Chapter 18: Surprise

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"Harry, darling. Wake up, it's best you go get Lily ready for the day." I sit up and see Draco, half-naked, staring at me.

"Yes love? I can see there's something on your mind." Standing up and walking towards him, I gingerly place a hand on his arm.

"Where are you going today if you wont be with Lily and McGonagall?" He looked down, almost as if he was afraid to ask.

I tilt his chin up to look at me. "Its a surprise Dray, I'll be staying in the same small village as Lily." Still refusing to make eye contact, he didn't look reassured. I grab his face gently, forcing him to look at me. "I love you Draco Malfoy. I love you and no one else. And I will NEVER stop loving you. Okay?"

He nods. "I love you too Harry." I kiss him on the lips. He turns around to get dressed, always proper for guests.

I finish getting dressed and go into Lily's room. "Sweetheart... wake up. You and daddy are going to go on a trip today to see a friend."

She rubs her eyes and basically throws herself out of bed. "Do I have to wear a dress?"

"Umm, not if you don't want to. You can wear anything you want." She nodded and walked to her closet, pulling out a pair of blue shorts and a t-shirt. I walk out so she can get dressed and she comes out soon afterwards. Draco sees her and gives me a look, I merely shrug. It's a bit different than her usual style but I'm not going to argue with her about it. 

Draco served up some waffles, which Lily devoured in minutes. When breakfast was finished, Lily and I said our goodbyes to Draco, and our guests arrived. Lily gasped "Can I say hello to aunt Pansy and Uncle Blaise? Pretty please daddy!"

I laugh. "Of course, but make it quick, we can't be too late." She ran and tackled the back of Blaise's legs, throwing him onto the ground.

"Dam- Dang Blaise, you just got attacked by a little girl and you still lost."

"Oh sod off Parkinson, she tackled a weak spot. I'd like to see you fight that off." He crossed his arms and helped Lily off the ground. She immediately ran into Pansy's arms and hugged her. Pansy stuck her tongue out at Blaise, and Draco rolled his eyes from the doorway.

We said our goodbyes, I kissed Draco one last time and grabbed Lily's hand. We set off walking so that we could apparate to McGonagall's home. We walked in comfortable silence for a while until Lily finally spoke.

"Daddy, I have a question."

"Yes Lilypad?"

"Um... is it okay if I like wearing boy clothes sometimes?" The question shocked me at first, but once I realised I was silent for too long a knelt down infront of her.

"Now I want you to listen to me. There is no such thing as boy clothes and girl clothes. There is only clothes. You can wear whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy." I smile at her, and notice small tears welling in her eyes.

She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around my neck. I ask her what's the matter and she replied with, "Mum always yelled at me when I wanted to." And she cried some more. "I love you daddy."


"Goodbye daddy, see you later!"

"Bye-bye Lilypad."

"You can come and get her in about an hour or so." I nod and she continues. "Come in dear, let's have some biscuits and talk." Lily grins and takes McGonagall's hand.

I turn around and walk out into the street. After a ten minute walk, I arrive at my destination: Sean and Seamus Tatoos.' I walk through the door and come face to face with my old roommate. "Harry! You made it! I'm so excited."

"You're excited? I'm the one getting a tatoo!" We laughed and went over the plans and got to work. He printed the stencil on my arm, and went to work.

I'd been wanting to get this tattooed for a while, but I needed to wait until the right time, and I believe there's no better time then now. Seamus makes no small talk, he just concentrates, he "refuses to mess up on the most famous guy in the Wizarding world" or so he says.

I hope Draco is enjoying himself, I can't wait to show this to him tonight, especially after yesterday's events. Soon enough Seamus is finished and he didn't light me on fire. I pay, thank him and then start making my way to go pick Lily up.

I knock on the door. And I hear a little squeal of excitement from inside. A small girl opens the door, "Daddy!" She hugs me and soon McGonagall appears standing over us. I look at her, "How'd it go?"

"It was fine Harry, but I need to give you some very strict orders." She paused and smiled lovingly at Lily. "One, give her a drop of sleeping draught every other night, to help with the nightmares. And two, take her to the store and let her walk around and pick things out she wants, rather than you picking them out alright?"

"Of course. Those both sound like swell ideas." Lily beamed at me before hugging McGonagall.

"Goodbye miss! I'll see you next week!"

"Bye Lily. Bye Harry, keep in touch."

"Will do professor." Lily grabs my hand again and we apparate back, right outside of school grounds.


"Yes lilypad?"

"Where were you while I was talking with Proffesor McGonagall?" She looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes I'm told match mine.

"I was getting a surprise that's gonna make Papa cry"

"Happy cry though, right?"

I smile at her. "Of course, happy cry."

She nods slowly and then randomly blurts out, "Race ya!" and begins sprinting to the hut.

I run after her, but making sure I stay behind her, letting her win. "Haha Daddy! I beat you! I'm gonna go tell Papa I beat you in a race!" I laugh and she runs inside, I flop down on the garden bench Draco ordered, despite my protests, and the price. I have to admit Draco has done wonders for this small home. I wouldn't be able to recognize it if I hadn't been here while it was remodeled.

Once I catch my breath, I walk inside and Lily is already sprawled on Pansy and Blaise's laps telling them about everything and anything she can. I waltz over to Draco and lean down to kiss him. I grab his hand, pulling him up and dragging him towards our room.

"Wha- Harry! We. Have. Guests."

"I know, it's not what you think love." I look at Blaise. "We'll only be a moment." He nods, knowing my plan, allowing me to drag Draco into our room. I seat him on the bed and pull up my shirt sleeve.

"Harry! What happened? Why do you have such a huge bandage on your arm?!" He was clearly worried, which was not the reaction I expected to get.

I laugh. "Clearly you've never seen the aftercare of a tatoo before."

"No I have not, but tell me where- wait... tatoo?" I nod smugly at him. "You didn't tell me you were getting a tatoo!"

"Duh, it was a surprise silly. Would you like to do the honors?" I kneel down so he can reach and he slowly pulls the bandage off.

It was the way you laughed; I knew I wanted that in my life

He mumbled the phrase to himself. "I- I dont know what to say?"

"Draco. From the moment I heard your laugh on the train to hogwarts in our fifth year, I knew that I wanted to stay by your side no matter what. I fell in love with you at that exact moment, and I have never doubted that love." I take a deep breath, I can see the tears welling up in his eyes. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He wraps his arms around my neck, sobbing now.

"I love you so much Harry."

"I love you too Darling."

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