Sam- panic attack

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Sam was at his desk editing a video for their duo channel. He heard Corey, Jake, Aaron and Elton yelling and cheering downstairs. Normally he wouldn't mind hearing them have fun but today he felt a bit off. He was extremely stressed and had lots of things to do. I'm fine. Just breathe Sam thought. Suddenly Sam hears a knock at his door. A startled yelp escaped his lips. The door slowly opens. It's Colby. Sorry, didn't mean to scare you Colby said. I was about to go hang out with Brennen for a bit and I wanted to see if you needed me to get anything for you while I'm out.

Oh- um I t think I'm good Sam stuttered. He felt his chest starting to get tight. A sudden scream erupted from downstairs causing Sam to jump and shut his eyes. Are you okay Sam? Colby asked. You seem a bit jumpy. Sam took a deep breath. I'm okay Colby. Thanks for asking. The screaming continued downstairs. Sam started to breathe faster. Colby has seen Sam like this before. He gets like this right before a panic attack. Sam, 1-10 where are you? Colby asks. I'm fine Colby. I swear. No you're not Sam. 1-10 tell me. 3 Sam says as he jumps at another scream.

Sam, are you sure you're okay? I can stay home if you need me Colby says. No, go have fun with Brennen. I'll be fine. Okay, if you start to get worse call me and I'll come home. Bye Sam. Sam watches his best friend leave his room and go downstairs. I'm fine. Just put in headphones and focus on editing Sam thought to himself. About 15 minutes pass when Sam hears people running around bumping into things. TAG you're it yells Aaron from downstairs. Can't catch me yells Elton. At the moment everything seems 10x louder than it usually is. The lights seem brighter the air feels hotter and Sam feels his eyes start to sting. Not now. Don't cry.
What am I saying. I'm not okay. I need Colby. My hands are shaky as I pick up my phone to text Colby. I text Colby and ask him when he will be home.
10 minutes pass and no response. I text him again. Colby are you okay. Why aren't you answering my text. A balloon pops from downstairs followed by Jake yelling and 3 more pops. Sam jumps and feel his heart start to race. His body feels shaky and he can't breathe. He checks his phone but still nothing from Colby. He's probably busy at the moment. He will respond soon. Sam thinks. Just refocus on editing and he'll be home soon. A few minutes pass when circa, buddy and Navi start barking at something. Corey and Elton yell for them to be quiet. Sam covers his ears and brings his knees up to his chest burying his face between his legs. He knows what's about to happen. I need Colby. Sam reaches for his phone. This time he tries to call Colby but it just goes to voicemail. Sam is so stressed he can't think rationally. What if Colby's hurt. What if he died. Sam starts crying. He feels his body starting to shut down. He feels dizzy and like he can't breathe.
________________________ Aaron's POV
Jake, Corey, Elton and I are playing tag downstairs. I keep slipping on the ground in my socks so I head upstairs to put my socks in my clothes hamper. As I walk past Sam's door I hear what sounds like crying. Aaron walks over to Sam's door and puts his ear against it to listen. He hears Sam breathing really fast and whispering (I can't, I can't, I can't). Aaron decides to knock and see if Sam needs any help. Hey Sam? Are you okay? Aaron yells through the door. No response from Sam. I'm coming in okay? Aaron slowly opens Sam's door only to see Sam curled up in a corner rocking back and forth breathing very hard. OMG Sam what's wrong. Sam jumps at the sound of Aaron's voice. Aaron walks over to Sam and hears him whispering between sobs (Colby, Colby, Colby) I reach down and put my hand on Sam's shoulder. He jumps and screams. He starts crying harder and scoots further back. What's happening. Aaron yells downstairs for Elton, Corey and Jake. Guys come quick. Somethings wrong with Sam. Seconds later everyone is standing by Sam's bedroom door.

What's going on Aaron. Elton asks. What did you do Corey yells. Jake stands there eating gummy bears. I didn't do anything Aaron responds. I came up to put my socks away and I heard him crying. I walked in and he was freaking out on the floor crying for Colby. Elton walks over to Sam. He bends down and reaches his hand out to Sam. I wouldn't do that if I were you Elton. I tried earlier and he screamed and started crying harder Aaron says. Elton looks at Aaron then back at Sam. Sam what's wrong. Elton asks.
I'm panicking like crazy. Everything seems loud, bright and hot. I need Colby but he won't respond. None of the other roommates know about my panic attacks. Only Colby does. I start to shut down and hyperventilate when I hear a knock at my door. I scream. I hear Aaron on the other side of the door. I can't let him see me like this. Then everyone will know. I try to say something but my throat is dry and no words come out. I see the door handle turn. Aaron walks in. Seeing Aaron makes me more upset. I'm in a daze right now. I see people that aren't Colby. I hear people talking but can't make out the words. I feel Aaron touch me. I jump and panic more. All I can manage to say is Colby, Colby, Colby.
___________________________why does he keep saying Colby's name asks Corey. I don't know. He was saying it earlier when I first walked in Aaron said. They all look at Sam who is still rocking back and forth saying Colby's name. Elton sees Sam's phone next to him and picks it up. He has tried to call Colby 2 times he says to the boys. Corey call Colby and don't stop calling until you get ahold of him. Corey steps out into the hall and starts dialing Colbys number. Elton puts his hand on Sam's shoulder and feels him immediately jump at the touch. He notices Sam's breathing get faster and he starts shaking.
Colbys POV
Brennen and I just got done swimming. We dry off and head inside to get some lunch. I pick my phone up off the counter and see 8 missed calls. 2 from Sam and 6 from Corey. Just then my phone rings again. It's Corey. I answer the phone.

Sam and Colby hard timesWhere stories live. Discover now