Chapter 6: Hogsmeade

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"You are an absolute idiot Harry. Of course I'll help you get ready for your date. We can gave a girls day!" Ginny squealed like a school girl. Hermione and Ron were off in the boys dorm fighting (again), so I decided to sit on Ginny's bed in the girls dorm as she rustled through my clothes.

"When Hermione comes in here crying again, we can comfort her and she can do your makeup and I can pick your outfit." She smiled. We both knew how Ron and Hermione's fights ended. She'd cry until she couldn't anymore, and Ron would go to the lake and scream at the mermaids to take him and "feast off his raw meat and crunchy bones" until he decided it wouldn't work.

"She does love doing my makeup. But we only have a few hours until we begin walking. How long do you think it'll be until they finish?"

"I give it about 50 seconds til you hear a door slam. And one minute until Hermione screams, right before flopping onto the bed. And... action." Just like she had said, we heard a door slam, a lot of stomping, and no more than ten seconds later the door swung open.

"ARRGH! That Ronald thinks he can get away with everything!" She flopped down, face first onto her bed. Before bolting upright. "Do you know what he did this time? Come on. Take a guess." When she realised we weren't going to give her an answer in fear of her wrath, she answered her own question. "He cheated on me Ginny! Not even 6 months in and he goes off and shags Dean and Seamus! Then he had the nerve to tell me that he was just 'exploring the other side of himself'" she made quotes in the air before letting out a frustrated sigh and looking at me straight in the eye. "Oh, hello Harry."

I turned to look at Ginny and she shrugged before we both let out a long burst of giggles.

"Mione, I love you like a sister, but it took you ten whole minutes to realise Harry was here." Hermione blushed and then smiled at me. "And he's here so that we can get him ready for his date."

"He said yes?! You never told me! That's amazing Harry!" She got up from her spot on the bed and hugged me tightly. "Wait..." she pulled away and looked at Ginny, "Did you say, makeup?" She got up and bounced around before she raced around the dorm grabbing makeup pallettes and brushes, and sat down infront of me. "What are we going for? Natural? Gay Royalty? Tell me what you're feeling."

"Surprise me."


I walk across the snow covered hills, searching for a head of white-blond hair somewhere in the crowds. He spots me first and races over, I grab his hand and wave hello, smiling.

Draco's POV

Harry was absolutely stunning. I've never seen him wear makeup before, but it suits him really well! His eyes seemed to pop even more with his bold eyelashes, and the contrasting colors were beautiful. He topped it all off with a light pink/nude lip. He's wearing white ripped skinny jeans, and a plain light blue button-down.

I can't believe I'm going on a date with him! At least... I think it's a date? He called it a date. I'm about to pull out our journal, but he grabs my hand and smiles. He's so gorgeous, I cant believe he confessed to me.

The entire group started walking towards Hogsmeade. We walked in comfortable silence the whole time until we reached our destination. He pulled out his own notebook and showed me the cover. It read: "Harry and Draco's conversation journal"

He blushed before pulling out a quill and began writing. He turned the book towards me. I noticed that our journal is running out. I asked Hermione to charm this one. The pages never run out! I couldn't help but laugh. He's too perfect. I grab the book from his hands and steal his quill, being too lazy to get one out of my own bag.

It's adorable. I love it. Now. Where are we off to?

I thought we could go to The Three Broomsticks, as long as it's not too crowded. After I finish reading I look up to see him holding out his hand and grinning ear to ear.

Harry's POV

We reach The Three Broomsticks and luckily find a small empty table. When we first walked it, we saw Hermione, Pansy, Luna and Ginny. (Author: wink wink)

I open the journal just wide enough for us both to read. I really need to thank Hermione for this later, Draco's whole face lit up when he realised what it was. I paid for a couple of Butterbeers and sat back down. When I came back, he had written something in the book.

This is a date, right?

Of course! I thought I said that? Did I do it wrong?

No! You were perfrct. I was quite impressed actually. You are a  surprising one Potter. We giggled together and started in on a long conversation. We talked about my makeup, the butterbeer, Hermione and Ron's breakup, and Dean, Seamus, and Ron's threesomes. We had gone through four Butterbeers each when we realised that we only had an hour left until we had to set out for the castle.

I want to take you one more place. He nodded, so I folded up the book, put my quills away and helped him out of his seat.

We walked hand in hand until we reached our destination. The snowy peak that looked over a beautiful landscape. The Shreiking Shack was a few yards behind us, and their was a large rock to our left. I ushered him over and we sat together.

I grabbed our journal and sat it between us. Not even a minute later, he grabbed it an began scribbling something.

It's beautiful. He blushed and looked infront of us. I could care less about the veiw, the person infront of me is the most beautiful thing I see.

It is. I write back, he doesn't have to know I'm thinking about him.

Oh no. He caught me staring at him. I quickly turn my head around, and feel my face heat up until I feel his head in my lap. I look down to see two beautiful pools of blue-grey looking back at me. I feel a sudden urge to kiss him, but retreat. Although Draco doesn't. He lifts his head to kiss me.

As soon as it happens, it feels perfect. Our lips feel as if they were made to connect. Despite the cold, his lips are warm.

We slowly, and grudgingly release eachother. When I see his face, his smile is brighter than I've ever seen it. We stare at eachother for a few minutes before he jolts up, writing something quickly in the notebook. What time is it? When do we go back to school?

Shit! We have three minutes to reach everyone else and go back to school. I jump up, he grabs the notebook, and we run.

"Hello Potter, glad you and your friend could join us." Professor McGonagall stated. I realised that they waited for us when I looked at the time.

"Sorry, we got um- we lost track of time."

"I can see that." She looked at Draco's face and shook her head. "Come on everyone! Let's get moving!"

I looked up at Draco to see my pink lipstick all over Draco's lips.

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