will, Scott," Sam reassures him.

Scott takes a deep breath and gulps his coffee.

"Sam..." I say.


I motion my head towards the monitor. I see that Kendall's contractions are coming faster.

"Ahhh... yes. We need to check Kendall. Let me call the nurse." Sam smiles.

I speak up, "I'm a nurse."

"I guess that you qualify," he replies with a smirk.

I give him a dirty look. "You guess?"

"I'm kidding. Can you assist me here?" Sam requests.

"Of course," I reply.

I pull up Kendall's knees to give Sam the access he needs to check Kendall's progress.

"How is she, Doc?" Scott asks anxiously,

"She's doing well, Scott. She's ten cm dilated and ready to start pushing. Good call, Mallory." Sam winks at me, and I smile shyly at him.

"Scott, are you ready to welcome your son into the world?" I ask.

"I'm more than ready," he answers confidently, his color returning to his face

"Let's wake up, Mom. Mallory, can you hit the nurse's button, please," Sam requests.

"Sure." I press the button, then help Scott get Kendall awake.

"Baby, time to wake up. Baby Boy is ready to meet his momma!" Scott gently shakes her.

I try to help. "Come on, Kendall. You don't want to miss this."

She stirs. "Mmmmm. Baby boy?"

Kendall's eyes slowly open. She looks from Scott's face to mine. It takes her a minute before she gets her bearings.

"He's ready to meet us, Babe. It's time to push, right Doc?" Scott looks at Sam.

Kendall also looks at Sam. He has his mask on and the attending nurse is standing by to assist.

"Yep. It's time to push, Kendall. Scott and Mallory, if you can each, please hold Kendall's knees for her," he instructs us.

I get on one side, grab her leg right under the knee, and pull it up. Scott is on the other side, mirroring my actions.

Sam looks at Kendall. "Okay, Kendall. I'm going to let you know when the next contraction comes. When I say go, I need you to bear down and push with all your might."

That's what Kendall did. She was a trouper and pushed for over forty-five minutes, never giving up, as Sam coached her through each contraction with encouragement.

"You're doing great, Kendall. Give me one more push, and Baby Boy will be here. Ready, here we go, 1, 2, 3, push Kendall. That's a girl; here come his shoulders. Once they get through, the rest of him will follow quickly. Push..."

"I am pushing, Doc!" Kendall screams.

"I know you are, Kendall, just a little more. There we go, Baby Boy. Here we are.." Sam says in a soothing voice.

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