Chapter 22: C4 Ripped tastes like DoDo

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I hate running with all of my heart due to my horrible experiences with the 'sport'. It all began in high school-no actually it began in third grade.

You see it is a requirement that all third graders begin to run the mile in PE. I used to be sorta chubby back in elementary school so while everyone was excited to do something the forth and fifth graders do, I was not.

They took us out to the black top next to the playground and had us run 10 laps around orange cones set on the perimeter. I remember watching everyone take off leaving me behind as I tried to run as fast as my chubby legs could carry me. I only ran-jogged half of the laps and the rest I walked.

In middle school sports were available to seventh and eighth graders so Fall of my seventh grade year I played soccer. Soccer was a stroll in the park when it came to running but I was also more fit then. I had lost a lot of weight going into sixth grade and kept it off till the end of seventh.

What I really wanted out of playing a sport is spirit wear. Lace's parents put her in club soccer, karate, lacrosse and dance since she was three years old. She had a lot of hoodies, shirts, pinnies, and sweatpants for the teams she had been on. I used to envy her for belonging to something and being able to wear her teams name with pride and have trophies for the accomplishments they had.

So I was disappointed when the soccer team said they weren't getting spirit wear that year. But I knew track got spirit wear every year so Spring of my seventh grade year I joined the track team.


We ran two laps for warm ups and two laps to cool down before we went home. I thought doing shop pot would help me escape from running but they had everyone run at least one thing.

Therefore I was put in the 400 relay with 4 other girls and I also was forced to do the 100 sprint. I died during the 400 relay which I felt terrible for the girls who were on the relay with me but I wasn't terrible with the 100 sprint. I can run short distance fine but long distances ate me alive.

Joining the team was the worst decision I ever made, they broke me on that track. I got tendinitis on both of my knees and all I could do was stretch it and bear the pain. It's a known fact that I was the slowest member of the team and if not the slowest then definitely the second to last.

Because I survived track I thought Field hockey would be a peace of cake.


They ran way more then the soccer and track team combined. Everyday we did a cross country run around the soccer, field hockey and baseball fields and then they had us  finish it off with 2 laps around our field.

One time I beat my time and passed a girl that was always in front of me. I had never been so proud of myself but that became ruined when the coach asked me if I cheated and only did one lap around around our field instead of two.

Despite my teammates coming to my defense she was still skeptical and ended saying, 'Well your only cheating your self'. I cried in the locker room that day.

I went on to do field hockey up till my sophomore year in high school but decided against it my last two years in high school due to the heavey AP courses I was taking.

I don't regret doing those sports though, I made great friends and have hilarious memories to tell my children. Those times made me feel like I was dying but now I know because I made it out of that, I can make it through anything well not anything obviously but most things.

For example, Giovanni invited me to go boxing with him today and It's only been 10 minutes but it feels like we've been here for an hour.

I swear they have the heat on cause it feels like a sauna. Sweat is literally dripping from every inch of my body and it doesn't help that my stomach is growling and uneasy at the same time.

"Soph baby stay with me, stay with me babe".

I look up to Gio's stormy grey eyes and throw a hit to his abdomen which he easily blocks.

I wipe my forehead with my shirt, "Help me out of my shirt G".

Giovanni helps me pull my Under Armour shirt off then calls over his friend James to bring me a water bottle.

I slip off my gloves, tighten my hair in the bun and tug my shorts down.

"Here drink up mio amore".

I open my mouth and let Gio fountain water in.

"I'm tired and starving", I whine.

He frowns, "I told you to finish your food before we left but you didn't listen".

I shrug my shoulders, "I got full".

James shakes his head, "Eating is essential before working out".

I cross my arms, "So you wouldn't mind if I threw up C4 Ripped all over your ring James?"

Gio frowns, "It wasn't that bad".

I laugh, "Wasn't that bad! it tasted like complete DoDo!"

James laughs and Giovanni whips him in the arm with a towel, "Get out she needs to concentrate".

He takes my hand and leads me back to the middle of the ring.

"I taught you everything you need to know, now it's on you to take this seriously. 70% tesoro, please that's all I ask of you."

I close my eyes and breath out, open them and hit him with everything I had on the left side of the throat. He staggers back a bit and chokes on a cough as James laughs outside the ring.

I walk over to Giovanni with a smug smile on my lips, "70%? how dare you underestimate me baby".

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