Chapter 7

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I was doing vitals for my last little patient, then going on break. "There you go, little guy. I'll be back in a little bit. Try not to miss me, handsome."

I'm ready to get off of my feet. "Kathy, I'm going on break. I'll be back in about ten minutes. Want anything? Coffee, soda?"

"I'm good. Thank you," Kathy replies.

"See you in ten." I smile gratefully at her.

I take the elevator to the 8th floor, where the 24-hour cafe is open.

I'm fixing the coffee I purchased when I hear a familiar voice.

"Hello, Mallory. Fancy meeting you here."

I wonder how much of a coincidence this is.

"Hello, Dr. Daniels."

He smiles. "Care to join me?"

"Um... sure. I have a few minutes."

We sit at a table for two.

"So, Mallory, I have a confession," he admits.

I'm surprised by his words. "Oh. We barely know each other. What could you possibly have to confess to me."

"Well, when we met at my office, I recognized you but didn't know where from. You then reminded me it was from the hospital, and things clicked. I recalled seeing you here and occasionally giving you a wave, but what you didn't know is that I always found you extremely attractive," Sam confesses.

I hold my breath, not wanting him to go on. I want to run but can't move.

He continues, "So, at my office, I noticed that you wear an engagement ring. I thought my chances of getting to know you on a more personal level was not going to happen."

Run, damn it, run!

"I was still inquisitive about you, so I asked around and heard that you had lost your fiancé in a fire accident."

Please stop! Just stop! I feel tears begin to fall.

He doesn't stop but looks at me with compassion. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about your loss and can't imagine what life has been like for you for the past several months. I want to be your friend. If you need a strong pair of arms to help you and Scott is unavailable, don't hesitate to contact me."

Well shit! I was't expecting that!

I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Thank you, Dr. Daniels."

"Please, my friends, call me Sam. I would like you to call me Sam, too, when we're not on the hospital floor. Okay?" He smiles, and I notice his kind eyes.

I grin. "Okay... Sam."

"See, that wasn't so hard." His smile was so warm and inviting that I smiled back.

"How about you hand me your phone, and I'll put my contact information into it."

I nod my head and retrieve my phone from my pocket. I unlock it and hand it to Sam. He takes a few moments to put in his information and returns it to me. I see the time on my phone's screen and realize my break is over.

I stand up. "Thank you again for your kind words, Sam. My break is over, so I have to head back."

He stands with me. "I hope that now since we're friends, we can meet for coffee more often."

"I would like that. Bye Sam."

"Goodbye, Mallory. Enjoy the rest of your shift."

"When you have sweet little patients, it's easy," I say.

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