Chapter 4

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What could Kendall have to tell me that she feels is so important that it can't wait?

"What? Tell me," I demand.

She looks nervous, and I don't know how to read her body language.

"Um... so first, you need to know I had no clue. Please don't hate me for what I'm about to say?" She looks away from me.

"Kendall, you're scaring me. Why are you so nervous?" I pleaded.

"I don't want to upset you, Mallory." Tears fill Kendall's eyes.

"What could you possibly say that could upset me? I'm so perplexed right now." This girl is beginning to frustrate me.

Kendall takes a deep breath before blurting out, "I'm pregnant."


"This couldn't wait? What the hell, Kendall?" She's right, I'm pissed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. You know how sporadic my periods are. I'm already starting to show, Mallory. I thought that I was putting on weight, but actually, I'm four months pregnant!" She starts to cry, and I feel like a selfish bitch.

I get up and cross over to her, taking her into my arms. I hold her as she cries.

"Shhh. I'm sorry for how I reacted," I apologize, and without thinking— "What does Scott think?"

Kendall looks at me with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Are you sure that you are okay to talk about Scott?"

"Yes. I want to know how Scott took the news," I admit.

"He doesn't know yet. I came right here after my doctor's appointment. He's going to hate me! You know how he is. He has his life planned out. First, save money for a house, then save money for marriage, then save money for kids," she rambles nervously.

I'm not sure which emotions to feel. Do I feel jealous of Kendall or sorry for myself that I'll never have the chance to have Ben's baby? Do I feel compassion for my best friend, whose world is about to be turned upside down? Do I feel scared for her telling Scott the news that essentially destroys his plans?

"Please, Mallory, say something, anything!" she begs me.

"I... I don't know what to say," is my only response.

"I'm sorry. I needed to tell you. I don't know what I'm going to do." She hides her face in her hands.

The sympathy for my best friend exceeded all the other thoughts going through my mind. "It will be okay, Kendall. I'm here for you no matter what."

She lets all of her pent-up emotions go. I continue to hold her tight, trying my best to comfort her.

"Scott is going to hate me. I know that he is!" she cries.

"Come on, now. Scott loves you. He's not going to hate you. It's not like you did this on purpose. Wait! You didn't do this on purpose, right?" I inquire.

"No, but I'm afraid that's what he'll think. He knows that I'm tired of waiting for us to have our life perfect before even setting a date to get married. Shit! He's going to think this was on purpose!" she declares.

I squeeze her. "What can I do to help?"

"Ugh," Kendall exclaims, "I should be caring for you, not the other way around! I'm such a fuckup!"

I turn her face towards me and look into her dark brown eyes. "Kendall, we should both be there for each other. I lean on you, and you lean on me. That's what friends do. Now, what can I do for you?"

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