Chapter 11

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"Are you hungry babe?" he asks, as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Starving." I smile.

"Do you like hamburgers?"

"I love them," I say and he smiles.

"In and out it is then." He says with a cute smile. His teeth bite lightly onto his lips.

The woman at the drive-thru finally hands us our meals and Jacob pays for our food. I have no idea where we're going but I find myself wanting the trip to last long so I can be beside Jacob for a while. He parks his car right in front of a tall cliff before stepping out to open my door. I look over the tall cliff, the mountains are beautiful and the sky is tainted with light and dark colors.

"Wow! This is beautiful." I say.

"Go ahead, take a picture on your phone." He says, gesturing to the phone in my pocket.

I grab my phone and realize that Jacob has already set everything up for me. I smile at him; knowing how much effort made for me.

 He quickly moves in front of the camera as I snap the picture. Jacob steps behind me, taking a picture of the two of us.

"come here Madison." he gestures next to him on top of the car. I love the way he says my name . . . the way it rolls so perfectly off his tongue.

"Good right?" He asks smiling as I take a big bite. Why do the questions emerge when my mouth is full? I try my best to speed up my chewing so I can answer.

"Yes, it really is." I finish my fries fast and I notice he's a slower eater. I reach my hand to grab a few of his playfully and he chuckles.

"Take them all beautiful." His words make my skin hot and the hair on my neck stands up. I start to shiver despite the slight sun in front of us.

 My dress is still short and not made to wear outside, sunny or not. His eyes dart to my shivering body and he pulls a jacket out of the back seat of his car. It's black with maroon red sleeves.

"Thanks," I say as he puts it over my shoulders and sits back next to me.

"So tell me, who is Madison, what's her story?" he asks and I find it harder than it should be to answer him.

"Well, I grew up in Charm, Ohio, and I've lived there all my life. It was always the three of us, me, my mom, and my dad," I run my hand through my hair.

"And I umm, I. . . well, I always wanted a sibling, but I quickly realized that wasn't going to happen. My dad left, he left . . . us. Ever since then I'm always just been me and my mom." I explain.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"No, I barely remember him anyway, he left when I was really young."

"How young?" He asks.

"Five." I force a smile.

"Anyway, what about you?" I try to change the subject.

"Well I'm an only child, my parents just never wanted more kids, and I don't think kids wanted them, they're very strict and not very parent-like and I had to be alone most of the time during my childhood which didn't suck as much as you'd think." He giggles.

"So how do you know Chrissy and Miles?" I ask with a smile.

"I know Miles since high school and then Chrissy somehow managed to get into our two-people friend group and her sticking around for long enough made the boy fall in love." He laughs.

"But I don't take that relationship too seriously." He smiles.

"why not?" I asked confused, I knew tye had problems but I figured that they were making ti work.

"Well Chrissy is the sensitive type and Miles he doesn't care about anything, they're just polar opposites." He explains and I nod.Jacob's hand holds at the back of my neck before he leans in, his blue eyes staring right into mine. He slides his other hand slightly up my thigh. His tongue feels familiar and my lips don't hesitate to kiss him harder.

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