Sick day

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Sams POV
Colby has had a stuffy nose for the past 2 days. This morning I woke up early to edit my video for Saturday. Around 8:30 I hear a bad cough come from Colbys room. I walk across the hall and knock on Colbys bedroom door.
Colby— come in
I open Colbys door and see him sitting up in bed. He doesn't look to good.
You okay Colby? You sound a bit congested
Colby— yeah I'm fine. What are you doing up so early?
I'm editing my video for this weekend. Why are you up this early?
Colby— I'm not. This stupid cough woke me up. I'm going to try and go back to sleep for a few hours because I had trouble falling asleep last night due to my stuffy nose.
Oh okay. Hopefully you can fall back asleep.
I leave Colbys room and go back to editing. Around 11:00 I go downstairs to have some lunch and to watch a movie with Jake and Corey. As I'm making my sandwich Jake and Corey walk into the kitchen.
Corey— where's Colby?
He's still sleeping. He woke up early this morning coughing and told me he was going to try to fall back asleep for a bit.
Jake— poor Colby. He really doesn't feel good. He was down here getting water and NyQuil at 2:00 am this morning. I think he fell asleep close to 3:00 am.
How do you know that?
Jake— I woke up to go to the bathroom and heard him in the kitchen around that time. The last I heard of him was close to 2:45 and then I fell back asleep.
Corey— what movie are we going to watch today?
Jake— how about inferno?
Sounds good to me. Is that okay with you Corey?
Corey— yeah.
We head into the movie room and turn the movie on low volume so as not to wake up Colby.

Colbys POV
I haven't been feeling the best lately but I've been managing. I woke up early this morning coughing really bad. My throat is killing me. I try to fall back asleep because when I'm asleep I don't notice how sick I feel. I think I fell back asleep because I woke back up around 12:15. I post on my Instagram story and get out of bed freezing so I grab my blanket and head downstairs to find the guys.

Sams POV
Around 12:15 I see that Colby posted on his story that he was getting sick

Sams POV Around 12:15 I see that Colby posted on his story that he was getting sick

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I think Colbys awake guys. He just posted on his story.
Jake and Corey pull out their phones to check Instagram just as Colby walks in. Colby plops down on the couch next to me wrapped in a blanket with his knees to his chest. He looks a bit worse than he did earlier.
Hey Colby. Do you want anything to eat for breakfast?
Colby shakes his head no.
Colby— I'm not hungry
Corey— Wow dude, your voice sounds terrible.
Jake— does your throat hurt at all?
Colby nods his head yes and lays down.
It probably hurts from all the coughing. Did it hurt at all yesterday colbs?
Colby— no. I didn't have a cough yesterday either but now I do.
I know you said your not hungry but can you at least try to drink something? How about orange juice?
I see him nod his head so I leave to get him some juice. I feel bad for Colby. He really looks like he doesn't feel good at all. As I'm pouring his juice I hear him cough again from the movie room. I bring it in and hand it to him. His hands are pretty shaky when he takes it from me. We finish the movie together around 1:30. Corey stands up to leave.
Corey— that was fun guys but I gotta go finish my video for Sunday
Jake— so do I. I know you got yours done earlier Sam but what about you Colby. Have you edited your video for tomorrow?
Colby— oh crap. I completely forgot tomorrow was Friday. I haven't even filmed anything 
Just take this week off from filming. Your clearly sick anyway.
Colby— no. I can't take the week off. Fans are counting on a video tomorrow. Besides I just have a bad cough. I'm fine.
I brush Colbys hair out of his face and rest my hand on his head and cheek.
You're not fine Colby. You feel warm. I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to film today.
Colby— Sam at least let me try. Please?
Fine but I'm filming with you Incase you feel worse. Deal?
Colby nods his head and gets up to go get his camera. I hear him coughing from all the way upstairs. He has a nasty cough and fever. He should be resting not filming but he is stubborn.
He comes back down with his camera and tripod. Once it's set up he sits down next to me and does the opening for the video.
Colby— what's up guys. It's Colby Brock here back for another video with Sam Golbach. As you may hear from my voice I'm sick with a cough at the moment but I still wanted to try filming a video for you guys.
I quickly decided to add in something before we started the video.
Also guys Colby has a fever right now and I told him that if he gets worse at any point In the video that we would stop and just post what we have so if the video is short or incomplete that would be why.
Colby nods his head and sniffs.
Colby— anyway today since I don't have much energy I decided Sam and I would react to some of our old vines today.
The first video we react to is following fat people. I start laughing. Colby just smiles. We go through a few more really funny vines but Colby doesn't laugh. He usually laughs at these. I look at Colby kinda concerned as he starts coughing. He catches on.
Colby— I'm fine Sam.
I don't believe him but I let him continue with the video. At some point while we were filming I look over at Colby and his cheeks looks kinda flushed and pale.

He stands up to go get some water

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He stands up to go get some water. When he comes back he sits down and puts his head in his hands.
Colby. Do you feel okay?
Colby shakes his head and coughs.
Colby— I'm okay I'm just really hot all of a sudden and my head hurts but I can manage.
I feel Colbys head again
Do you feel worse than you did earlier today?
He nods yes but says he can continue with the video so we keep going. Eventually we end the video. Colby turns off the camera and lays down on the couch.
How do you feel Colby
Colby— I feel like crap. I'm exhausted and everything hurts.
Colby coughs again.
How did you feel yesterday?
Colby— I felt fine other than a stuffy nose. No cough, headache or anything.
I look down at Colby and see a tear roll down his cheek.
Hey. What's wrong colbs? Why are you crying.
Colby— I just don't feel good
I start to rub Colbys back to calm him down. I feel heat coming from him and move my hand to his head
Oh colbs. Did you have a fever yesterday?
Colby shakes his head no.
Colby— why. Do I have a fever now?
I think so. You felt warm this morning but now you feel hot. Have you taken your temperature lately.
Colby says no. I run and grab the thermometer. I come back to Colby. He  is laying down playing with his hair. He does that when he doesn't feel good because it calms him down.

Hey Colby can you sit up for a minute so I can take your temperature?Colby— Sam I don't feel good

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Hey Colby can you sit up for a minute so I can take your temperature?
Colby— Sam I don't feel good. Please just let me sleep.
I know colbs. I just need to take your temperature then we can get you back in your bed to rest.
Colby coughs and sits up. I put the thermometer in Colbys mouth and wait for it to beep. It beeps and I look at it.
Oh bubs 101.5  lets get you back in bed.
Colby stands up slowly as starts walking up the stairs. I follow behind him. He is shaky and hot.
Colby— I feel shaky and like I'm going to pass out Sam.
Do you want me to stay in your room with you while I edit your video?
Colby— yes please.
I walk into Colbys room and get him in bed. Then I run to my room and grab my computer to edit Colbys video. I go back to Colbys room and sit on his couch next to his bed. I get to work on editing and pretty soon Colby is asleep. I can tell because his breathing is slower and deeper but very raspy from his cough. I watch him sleep for a bit with the occasional cough escaping through his lips. I hate that he's sick and hope he is better by morning

Sam and Colby hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now