Chapter 12: Lily

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"Boys, wake up. We're going into town in half and hour." Remus walked into our room and announced before going into the kitchen to prepare coffee. It was the last day before we have to return to school, Sirius and Remus are taking us out for lunch, and Hagrid will meet up with us at the Leaky Cauldron to give Sirius something.

Draco of course didnt hear Remus, so I turned over and wrapped my arms around the tall boy. I kiss him softly until his eyes flutter open. Time to wake up love.

He nods and places one last kiss on my lips before he lazily rolls out of bed. We both get dressed, I notice that he remembered to put on his flower crown, but he forgot the Auditus. I walk over slowly and pretend to start talking to him. "Yah, I gave Ron a blowjob last night."

He whips around and puts one of the aids in and all but yells "what?!"

"I just said that I gave Ron a potion last night." A look of pure relief washes over his face before he turns back around to put the other aid in. I chuckle softly and finish getting dressed.

We head down the hall, finding Sirius sitting on Remus' lap, whispering softly to eachother. I look at Draco and squeeze his hand softly. "Moooorning." Remus finally notices us, abruptly shoving Sirius onto the floor. He clears his throat and Sirius brushes off his t-shirt.

"You boys ready to go?" We nod and start off on today's journey.

We make our first stop at the local park, Sirius and Remus go for a jog, while Draco decides to simply sit on the nearest park bench to write. I swear he's already filled up half of one of the new journals he recieved for Christmas.

I look at him for a moment before I feel a small tug on my sleeve. I turn to face a little girl, snot and tears running down her face. "Mommy? ... gone." She sniffs.

"Are you lost honey?" The small child only nods and clings to the side of my arm. From the looks of it, the girl was playing on the nearby playground before she wandered a bit too far. She looks to be 7 or 8, because of her size.

I glance towards my blonde, wordlessly telling him I'll be right back, grabbing the girl and placing her on my hip. As we walk towards the playground I only notice one mother, and one other child. The mother is on her phone and the child seems to be only 3 years old, she's playing in the sand. I approach the woman slowly. "Is this little one yours ma'am?"

She barely looks at me at all. "No. Bugger off boy, I'm busy." I take one last look around the playground before stopping in the middle of the feild and placing the little girl on the ground.

"Hi darling. What's your name?"

She wipes her snot onto her jacket sleeve, making me cringe slightly. "Lily, like the flower." I'm shocked, but I dont want to scare her, so I keep my feelings to myself.

"Alright Lily, do you know where you were when you lost your mum."

She nodded. "Home. Mommy was making dinner and then she disappeared. I was outside playing with Louise."

"Who's Louise?" Lily held out the doll she was holding, it looked old and worn out. "Well, well. She's mighty pretty." I smiled, and realised what might be going on. "Lily? How long ago did you lose mommy?"

"Louise and me slept on the porch for two dark days."

"Sweetheart, do you know where you live?" She nodded and recited her address to the tune of a song. I pick her up. "Okay, I'm going to find family and we'll take you home. Sound alright with you?" She nods again and wraps her arms around my neck, promptly falling asleep.

I find Sirius and Remus within a few minutes and explain the situation. "Poor dear probably didn't sleep at all these past few days. Probably scared out of her wits, and freezing too." Remus remarked.

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