Sick in alaska (part 7)

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Nates POV
My question is for Colby but if you know the answer Sam feel free to respond. So Colby I'm just curious as to why you get clingy to Sam when you're sick. You've been snuggled up with him for most of the day.

Colby looks at Sam. He opens his mouth to answer but just ends up crying again.

Sam- do you want me to answer that Colby?

Sam's POV
I feel Colby nod. So I begin to tell Nate.

Again it has to do with Colbys past. When he got rushed to the hospital because his parents were still out of town and his friends parents were arrested he was all alone. He was scared. He was only 11 and didn't really know where he was he had an oxygen mask on and was also hooked up to a few monitors and machines.

He felt really sick but didn't have anyone around to comfort him or help him feel safe. So now when he gets stressed out or starts to feel sick that feeling reminds him of that day so he needs to seek comfort and because we've lived together for 8 years I've kinda learned what helps calm him down.

So often times the reason he snuggles up to me is because he is seeking that feeling of safety and comfort that he didn't get back then and also because remembering that day brings back a lot of unpleasant emotions so it helps him to be near me because he feels safe. Again this is hard for him to talk about which is why I'm responding to the question for him.

I suddenly feel Colby sit up. He runs to the bathroom and throws up. When he comes back to bed he get right up next to me again.

Colbys POV
i think the medicine is working. I'm still throwing up and don't feel good but I'm not throwing up as often as I was before and my stomach hurts a bit less.

Nate- I think it's because you actually had some food with this dose so it isn't messing with your stomach as much.

Nates POV
One last question Colby. Can you please explain what you were trying to do and why you thought it would be a good idea to go outside in the cold while you were sick. It really scared Sam and I when we woke up and couldn't find you.

Sam- yeah. I thought you got kidnapped or something.

Colbys POV
Well it started with me not really thinking rationally because of my fever so when I got mad at Nate I needed a break to calm down but I knew Nate wouldn't let me leave the room so I decided I would pretend to sleep. Once I saw Nate close his eyes I sat up on the bed. I was extremely hot and thought I should get some fresh air outside to hopefully cool me off.

I also grabbed the camera because in the moment I thought while I'm going outside anyway why not try to film stuff for 25x25 because I was still mad about not being able to do that.

I forgot to grab my phone though so when I got outside my stomach started hurting the worst it has been all day because I was stupid and didn't take the medication with food. So I started to throw up literally every 5 minutes. Because I was alone it also drained me of energy to try to calm down by myself. When I tried to stand up I was too weak and shaky and I couldn't text you or Nate because my phone was next to you on the bed.

I sneeze and get up to get a Kleenex.

Nate- do you think you've learned your lesson now?

Yeah. For sure. I can promise you this won't happen again.

Sams POV
If you do decide to do it again at least wake me up and bring me with you so you are the only one to get in trouble.

Colby- that's a deal.

Nate Colby and I sleep really good the rest of the other than occasionally waking up from coughing or throwing up.

Nates POV
2 days pass and I haven't had an issue with Sam or Colby since we had that talk. They have been resting and taking it easy. They are feeling a lot better now. They now just have the tail end of a common cold.

Sam still has a cough but he no longer has a fever or a headache. As for Colby he still has a low grade fever of 100.1 and a small stomach ache but he hasn't thrown up for 56 hours. I think he still is a bit sick because he decided to take a field trip alone to go lay in the snow that night.

This morning we wake up. Today was technically supposed to be the day we drive back home. I knew Sam and Colby would be upset that we didn't get to do 25x25 so I arranged a surprise for them late last night after they fell asleep.

I walk across the hall to their room and knock. Colby opens the door and lets me in. Sam sits up in bed. He coughs a few times before taking his medication.

How do you boys feel this morning?

Colby- I still have a slight fever but no stomach ache and Sam still has a cough  but other than that we feel okay.

Sam- I'm a bit sad that we have to leave today though.

That's what I wanted to come over here for. I have a surprise for you boys.

Sam and Colby look at each other and then back at me.

I had a feeling you would be upset about that so last night after you guys fell asleep I went down to the front desk and booked 3 more nights here at the hotel and also talked with some people and rescheduled the 25x25 activities.

Colby- wait for real!!!

Sam- are you serious!!!

Yes. Completely serious. In fact if you feel up to it we can head to our first activity with the next 3 hours. Colby I know you still have a slight fever. Do feel well enough to film today's video?

Colby- yeah. I can manage.

Sam- same

Awesome. It is Saturday though so you might want to let your fans know what's been going on and say that the video might be a few days late. But I will let you guys get ready.

Sam and Colbys POV
We open up Instagram and film a video for our story explaining what happened

After we post the story we eat something quick and get dressed. We are so happy to be able to get a second chance at filming for 25x25. It has been a rough past few days but we got through it because we stuck together and that's all it takes. A best friend and a positive outlook.

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