Chapter 8

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It's moving day. Thank goodness my mom and Kendall were here to help me get through Ben's things. I donated most of his belongings. I ensured Scott could go through everything to get what he wanted before we boxed everything up. I kept a few souvenirs from Ben's college days and every photo we ever took together (except the ones that Scott wanted.) It was a difficult couple of days, but we got through it together.

"What time did you tell Dr. Daniels to be here?" Kendall asks.

I look at my watch. It's 7:45 a.m. "I told Sam 8:00."

"I'm glad that you two are being friendly. Sam is a great guy." Kendall smiles at me.

"He is. Although, after today, he might wish he never offered up his strong arms to me," I laugh.

Kendall raised her eyebrows.

"You know what I mean. Don't be an asshole," I say.

She holds up her hands in defense. "Who me?"

We don't see Scott enter the room. "Who's calling my wife and the mother of my child an asshole?"

Kendall pouts and points at me.

"Damn, Scott. What the hell? Keep sneaking up on us like that, and we'll make you wear a bell around your neck."

He gives me a smirk.

"So, where's the Doc?" Scott asks.

"He should be here any minute," I said.

Speak of the devil; Sam pulls in behind the moving truck.

"Good morning. I brought coffee and donuts. Decaf for you, Mrs. Denson."

"You're hired!" Scott exclaims.

"And you get a raise." I smile.

"Who knew it only took a few donuts." He smiles sweetly.

"And don't forget the coffee," I added.

"Right! Who knew a couple of donuts and coffee would get me a raise? Do you think it would work for the hospital board?" he jokes.

"Nah. We're pushovers compared to them," I say.

We laugh, and Sam hands out coffees and holds the donut box for us to choose one.

"Mallory, here's your coffee. Two creams and one sugar."

I take the cup. "Thank you, kind sir."

I catch Kendall and Scott looking at each other and smiling.

I give them a dirty look. "What's the big deal? The man pays attention."

"Obviously," Kendall smirks.

Sam blushes, and it's adorable.

"See... now you've embarrassed the help."

Sam raises his brows. "The help, huh?"

I shrug. "You're here to help, right?"

He smiles. "I can't argue with that logic! I guess I'm the help."

We put the last bite of donuts in our mouths when the boss speaks up, "Okay, slackers. Let's get to work."

I lean in and whisper to Sam, "I told you she would be bossy."

"You did, and I think I mentioned something about gusto," he adds, which makes me smile.

"Chop, chop, people we don't have all day. I heard that there would be pizza once we finished the job," Kendall announces.

"You just ate a donut!" I fire back.

She pulls another donut out of the box, and I can't help but chuckle.

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