The Lords Gather

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Arya leaned forward at Lord Flowers command, scooping thick meat and gravy onto a large silver spoon before taking it into her mouth. The succulent pig tasted delicious as she chewed, the juices soaking tender meat before she swallowed. Lord Flowers observed with a crooked smile. Seeing she'd consumed the last morsel, he pointed towards the goblet of wine and Arya dutifully took three mouthfuls while he looked on. Three other so-called Lords of the realm watched the girl's submissive display as they waited to begin their platefuls of succulent pork and potatoes.

"A little paranoid, aren't we Franklyn?" It was one of the other Lords, sitting opposite Lord Flowers, and already his thick black beard displayed soggy remnants from the appetisers previously devoured by the group. "Though I must congratulate you on the quality of your tasters." He nodded towards Arya, raising eyebrows so outrageously bushy, Arya couldn't look at him without fixating on their incredible length.

"And very obedient too." Lord Flowers grabbed Arya's backside underneath the thick wolf fur she'd been dressed in. After the torturer had taken his good time washing her body, she'd been handed a complete wolf pelt to wear. Tied around the waist with a thin strip of leather it left her sides virtually naked, allowing easy access to bare flesh. The head of the unfortunate grey wolf slaughtered for the outfit formed a hood. Though space had been left for the brown leather collar tightly affixed around Arya's neck. A fastening embedded in the leather provided a convenient fixing for a leash should the Lord desire to control her like a dog.

A position currently being held by the blond-haired plaything cowering on the floor under the table between his legs.

"Good to see your little friend is also doing as she's told." Lord Flowers addressed Arya while nodding across the table. Lisa also wore an animal pelt as she helped serve the guests. Arya wasn't sure exactly what type of unfortunate creature had been used to provide Lisa's garment, but at least it offered more fur to cover her body. Though gaps had been left for roaming hands to find areas of flesh to grab and pinch.

Despite her tender age, and the lewd comments constantly directed at her, Lisa kept her eyes dry and a forced smile on her face. She'd already been incredibly brave, helping Arya as she tried to glean as much information as possible about their surroundings.

One of the Lords demanded more wine. Lisa, on seeing the earthenware jug was empty, carried it towards a set of tables at the side of the hall where all manner of wines and ales were laid out for the guests. Arya took the opportunity to take Lord Flower's own jug over while he tucked into his overfilled plate.

"Was there a message?" Arya whispered to the younger girl as they swapped their jugs for full ones. Other servants would take empty ones away.

Lisa nodded, "it will be as you said." Her voice barely audible, she kept glancing at the Lords. "Elsa has the plants. The Innkeeper will be ready."

Arya smiled at the girl, wanting to give her a hug and praise her bravery. With so many people going to and from the village it had been easy to get messages through. Especially using Lisa, who most of the guards or castle staff ignored as she dashed between their legs. Provided she presented herself promptly when called the young girl was left alone.

They'd got word to Myra in the cells below the castle. Hopefully, word would quietly spread for the prisoners to avoid Elsa's doctored stew, and to be prepared to take their chance to escape when the time came.

"Stay as close as you can to me tonight," Arya said. "I'm going to need your help."

Lisa's hands started shaking with the weight of the jug she had to carry. "I'm scared."

Arya placed a hand on her bare arm. "You've been brilliant, Lisa. We can do this. We can do it together. Everyone will be with us."

Lisa nodded, and Arya hoped her words wouldn't prove fruitless. Lord Flowers had spent a lot of time telling Arya about all the disgusting acts he had planned for her after the sacrifices. A taste of some of them would be demonstrated after the feast as he used his current plaything for the last time. The witch said it would fill him with tremendous energy for the night ahead.

"What are you two whispering about?" Lord Flowers growled, he then started laughing and waving his empty goblet. "Get yourself back here, girl." Arya span around and dutifully trotted back to the Lord.

"Taking a risk aren't you Franklyn." It was a ginger-haired Lord who spoke. Arya had heard him referred to as Lord James. Not that she could remember any Lord James from her lessons back at Winterfell. Clearly, another imposter seeking to grab power after the great war. Lord James gnawed vigorously on one of the pig's ribs soaked in the juicy fat and apple sauce. "If I couldn't see this rest of this hog on the table, I'd be wondering what the little bitch had truly cooked up."

The other lords laughed.

"I think everybody's heard what happened to Walder Frey," the bushy eyebrowed man put in.

"Well, it's all about taking advantage when you can." Once more, Lord Flowers hand reached underneath Arya's pelt and grabbed her behind. "Like all women, not so tough when not being sneaky or don't have the advantage. And tonight this one will help produce the power to make us rulers of southern Westeros. There will be no Stark yoke for us." There were murmurs of agreement around the table.

"And what if they send a full army against us." Lord James's concern garnered support from fellow guests. Arya could see their bravado was superficial. They were still scared of what could happen to them.

"We have the Lord of light to protect us, and after tonight we'll have something that can challenge whatever the crippled bastard can throw at us." He pinched Arya's bare flesh. Her instinct was to ram her elbow into his throat before scooping a knife off the table and stabbing him in the eye. Instead, she endured the humiliation and went over a dozen different ways that she could fill the last moments of his life with agonising pain.

"You keep speaking of this power Franklyn, but we've yet to see it. I thought the demonstration was supposed to be tonight?" A younger, but by far considerable the ugliest of all the nasty Lords around the table, spoke up as he sipped his wine. His narrow cruel eyes peered out from a face whose nose had been broken so many times it was almost flat.

"The power you shall see tonight would have been enough on its own." Lord Flowers growled as if annoyed at the thought of people questioning him. "But the Lord of Light has provided us with one of noble blood who shall give birth to a new power. Do you not want to be masters in your own lands? Do you not want the south to be ours?" He grabbed Arya by the back of her neck, pressing her against the edge of the table as if to show off a gift from the gods.

"You know we agree with you," Lord James put in, "but we also know the power of the Starks. "Wasn't the Lord of Light recently on their side?"

"They failed to embrace the Lord after all he had done for them. The red witch came to me because the Lord is angry. Tonight, you will begin to see the power, and by morning we will have what it takes to bring down this greenseer abomination ruling our land."

Letting go of Arya, Lord Flowers grasped the newly filled mug of wine indicating the others should follow suit.

"To our new Kingdom and our new power. The long winter will truly be over when we embrace the Lord of Light, and no more will we bow down to other houses. No Lannister's, Targaryen's or Starks will rule over our castles and villages. No horse lords or seedless men will command our obedience." He slammed his fist onto the table, making everything jump before taking a deep drink from the goblet.

There were shouts of approval from the other Lords before they downed their drinks.

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