Chapter 4: After the Party

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We played a few more rounds of truth or dare before people began deciding to go to sleep. The only problem was that curfew had already passed, so the few people from other houses either had to sneak into their dorms, or stay in the Gryffindor dorms. Draco had promptly told Hermione that He had a perfect record through now, and he wasn't planning on breaking that.

I let Draco sleep on my bed, and I slept on the floor until Ron offered to let me sleep in his bed with him, like we've done so many times before. I agreed and sleep came fast after that.


I wake up the next morning with a pillow viciously attacking my head. I let it get a few hits before I decide to figure out who is the mastermind behind the attack. I jump up and tackle my attacker to the bed and hear that amazing laugh. Draco.

One second I have his hands locked beneath me, and the next I'm tickling the life out of him. His laugh gets louder and cuter until he's crying from the laughter. I stop and get up and he pouts, hitting me with the pillow another time.

He signs something, forgetting I don't understand, and then corrects hinself. He mimes eating a burger, then I realise it's time for breakfast. All the other guys in my dorm are gone, so I tell Draco to turn around while I change.

When I'm ready I grab his hand and pull him down the hall. As soon as we exit the portrait hole I expect him to let go. But he doesn't, so I don't either.

We reach the great hall, and I finally let go, not wanting my friends to tease me forever. He sits in between Luna and me, and across from Hermione. They begin signing back and forth. Merlin, it would be so much easier to talk to him if I knew sign language. So I devise a plan.


Draco's POV

November 16, XXXX

Dear Journal,

I don't think I've ever had as much fun in my whole life update compared to the past three months. This is the first year that I can actually talk to people. All because of one silly Gryffindor. And he's gay too. He told me himself. He's kinda attractive not going to lie. But I CAN'T catch feelings.

I'm absolutely not going to fall for him. He's just being nice to me because I'm deaf. I need to get myself together but it's hard when he looks at me with those beautiful green eyes, or he grabs me by the hand. Oh. And his shaggy, messy raven hair. I swoon. But I cant. I'm stupid for even thinking this. He couldn't be attracted to me, that's just plain idiotic.

Enough of Harry. Here's an update on Litigo. She escaped the dorm last night and caught a few mice, but didn't kill them. She just laid down and swatted them around for a bit before letting them go. She's such a strange cat. But you've gotta love her.



After class Hermione and Ron are cuddling on the couch, which means this is the perfect time to explain my plan.

"A new meeting is being called to order guys." Hermione sat up and Ron groaned quietly before he did the same. " I want to learn sign language.

"For Draco?" She clapped her hands together. "Oh Harry, that's so sweet!"

"Sweet? I think it's just common courtesy. I'd try to learn it to if I was actually close to the guy. And Harry is certainly close to him."

"I just want to be able to talk to him, and see his emotion while I'm talking to him. I want to be able to communicate without my hand cramping if we've had 'too long' of a discussion."

"Well I think it's a swell idea."

"Me too mate. Do whatever makes you happiest."

"I'm off to the library then. I have to go get my cloak. It is after hours." They both laugh.

"Alright then Harry, have fun."

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