Bonus Chapter one

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Hi guys!! So I was going over my TPS file and I noticed that I had some deleted scenes that I thought you guys would like to see since they're still something I was almost going to publish but then thought that I'd have to delete it and re-write it or change it!! Enjoy guys!! let me know if this is something you enjoyed or not <3 

Jacob and Madison go to a 'picnic'  at the early stages of their dating (when Madison has just arrived at WSU)

WE FINALLY arrive at a secluded place. Everything is starting to be dark, even the sky isn't pure blue like it was before, instead, it's filled with the colors of a beautiful sunset.

"here." He leads me onto a hill. I carefully take every step, my heels aren't exactly made to walk through the soft grass. 

As we approach the top of the hill I see beautiful scenery along with a picnic spread out on the grass. "this is . . . beautiful" I say still surprised. 

This is perfect. I almost want to cry but I hold it in despite the lump in my throat. His blue jacket and white clock on his wrist fit him perfectly. We both sit down and my eyes carefully scan the picnic. 

There is a slice of cake for the both of us and lemonade with all kinds of snacks lying around. He really is perfect. 

I can't help but smile. 

"I thought we could get to know each other a little bit more." I always found that dating without fully knowing each other was stupid but now I get it, there's a thrill, excitement but also a fear of sadness and a crushed heart. What if we break up because we're too different? Ever since I was little I wanted to be with one person forever. I wanted a first and last kiss not a last first kiss. 

"well, what do you want to know?" I say calmly, trying to keep my excitement as I grab a few strawberries into the palm of my hand. 

"Well for starters, what's your favorite fruit." He says with a raised eyebrow and a smile. 

"This," I say with a smile whilst dangling the berry in front of his face He chuckles before taking it into his mouth, making me giggle. 

I love the way Jacob smiles, it's kind of a side smile but somehow subtle.

"So what's your favorite fruit?"

"Mangos and pineapples." He says whilst staring right into my eyes.

"Miles' fruit is probably coal," I say without thinking and the both of us burst into laughter. "I love how easy it is being with you . . . it's so effortless and . . . perfect." He says keeping his eyes steady on mine.

"So tell me, who is Madison?" he asks and I cringe a little. "Well . . ." I take a deep breath.

"I'm from a small town in Ohio, and I live with my mom . . . well not anymore obviously." I laugh and he smiles. I can tell he's interested in my story more than the jokes and small talk. 

"I was always sort of alone as a kid, and all I did was help my mom with whatever needed to be done, it was always just me and her. My dad . . . if I can even call him that, he uh . . . he left when I was five or so. I don't really remember because I decided to block it out as much as I cou--." He cuts me off.

"Why did he leave?" he asks with curious eyes.

"Oh . . . uh he cheated on my mom," I say, my voice low. The memories still pain me even though most of them have been erased.

"Fuck, I'm sorry he's an asshole."

"Yeah, I guess he is," I say with a subtle smile.

"My mom got sick with stomach and joint pain, but she's much better than she was a year ago, she's able to do more housework without my help but it was a long struggle for her to get better.

 My friend uh . . . Jace, was my only friend, I met him when I was pretty young, he got me through some hard times. He's sort of like everything I need, he helped us and he visits every other day. We're really close." I smile before continuing; "I left my little town in order to have a stable future for myself by going to college. 

That's been my mom's dream . . . and mine, but she taught me the importance of college since she didn't go. We've always been poor, that is since my dad left, and after that everything started crumbling down. 

He was the only one with a job, and after that, my mom just lost it and got sick." I. Explain and he smiles. "you really are something." He says with a friendly smile. "now you." I say, trying to shift the attention from me. 

"Alright well uh . . . My parents have always supported me but now . . . I think I'm the one supporting myself more than they ever did." He says leading my eyes with his to his car. 

"I've always lived here . . . Washington that is, I haven't been anywhere else and College here just seemed like a natural next step. Now, I live alone and College is treating me better than I thought it would." He explains.

"What are you majoring in?" I ask and as soon as the words leave my mouth I realize how little I actually know about Jacob, there are so many layers to get through and I feel as though I'm barely scratching the surface. "Econ, you?" He says with that side smile of his. I always did picture Jacob as a business type of guy. "literature." I smile "It suits you." He says before leaning closer into me. I close my eyes and slowly lean towards him. His breath is fresh and his cologne smells familiar.

His kiss tastes sweeter than sugar and I feel instantly hooked. His warm tongue instantly wraps around mine and I want more, more of him, more of this, more of everything. I close my eyes and kiss him back. I lose myself in him and before I know it I'm on top of him. 

I quickly pull away, realizing what I'm doing. I've never felt anything this good and it feels like all of those drugs my mother warned me about. 

"What's wrong?" he asks, his hands on my hips. 

"Nothing." I smile and sit down next to him. "I know you haven't done this with anyone so we can take it sl—" I interrupt.

"I . . . " Why did I interrupt him? what was I even going to say? He smiles and takes a bite of the cake. "Thanks for doing this," I say trying to quickly fill in the silence. "Of course."

This being so perfectly organized makes me wonder what he had planned upstairs at Miles' party that night, guess I'll never know. I seem to be disliking Miles with every second.

"Listen. I really like you Madison. you're different . . . I'm not dating anyone else or cheating or whatever. I'm not Miles, despite him being my friend."

"I really like you too." I smile. He smiles before putting a few grapes into his mouth. The sun is slowly setting. "it 's really beautiful out here." I explain.

"Yeah, I used to come up here alone to think, I didn't have anyone to bring until . . . you."

I can't help but smile. "I have a confession to make." He says surprisingly. I stare at his eyes with nothing to say. "I didn't bring you up here to get to know you . . . I mean that was a part of it, but uh . . . I wanted to ask you if you uh . . . will you be my girlfriend?" he asks and my eyes are wide but. I try to hide my surprise and flushed cheeks. Despite him telling me he isn't like Miles, I can't help but wonder. 

What have I gotten myself into? I never had any strong opinions on dating but I never planned on doing it so soon. "yes." I say, biting my lip slowly. 

The smile on his face rises and I can see he's overjoyed. Silence roams between us and we get stuck staring into each other's eyes.

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