Chapter 41: Crackheads

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I felt happy today so I decided to share my joy by doing an early update:)

WARNING: Domestic Abuse


Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t.

I yank at my dress again and again but to no avail it was seriously stuck.

"Come on mary help a sis out!"

"Oh no! we're gonna get caught! You told me this would work".

I close my eyes, "Ssshhh! It does work, I've snuck out tons of times. Grab my arms and pull".

Mary does as I tell her and with a loud RIP from my dress I am freed and climb down to her side of the fence.

Mary and I sprint back climing up the tree that faces my bedroom window.

The younger girl collapses on my bed, "I am NEVER doing that again".

I roll my eyes, "It wasn't that bad but I understand...these activities are for older people".

She huffs, "You aren't that older than me Lucia!"

"Sshh you want someone to here us stupid!"

My 10 year old cousin goes quiet but of course not for long.

"So what are you gonna do with it?"

"It's for Gabriele, he asked me to sneak some in for him-"

"Why couldn't he just ask Giovanni if he could have some?"

I roll my eyes at her stupidity, "Because he would say no duh!"

She eyes the white bag, "What even is it?"

I shrug, "Cocaine I think".

"Less told me that's for crackheads?"

I roll my eyes, "Anyways you stay here while I sneak over to give it to him".

"Oh Lucia! I pray you don't get caught!"

I flip my hair, "This is my fifth time Mary. I'm a pro now".

Slipping past security and staying hidden from camera view as best as I can, I finally reach Gabriele's room and nock twice.

He looks annoyed when he opens the door and pulls me in snatching the two bags from my hands.

"Your late!"

I cower away, "I'm sorry my nightgown got caught on the wire as we climbed over but I tried so hard to be on ti-"


"M-mary came w-with me. She woke up as I was sneaking out and it was either she comes or s-snitches on me".

He grabs my shoulders shaking me, "Your fucking stupid! I told you to stay low! If she opens her mouth I could die bitch!!".

I shake under his grip, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sor-"

He pushes me to the ground and I cut the corner of my eye with the sharp edge of his drawer. A healing bruise on my bicep sends waves of pain as I land in my side.

"Get out!"

Scrambling out I run all the way up to my room crying as blood rushes down the left side of my face.


I freeze, "Oh it's just you...I had an accident".

Sophia comes closer and I hear her gasp, "An accident named Gabriele hmm? I care about you Lucia and It's in your best interest to tell Giov-"

"No I'm fine! I have it under control!"

"What were you doing in his room anyways!"

"...I need to go back to bed-"

She grabs my hand pulling me into her bathroom, "No let me take care of you first".

After fixing the cut Sophia holds onto my hands tightly, "The first time he hit you he apologized and said he wouldn't do it again right?"

I nod.

"And now he does it without even caring. You have cocaine on your hands and bruises and scars on your body. He has you under him and he knows you can't get over him. Gio will kill you because of the cocaine. And the bruises and scars will make sure you never forget and will make you always feel less. But he's wrong, prove him wrong Lucia!"

No you don't understand. And he loves me!


"Is your brother and loves you more than you know it. He will take your side before he even hears Gabriele's".

I close my eyes confused.


Giovanni comes late at night the next day so I don't get to talk to him until finally three days later.

Gabriele who I have stopped supplying cocaine to has sensed something was off. He has tried numerous times to get me alone but either Sophia or Mary were with me to make sure it didn't happen.

Climbing down the stairs at midnight I head to my father's old office when an arm wraps around me pulling me back and a hand clamps my mouth.

I scream as best as I can but it's no use. I am dragged to the back corner of the hall and slammed against the wall.

"Relax I just want to talk to you".

I push him away, "I don't want to talk-"

"You know what Lucia! I have done so much for you. You know I'm trying to save up money for us? But you don't appreciate anything I do for you!"

I stare up at him, "What are you talking about Gabriele?"

"The cocaine, I'm using it to make money for my future, our future. But you always come late, you always have an attitude and talk back and now you're about to feed lies to your brother-You want me to DIE Lucia! Is that what you WANT!"

I shake my head, "I'm sorry Gabriele I didn't know that's what you were doing with those powdered bags. I was unfair for ignoring you and being disrespectful, please forgive me?"

He sighs and kisses my forehead then presses on my cut making me squirm in pain.

"You pushed me that night. Don't you ever piss me off like that again. You hear!"

I nodded and allowed him to pull me into his arms. I need Gabriele.

Here he was trying to work for the better of us and I was selfish and almost got him killed.

"Please forgive me Gabriele".

He roughly pushes me away and leaves. I am left feeling cold and guilty. I cry myself to sleep once again.

This is a difficult time for women and men who are stuck in quarantine with abusive partners. If you are in an abusive relationship please call the (U.S.A) Domestic Abuse Hotline, 1-800-799-7233

"She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future" -Proverbs 31:25

See you on Saturday babes;)

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