Sick again

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Colby gets sick
Colby POV
Ugh. My head hurts. What time is it? Crap. It's 3:24. We are about to leave for an overnight trip.

Elton—hey colby, are you getting up?

Colby—yeah. Sorry. I'll be down soon.

I don't feel good but I don't want to let everyone down by not going so I put on sweatpants and a hoodie. I head downstairs. Everyone else is loaded and in the rv so I put my backpack in the trunk and sit down in the back.

Sam—hey colbs, there you are. You okay? You never sleep in this late.

I don't want Sam to know that I feel sick because he will tell me to stay home and reschedule the overnight.

Colby—yeah, I just stayed up late last night editing.

Sam—okay. I just care about you.

Colby—thank you.

About an hour later we pulled into a gas station because elton forgot to fill up before we left. I get up and head to the bathroom because I feel like I'm about to throw up. I was just washing my hands when elton walks in.

Elton—hey colby. We've been looking for you. Are you okay? You look a bit pale.

Colby—yeah. Just a bit nauseous from the car ride.

Elton—okay. We will be stopping for supplies and dinner in a bit. Head back to the rv and i'll be there in a second.

I walk back to the rv and sit down to the left of sam. Jake is on the right. The ride is short but it makes me sleepy. I end up laying down on my seat. A bit later I got woken up by elton saying that we are at dinner. I stand up to walk in with everyone else. As I'm walking my legs feel shaky and a bit weak.

We go in and sit down at a large table. As we wait for someone to come take our order I start to feel sick and tired again. I lay my head down on the table. Soon our food comes. I'm not very hungry but I don't want the boys to suspect anything so I eat slowly.

We get done and head back to the rv. I feel very nauseous at this point and end up leaning against sam during the ride to go get supplies. We stop for supplies. While everyone goes into the store I head to the bathroom where I end up throwing up. When I'm done I head back to the rv and text elton.

Colby—hey elton. Can you get me a gatorade while you're in there? I'm gonna stay in the rv.

Elton—sure. You okay?

Colby—yeah. Just a bit off from the car ride.

Elton tells the rest of the boys that he is going to check on the rv. They believe him. On the way out elton buys a gatorade.

Eltons POV
I grab the gatorade for colby and head out to the rv. As I approach the rv I hear colby cough. I walk in and Colby is laying down on the seat. He looks pale and sweaty and his cheeks are flushed.

Elton—here colby. You look terrible.


I take a few slow sips of the gatorade and then set it on the ground next to me.

Elton—we can always turn around and go back home.

Colby—I'm fine. Besides, corey, jake and brennen are very excited to go somewhere that's not haunted for once.

Elton—I get your point. If you start to feel worse though let me know. I'm worried for you.

Colby agrees and elton heads back into the store. About 20 minutes later elton and the boys come back to the rv. I sit up to make more room on the seat for sam and jake. When I do I get light headed. I have to close my eyes for a second until the feeling passes.

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