Chapter 33: Trouble in Paradise

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A week later Valentina and Alessandro had a small wedding ceremony.

It saddened me that barely any of Valentina's family came although Alessandro invited them all and was covering for the expense.

The girl didn't say much about it but I knew her heart was hurting.

"How about we do yellow?"

"Eww no! That's a girl color do blue".

I clench my fist and bite my tongue.

Valentina sighs, "And if the baby is a girl?"

"So what, we'll just repaint it pink or something".

I narrow my eyes hearing his mindset but close my mouth again. It was not my buisness...for now until he says something more stupid.

"How about we just leave it white for now but paint stars?"

Valentina beams, "That's a great idea, maybe glow in the dark stars and a moon too!"

"I don't like that idea-"

I cut him off before I blow up, "Gio what do you think babe?"

He looks up from his phone, "Black?"

Less Pat's him on the cheek, "That's it! Black is the color!"

I glare at Giovanni, "I know this isn't my baby but I won't stand here and let you guys paint the room freaking BLACK! And technically it's not a color it's the absence of a color".

Less shrugs, "I don't care what the deeper meaning of the color black is. All I know is that that's what we're painting his room".

Valentina frowns, "Alessandro it could also be a girl remember".

He ignores her and types on his phone. I turn to give Giovanni a look.

"Alright man how about we just leave the ladies to deal with this? We'll come back when the crib needs to be set up and stuff".

"I already ordered four cans of black paint so we can start painting my son's room tomorr-"

Valentina rubs her temple, "Giovanni get him out!"

"Ok, ok, come on man let's go grab some beers".

That was all it took to get Alessandro running out of the room.

I sigh pulling my hair into a bun, "How about I order some pizza and we search idea's on Pinterest?"

She lays on the floor, "Sounds like a plan!"

We end up going for the idea of leaving the room white and painting giraffes, lions, tigers, and a bunch of other animals to add color to the room.

The boys return as we begin outlining the animals.

"What are you all doing?"

Valentina and I look up at Less who walks in with four paint buckets.

Valentina swallows, "We're drawing animals-".

"I said I wanted it black-"

I narrow my eyes, "OK....and?"

"And we are going to paint it black So.Phi.A".

I roll my eyes, "Less you can't get everything you want anymore. Your married, you have to think about the wants of Valentina and your child from now on".

I know I'm skating on thin ice but ooo baby I'm not backing down so Giovanni better come get his cousin before his feelings get hurt.

He narrows his eyes, "You are not part of our marriage so why are you talking?"

Is this man for real? Cause I am not the one.

I stand up, "Because I am Valentina's friend".

He comes closer, "Sophia I think you should leave so my WIFE and I can discuss our matter in PRIVATE".

I glance at Valentina, "She does not feel comfortable being left with you alone so no, I wont be leaving. And I think YOU need to go away and come back sobered up".

He grabs his hair in anger, "I swear Sophia!-"

Giovanni appears and pulls on alessandro.

"Alright, alright, come on man I told you to get in bed".

"Aye man, your girlfriend needs to watch her mouth!"

"Don't worry about her, I got her".


Nearing our trip to Italy I try to fit in as much time as I can with Sammy knowing we wont see each other for a long time.

The little girl can not make sense of what exactly is going on but I can tell she is worried about us separating.

Her father has gotten into touch with his second cousin's son who is married with no children and has MONEY money.

They asked if Samantha could spend the holiday with them and get to know each other better. Gust agreed having no choice with me leaving and his wife now on the run.

"Ok hand me the chocolate chips dear, we can put them ontop now".

I take the now half empty bag and shake my head at the little girl who giggles.

We are making triple chocolate fudge cake because today was our Christmas party since we wont see each other until January.

"How's my favorite little girl!"

Samantha giggles as Alessandro tickles her. He sets her down and kisses the back of my hand.

"I'm sorry about yesterday".

I smile reassuringly, "No worries but honestly I almost smacked you upside the head".

He laughs, "Have you seen Valentina?"

"She's putting up Christmas decor, can you take Sammy to help aswell, she is only eating the chocolate chips here"

Less swings Samantha on his shoulders, "Come on bug, let's go Santafy this house!"

Closing my eyes I say a quick prayer before sliding the cake into the oven.

"So that's the secret huh?"

I whip around to see Giovanni in his all black suit, black boots and his hair gelled back.

Turning back around I begin to wash dishes, "You better not tell or I'll have to kill you".

He comes behind me and kisses my jaw line, "Angles can't kill but thank you for humoring me darling".

I scoff, "Where have you been? Today is our last day with Samantha. We decided we would stay home to spend time with her remember?"

He sighs on my neck sending shivers down my back, "I'm sorry, I really wanted to but something came up. Is she upset?"

I hand him a plate, "Wipe it down and she didn't say much but I can tell she's hurt".

We finish the dishes talking about how my day was. I asked about his but he only gave me short answers and changed the subject.

I didn't push it but I couldn't help but wonder what he did today that he didn't want me knowing.

Well, what he does everyday that he doesn't want me knowing.

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