Chapter 21

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There she is. My gorgeous girlfriend. 


Standing in my white shirt from last night making me breakfast. I take her by surprise when I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck softly. 

"Morning beautiful!" I whisper in her ear. 

She giggles. Man I could hear that shit every single day. 

"Morning Rom!" She turns around her beautiful brown her wavy twirling in the air as she kisses me. 

I can't get enough of her. She is my endgame. 

Natasha Rivera. Without her I can't imagine living. 

Her green eyes sparkle with God knows what but I like them. "I don't like staying here knowing that bitch is here Rom! This used to be our place!" She murmurs while biting on my bottom lip. 

"I know Tasha but we have to handle her for a year. Till then we can go to my apartment every now and then!" I wink at her and start helping her with breakfast. 

"I love you Tasha!" I state while eating breakfast. 

My hand on her thigh tracing circles. She stops eating and looks at me her green eyes sparkling. She breathes life back into me.

"I love you too Rom!" She pecks my cheek and continues eating her brown hair doing nothing to hide my marks on her. 

Once we are done I decide to have a little fun I place her on the kitchen countertop with my body between her legs. 

My lips mould into hers so perfectly and when I bite down she lets out a heavenly moan. My hands trace over the curve of her bare breast underneath my white shirt. 

"Rom!" She whispers breathily.

She's a drug. My drug.

I'm fucking addicted. I can't let go of her. 

The love she ignites in my cold heart is enough for me to spend the rest of my life with her. 

"My life!" I say while pecking her neck and making more hickeys. 

"My soul!" I trace lower opening the buttons of the shirt and mark the curve of her breasts.

"My love!" I say while kissing her nipple. 

"All I have everything belongs to you!" I say and she lets out a moan. 

Every single word holds the truth. 

Everything I have is hers. 

Every single fucking thing. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I hear someone interrupt my time with my future.


I wake up in the morning excepting to be alone as per usual but what I see makes me wish I never came downstairs. 

Romero is in between Natasha's legs kissing the sensitive parts of her body. 

I cover my eyes and scream, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" 

I can feel my eyes sting with unshed tears. It hurts knowing that I'm going to see someone I used to love with someone else. 

This is another level of torture. 

When I uncover my eyes both of them are glaring at me. Anger evident in their eyes. 

"Why did you have to wake up bitch? Interrupting my time with my man!" Natasha gives me a dirty glare. 

She hasn't covered her bare breasts leaving them for show. Probably to show my lack of them. They must be fake.

"Sorry for wanting breakfast in the morning!" I roll my eyes sassily. 

"I'm not a slut who keeps her legs open 24/7!" I snap back angrily. 

Moving around their bodies I grab a glass of water letting the cold water drown my parched throat. 

"Rom!" I hear her cry out loud. 

Probably acting as usual. I look at her. She's crying into his arms.

"Apologise!" Romero says bluntly.

"For what? I didn't say anything wrong!" I yell at him. 

I'm not going to take waking up every morning to this bullshit. 

"APOLOGISE!" He roars furiously and storms towards me while I take small steps backwards. 

"I'm sorry!" I give a half assed apology to Natasha, who is smirking, all her tears long gone.

"You treat her with fucking respect. I will not have you treating Natasha like that! Is that understood?" He asks his face so close to mine. 

Those green eyes dancing with darkness. Natasha gets off the countertop and makes her way towards us.

"Rom let's go. Leave this bitch here!" She says while slamming her lips onto his.

I know what her game is. She's trying to claim him. 

I already know that he is hers as much as she is his. 

There's nothing left to prove. 

Yet still she thinks I'm a threat. She jumps up into his arms and they leave while Romero cradles her his hands on her butt. She gives me a wink and an evil smirk before leaving. After an hour or so I hear the slam and roar of the car.

I breathe a sigh of relief knowing they are gone. I can relax for a few hours. I have breakfast. There's nothing much to do. 

I talk to Alyssa and catch up on everything that has been happening. But she's busy at work so she hangs up. I go to the garden needing fresh air. Wanting to relax. 

I put my feet into the pool, my mind drowning in endless thoughts. 

I'm in the fast lane thinking of how to run. But I'm in another country. 

No one that I care about to give me support and love me. I'm alone.

No one can heal this part of me that is gone forever.

No one can bring back my Mama and fix the gaping hole in my heart from her absence.

A few hours later whilst I'm making dinner Romero storms back home and into the kitchen. 

"Go get ready. My parents want to have dinner with us!" He scowls obviously upset that his precious time with Natasha is being spent with me instead.

I stop the dinner I barely got to start and get dressed. 

Not knowing that this dinner is going to show the true colours of Romero. 


Romero is an asshole. 

Why do you think Romero treats her like that?

Is Romero really in love with Natasha?

Will Athena forever live a life of pain?

Comment and Vote.

Soul x 

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