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"But why can't I come with you?" There was a vicious scowl on Lisa's face. She stamped her foot on the wooden floor in frustration. "I can learn like you did."

"Because your mom doesn't want you to," Arya ruffled the young girl's hair and could feel the amusement of Sandor and Gendry who were waiting while still enjoying the free hospitality being offered by the Inn. Despite the early hour, they'd both wolfed down half a side of pork and two large tankards of ale.

"I can run away," the second stamp of Lisa's foot was accompanied with a defiant look and folded arms.

Arya squatted down on her haunches so she could look into Lisa's face. There wasn't just defiance in the girl's eyes but sadness at the thought of her new friend leaving. After everything Lisa had been through Arya could understand her emotions. "Where we're going is more dangerous than it was here. You were a great help, Lisa, but I want you to be safe."

"Is anywhere safe anymore?" A lone tear rolled down Lisa's soft cheek.

Arya swallowed. While she wanted to tell Lisa that Westeros was the safest it had ever been, she knew it would be a lie. For King Bran, it was still such an effort to rebuild the lands shattered by the Night King and the war against Cersei. There were too few troops to protect the people.

"Where your folks heading?" Gendry stepped away from the table he shared with Sandor and moved next to Arya as he wiped the froth from his mouth.

"Oldtown. Dad is going to be a Maester. Mum's good with letters. I'm learning to. But I want to fight. Like she can." Lisa unfolded her arms and pointed at Arya. "We might get attacked on the road again."

Arya recalled how she'd come upon the family in the beginning. She looked at Gendry.

"We could get a few men to go with them," he shrugged. "Unless they could travel now."

"Her dad won't be well enough to travel for another week." Myra walked into the bar area with Elsa. "And they haven't enough money to replace their wagon the old guards confiscated and took to the castle. Unless we can find it."

"We can pay for what they need," Arya looked at the Hound. "We'll hire a couple of men. Plenty need work."

Sandor spluttered out his drink. "Why the fuck are you looking at me?"

"Because you've got the gold stupid."

"For fuck's sake."

"And watch your language." Arya covered up Lisa's ears as the Hound rose from his chair and strode over to them with a dark look on his face. He fished some coins out of his money pouch and slammed them on the table.

"I'll go too," Elsa said, "and make sure they get there safely. I need to get away from here for a while, and I want to see more of the world." She cast a hesitant glance to her mother, but Myra only smiled back and nodded.

"You see?" Arya looked back at Lisa. "You'll have friends for the road and Myra will help look after you and your mum until you can go. And I've a friend in Oldtown you can leave a message with if you want to contact me. His name is Samwell Tarly. He's always going to the Grand Library in the Citadel. Can you remember the name?"

"Samwell Tarly," Lisa nodded. Then she began to weep. "I'll miss you."

Arya leaned forward, throwing her arms around the young girl and choking back her own tears. Burying her head in Lisa's soft hair, she whispered to the girl. "I'll miss you too little one. I'll come and visit, I promise. And when you're stronger, we can get you a dance master like I had. I might even give you some training when I visit."

"You promise?" Lisa's small fingers clung to Arya's hardened cloth jerkin. "You'll really train me?"

"I promise."

When they broke the embrace, Arya saw the shining hope in Lisa's eyes and knew she never wanted to let the girl down.

"We need to go," Sandor said gruffly. He turned and stomped out of the Inn.

"Thank you for all you've done for us," as Arya gathered her belongings. Myra gave her a hug.

"Look after yourself," Elsa said after doing the same. "I hope I can see you in Winterfell one day. It sounds such a wonderful place."

"For fuck's sake, woman," the Hound was holding the door open, Gendry laughed and made his way over, but not before getting his own hugs from the girls.

Outside, three horses waited patiently under the control of the Innkeeper's stable boy. Arya was the last to mount as Myra and the others also stepped out of the Inn to see them off. One or two townsfolk who noted their imminent departure gathered, offering their thanks as the three of them urged their mounts into motion.

Lisa ran up to Arya's horse demanding she bent down for one last mini hug.

"See you soon," Lisa wiped her eyes and stepped back into the arms of Elsa.

"Don't get all mushy on us now," Gendry joked as they trotted towards the south gate of the town. "The news from Starfall is just as grim as what you faced here."

"Don't you worry about me," Arya grinned at the other two, trying to hide the surprising hurt she felt as they rode away. Despite having only been in the town for a short time, it had been enough for her to make good friends. Something she usually found hard to do, and leaving was tougher than she ever imagined. While her side still hurt, Myra had done a fantastic job treating the wounds, and Elsa and Lisa had waited on her hand and foot for the few days she had to recover.

But now there was work to do, and more evil to root out in Westeros.

Arya rides into TownWhere stories live. Discover now