Chapter Three

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"If you can only do one thing, hone it to perfection. Hone it to the utmost limit." ~Jigoro Kuwajima

//Warning: Manga and Anime spoiler ahead//

=(Chapter III: Making the Best Breakfast)=

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=(Chapter III: Making the Best Breakfast)=

Sipping the black coffee, (Y/n) sat on her office's chair with a tired look on her face.

It was now five o'clock in the morning and she spent the past few hours editing and revising chapters of her book. She could hear the chirps of the birds flying outside her mansion. Her (e/c) orbs stared blankly at the swirling white mist that came from her hot beverage. Her cold hands wrapped around the white mug that provided her heat while her fingers drummed some rhythmic patterns.

Lifting the mug up to her lips, she gave it a gentle blow before taking a sip on it. Placing the half-empty mug down, she stared outside her window out of pure boredom.

Suddenly, her ears picked up the sound of footsteps coming down her stairs. She scurried out off her seat with the mug still on her hands. Pulling the glass doors of her office, she walked by a wide hallway and went towards the living room where the glass staircase were located. A mop of burgundy met her eyes and a smile went on her pale pink lips. His hair was a mess and his eyes were kind of droopy. The back of his right hand was rubbing his right eye while his left held onto the railings. A small yawn escaped his lips and his eyes met (Y/n)'s.

"Good morning Tanjiro." She greeted with a bright grin and Tanjiro gave a lopsided grin in return. "Good morning (Y/n)-san." He spoke in a groggy voice. "Would you like some breakfast?" She asked and Tanjiro nodded his head. "That would be wonderful." He answered as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

The female gestured the male towards her spacious kitchen and asked for him to sit down. "Would pancakes be alright?" The male nodded as a response and (Y/n) immediately went to work. Tanjiro's dark red eyes darted around the kitchen. He could tell that it was way different than what they had in his home.

The kitchen was clad in white with hints of black and gray because of the objects that was decorated around it. He was sat in front of a white marbled countertop that had at least six stools accompanying it. The female was on the other side of the counter which was filled with hanging cabinets, some tools and other big objects that he was not familiar with.

"You have a very nice kitchen (Y/n)-san." He commented while still looking around the pristine kitchen. "Thank you, I always make sure that this place is clean. I don't want roaches crawling around where I make my food." She chuckled as she begun to tie up an apron around her waist. "I'll go get the mix in the pantry, wait here." Tanjiro nodded his head and watched as the female entered a small door that could only fit one person.

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