Epilogue: 13th birthday

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"My love? Can you set out the fine china  for me? Dont forget plastic for Lily and her friends though!"

"Yes Draco. Have you lit the candles in the bathroom yet? You know what Blaise is like after Tacos!"

"Right! Thank you dear! What time is it?"

"11:15 the guests will arrive in about fifteen minutes."

"Why are y'all shouting? We live in a hut!" Lily chimed in.

"Sorry dear. Oh that's right! Didn't you say you wanted to talk to us before the guests arrived?"

Lily was quiet for a moment, and Draco walked over to stand by me. "Yes... um could you sit down?"

"Of course Lilypad. You can tell us anything dear, we love you."

She takes a deep breath and paces for a few moments. Then she stops infront of us, looking at her toes. "I- I've been talking with Proffesor McGonagall a lot these past few months, and you guys and her have helped me find out something."

"And what would that be Lil?"

"I- I don't feel like I'm a girl all the time." She looks at us expectantly.

"Okay... so do you feel like a boy?"

"No, I mean- yes sometimes. But I think I'm neither, or both... or something." She looks back at her toes again, sighing before continuing. "McGonagall helped me figure out a name for what I am and I think- Daddy, Papa... I think I'm nonbinary."

The room is quiet for a moment, Draco and I are both thinking of the right thing to say, but dragging out the silence is obviously scaring the 13 year old more. "That's great sweetheart. We're happy you're figuring out who you are. Do you want to go by a different name? Or pronouns?"

"Umm I don't know a name yet, I really like it when you call me Lil and Lilypad tho, so if you could keep doing that, it would be cool."

"Okay, what about new pronouns?"

"I like they/them pronouns mostly. But she/her are cool too."

Draco had been awfully quiet and I nudged him in the side. He stood up and walked towards our Lilypad, wrapping his arms around them. "We love you no matter what, and we are always here to support you. Okay?"

They nodded and started crying into his chest. I stand up to join the hug. After a few minutes Lil steps back and asks "Can I come out to everybody today?"

"That's your choice Lil, if you want we can plan a time for you to come out, so you can have everyone's attention?" Draco suggests

They nod. "But can you guys help me explain it?"

"Of course. How about before dinner?"

They smile, "okay."

"Now go get changed, people are supposed to be here now!" Lil runs off to their room and changes into the birthday outfit we found at a muggle thrift shop. Draco had disappeared into their room last night to help make some alterations to the outfit.

The skirt had been cut so that it lay more like a black cape from their waist; a slit ran from the top to the bottom in the center, revealing the yellow leggings underneath. It was paired with a yellow and black checkered button-up and a yellow rose flower crown. This child definately had more of a sense of style than me.

The guests arrived almost everyone at the same time. Despite the strict floo time-slots Draco had made to ensure no one landed on top of anyone else.

Lilypad's Hogwarts friends skipped down the hill in their outfits that definately matched Lil's when it came to extravagance. The Weasley's and Blaise were late as expected, as were Sirius, Remus, and Hagrid. McGonagall, Hermione, and Pansy all walked down the hill together, and the last guest was a small owl carrying quite the large package.

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