Chapter 48: Secrets

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I was in a good mood so I decided to post another one for you guys (:


After ordering the deserts for the girls I wake up Beatrice so I can go check up on Alessandro.

He had texted saying she had given birth about 20 minutes ago and they would allow me in now.

Outside the room I find my cousin crying.

"She doesn't know if they're mine. And the worst part is I wanted them to be mine so bad".

I pat his cheek, "How is she and they did the test already?"

He shakes his head, "Not yet but she told me everything when she got scared and thought she was gonna die".

I sigh.

"She had an emergency C-section and they just finished stitching her up".

I nod, "Boys? girls?"

He smiles, "A boy and a girl".

I smile and grip his shoulder walking into the room, "Let's go see those beauties".

We find Valentina laying still her eyes closed as Sophia holds the phone up, my tia's voice on speaker as she prays in spanish.

Only one baby is being worked on as a nurse takes the weight.

"Where's the girl?" Alessandro asks alert.

The nurse that was typing on the computer looks up, "She came out with the cord around her neck so they had to rush her to the ICU".

Alessandro's eyes go wide, "She isn't breathing?"

The nurse gives Alessandro a hopeful smile, "I assure you she will be just fine. She is in the best hands-".

"And the paternity test", Fabio speaks up.

The nurse clears her throat, "Yes, we are now just waiting on the results".

Fabio checks his watch, "We've been waiting for-"

"The mother is OK?" I cut Fabio off.

The nurse smiles, "She will be just fine".

With that said I walk over and press a kiss to Sophia's lips hoping they would take away my anxiety.

She smiles, "We are going to be OK".

I take the phone from her, "Go get some food baby, I'll watch over her".

My darling hesitates a little and I squeeze her hand for reassurance.

About two minutes later my tia finishes praying and I hand the phone to Alessandro.

"How do you feel?"

Valentina's eyes flutter open, "pain, so much pain".

I nod, "The shot will kick in soon-".

"My baby girl..."

I squeeze her hand, "They are taking good care of her right now".

We hear Alessandro curse from outside the room and I watch a tear slide down Valentina's cheek.

"I did it, I had too..."

I wipe away the tear with my thumb, "You are sure they are not his?"

She closes her eyes, "I am unsure who they are. I promise if I knew most definitely they weren't his I wouldn't have came to America".

I nod, "Who is the other possibility?"

She squeezes her eyes and for a moment I thought she had passed out.

"My uncle. He had molested me when I was 10 but stopped when he moved away. I made myself believe I had imagined it. But he came back last year and raped me around the time I was seeing Alessandro. I am not a whore, I am not a cheater".

I kiss her hand, "You were a victim and don't worry about your Uncle. I'll take care of him. We will all be fine".

She shakes her head, "If they are not Alessandro's your whole family will hate me. He will parade me as a whore-my name will be ruined more than it already has for being pregnant out of marriage. I have no family anymore, no dollar plot my name and two children that I will have to raise on my own. You and your people will be fine and I will suffer with my children in silence".

I shake my head, "You think so low of me Valentina-".

He eyes go wide, "I mean no disrespect don-".

"No you are a bold women who tells it as it is. I respect that and I respect you. Despite what happens between you and Alessandro. I am a man of class and morals believe it or not. I wont let you and your children get thrown to the dogs. Take my word, I will support the children regardless".

I smile cheekly, "Well only if they call me Tio of course".

She smiles faintly and brings my hand to her lips kissing the ring, "How could I ever repay you! I'll do anything Don Anastasi".

I kiss her cheek, "Careful what you say dear".

About an hour later I am allowed into the ICU where I find Alessandro crying as he holds the hand of the tiny baby girl.


I smile, "Hope".

He nods and we watch the tiny baby open her eyes. The were blue, sky blue. Just like Alessandro's but then again the rapist could have blue eyes aswell.

She had a head full of dark hair and thick eyelashes that framed those pretty eyes.

"She's beautiful".

Less nods, "I'll have to chase boys away for the rest of my life".

We both turn as a nurse enters the room, "would you like to hold her?"

Alessandro nods eagerly and she opens the glass lock and lifts Esperanza up.

Less removes his shirt to do skin to skin and I pull out my phone snapping a picture.

We sit in silence for a few minutes until the head chief doctor comes in holding a piece of paper.

"Mr. Borromeo we have the paternity results".

I shake the Doctors hand after he hands Alessandro the results.

If I had turned around a second later, Alessandro would have fell to the ground with the baby in his arms.

Adjusting the baby in my arms I call out to the doctor, "He passed out, go get help. He may have hit his head kinda hard".

The doctor rushes out yelling for a team of nurses. I kneel down and pick up the test.


I lower the paper and notice that a pool of blood has formed around his head.

"Stay with me man, help is com-"

"Shred it", he whispers.

I look at him confused, "Why-".

"And don't ever reveal to anyone what it says".

He passes out.

What do you guys think the test said?

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