Chapter 36: How the Rich Indulge

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I am soon left by myself in the dark red room and the first thing I do is pull open the blinds to let sunlight in.

The room gave me chills as the red resembles blood, the furniture was black and it was cold. Dead cold.

Not to mention that it was huge! Some people are claustrophobic but I am the complete opposite. I would rather be in a small room filled with people than a bug room by myself.

I will never understand why some rich people have like 1-2 children but live in a mansion. I mean you do what you want with your money but who else sleeps in the other six rooms? Gohst?

I take a quick shower and get myself ready for dinner that was in 10 minutes.

'Alright Sophia what's on the menu for today?', I ask myself.

Pulling out a bodycon yellow dress I place it on the bed next to a satin wine red Slip on dress that hung in the back showing off a lot of my back.

"Red is a classic save the yellow for a beautiful day out".

I whip around to see Giovanni at the door, "You scared me! How and when did you get in!"

He chuckles, "My father designed this house. When he died I tore it down and redesigned it better. And you are always too busy in your head to hear small details and to keep your eyes aware of your surroundings so it was beyond easy".

I laugh, "So you heard me talking to myself?"

He walks over and runs the red dress between his fingers, "You are always talking to yourself, I've heard you many times".

Tugging at my robe he hands me the red dress, "Put this one on, I'll find you some shoes to match".

I sigh, "I wasn't thinking when I packed so I forgot to bring my heels-well the three pairs I own. But I did bring sandals-"

He gives me a look, "Is this why Lace handles the fashion for you?"

My mouth drops, "Wooow thanks!"

He laughs, "I was just-what do you call it, joshing?"

I couldn't help but laugh loudly, "Oh no I'm rubbing off on you!"

He runs my robe covered arms, "Well rub off more, I want more of you sweet stuff".

I roll my eyes at his cheekiness, "I'll be back and please make sure the heels are at a length that I can walk in".

He sighs exageratively, "Then we should probably just stick with sandals".

I laugh on my way to the bathroom where I slip on the red dress that falls to my shins.

I had never worn it before because of the low back part that required me to go bra-less. Don't get me wrong nothing is wrong with going bra-less but my 36C boobies are not here for it. But then again other girls have bigger breast then I do so I'm just gonna suck it up.

I open the door as Giovanni comes in with a pair of simple black heels that were around 3 inch.

I smile sitting on the countertop so he could tie them on to my feet.

When he finishes I apply some lip gloss and mascara and call it a day.

"Something is missing".

I look up at Gio in the mirror, "Whelp this is as good as it gets baby-"

He pulls out a jewelry box and opens it revealing shiny diamond earings.

My breath falters, "They are beautiful but holy cow they look for REAL for real".

He frowns, "I would never offer you anything less Sophia".

My smile drops as I realize he is being serious, "Giovanni I cant take an expensive gift-"

"Why not?"

I sigh, "It's too much, you didn't have to-"

He shakes his head, "See that's your problem Sophia, you think lowly of yourself. I didn't need you to ask me for this so I could get it for you. I bought them for you because I wanted to. If I think you are worthy to wear them then why can't you? Stop lowering your self bella".

I nod, "I understand and you also have to remember that you have lived the rich life, I haven't. These earings could pay off my college debt but to you it's not that big of a deal. It's all new to me so please be patient and understanding Giovanni".

He nods and kisses my temple. Removing my beloved Claire's earrings I let him slip on the Diamonds.

"So this is how the rich indulge huh?"

He kisses my right earlobe and pulls me out of the room and downstairs.


They had two tables set up. The long main table and the kids table at the corner.

Giovanni sit at the head and his mother sits at the other end of the table. I sit to Giovanni's left and Lucia sat to my right.

She had explained to me that the closer you are to Giovanni means you hold a certain position of power. But if you were family then you sat closer to Viola.

"How come your sitting here?"

She gives me a sneaky look, "I convinced him to let me sit next to you".

I nod, "Where's Mary?"

She rolls her eyes, "Thankfully at the kids table-"

I frown,"Mary is so sweet-"

"But she is my cousin so I know she is also very annoying".

She's got a point. It's different when you're family.

I shrug, "True, who are her parents?"

She leans in closer,"Her mother is obviously my tia Greta but the thing is, Less and Mary have different fathers".

I nod, "I can see that, they look nothing alike and have a big age gap. Although it can happen to full siblings aswell".

She nods, "Less's father is Argentinean and Mary's father is...unknown".

I raise a brow, "What do you mean, like she isn't in his life or her mom can't remember?"

Lucia comes in closer, "Oh she knows who it is but she refuses to tell anyone because-"

"Lucia if you continue to act immature I will send you to the children's table where that behavior belongs".

We both turn to see Giovanni giving his sister 'the look'. The shut your mouth that's family buisness only look.

I look around at everyone but they were all holding separate conversations and the ones who weren't talking to others acted like they couldn't hear.

Lucia crosses her arms, "No you won't because I'm 18 now".

Giovanni chuckles, "That statement holds no water. Weather you are 12, 18 or 25 if you live in this house then you will follow my rules".

She gives him a bored look, "Well I guess I'll have to run away now huh".

I hold in my laugh watching the siblings fight. I never had a sibling so to me, this was the most entertainment I have seen.

Giovanni sips his scotch and gives her a dark look, "I would love to see you try".

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