Chapter 62: Maria

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Giovanni and I talked about the photo. He told me what happened that day and the gruesome months that followed. I was still in shock that his father would make him do such a thing.

He assured me that he was still scheming on how he was going to leave the mob and he promised me that he wouldn't force our sons or daughters to go through what he endured.

This man then has the nerve to tell me that he knew where I had been all along and he had someone following me at all times to ensure my safety. I had a lot of money in the bank that I could have gotten a penthouse but I knew Gio could find me easily since most of the hotels in New York were his. Heck I even quit my job at the law firm so that he wouldn't find me.

At first I was angry that he had me followed but I realize that I was carrying our child, he had a right to be worried considering his many enemies. He didn't want to come after me right away because he knew I needed space and time to comprehend everything and for that I am thankful.

During the three months I had been in hiding-well what I thought was hiding-I hadn't contacted Lace or Sienna. I had been scared-not that they would tell where I was but that Giovanni would somehow find out. You have to understand I was extremely paranoid everyday. I knew he had a lot of power, some of his men were policemen and government officials. He had people on the inside everywhere you could think of.

Gio and I planned a party and had two surprises for our guest. The first me-whom they hadn't seen in a few months and the second the baby that no one knew about.

Explaining my absence to my friends was sort of difficult because I obviously couldn't tell them about the picture. But they are both smart. Lace has an idea that Gio is involved in illegal business. And Sienna is dating Alessandro so he's told her the sugar coated version of what him and Giovanni do.


I put down my denman brush and stand up, "Come in".

A new girl comes in carrying folded clothes. I thank her and and watch as the process to hang up the new dresses, skirts and shirts Giovanni ordered for me.

A red skin tight lace dress captures my eyes, "Oh this is so pretty! I think I'll wear it for today".

She turns around and looks me up and down then her eyes zero in on my stomach, "Hmm I don't think you have the figure for that dress. Your stomach will poke out and your behind will not fit in it. How about this one?"

I had gained weight considering I was pregnant and I'm ok with it because my baby needs to grow but she was making it seem like I was obese.

I'm not stupid I've dealt with many girls like her in highschool to know what she was trying to do. My grandma used to say "when you begin to love yourself you begin to see the beauty in everyone and when you begin to love Christ you begin to love like Christ".

I knew it was her insecurities talking and she's lucky I love Jesus because...let me just leave it there.

I look at the black loose maxi dress she was holding up. It was simple, had spaghetti straps that tied around my neck in a halter design.

I give the girl a tight smile and take the black dress from her. Heading to the bathroom, I quickly change then come out to look at myself in the vanity mirror.

"Your behind is still poking out but at least your stomach is not".

I turn around and fix her with a cool look, "What's your name, I didn't catch it".

She returns my cool look, "Because I didn't throw it".

I step forward, "Excuse me? Is there a problem?"

She looks down at my wedding ring, "Ye-"

The door opens and Giovanni comes in, "Sophia? Are you ready?"

I slowly turn to face, "babe do you think my butt looks too big in this dress?"

He takes my hand and spins me around while whistling, "It looks perfect. Just the way I like it".

I smile and kiss his cheek, "That's why I married you".

I can literally feel the younger girl's heated gaze and I love it. I know I'm being petty but I don't care at the moment.

Gio leens into my ear, "You mind giving me a taste before we head down?"

I shiver as his hot breath tickles me, "Not in front of an audience I won't".

He looks up to the girl that had been watching us like a creep, "Maria go downstairs and help the rest with decorations".

Maria, Maria, Maria. So that was her name huh?

She walks up to Giovanni and gives him a flirtatious smile, "Of Course Gio".

I watch her close the door, "I thought only your mom, sister and I called you that?"

He shrugs, "Me too, she is a family friend but if it upsets you I'll make her stop".

This girl was getting under my skin, how she treated me was uncalled for and she spoke to me with no respect in my own home. But I didn't want to come off as being jealous-although I was. Jealousy wasn't a good look on anyone.

It's fine, I'm going to stay cool and let it play out. I won't let her think she's getting to you.

"No it's whatever. But for real do I look fat in this dress?"

Like the gentleman he is giovanni kisses my head, "No you don't look fat Sophia, It's just in your head. You always look beautiful my dear".

I smile but then he unties the hair tie from my hair, "Giovanni what are you doing? It took me hours to do that high ponytail!"

He shakes his head, "I love it when you blow dry your hair and it's all puffy. Let it be free baby".

I sigh before grabbing the wide tooth comb to brush my hair again. Giovanni takes the comb from me and part's my hair at the middle, the then brushes the hair to both sides of my face. I look in the mirror, my hair goes down past my breast and halfway down my back. I usually just do small braids on my natural hair and only I get it straightened once every year to be surprised at the growth. Last year it only reached my armpits when it was flat ironed.

I smile at Giovanni in the mirror who has been standing behind me, watching me like a weirdo.

"I don't think we have time for you to get a taste".

He checks his watch, "It's our party we're allowed to be late".

"I'm not in the mood and I don't want my hair to be ruined anyways", I tease him.

His eyes gleam with lust and his voice comes out hard, "lay down on the bed Sophia".

Thoughts on Maria?

Lol anyone else trying to grow their hair this summer?

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