Fighting with the Red witch

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Screaming at the witch to attract her attention, Arya raised the bloody short sword above her head, charging across the grass towards the foul creature. It was hardly the sort of attack she'd been trained for, but as the evil crone was about to send a stream of fire into the next bonfire, Arya knew she had to improvise. The guards and townsfolk to her right were still engaged in a desperate struggle. While the sight of the witch spouting magical flames spread panic among both sides, the poorly armed townsfolk were faring the worse. If they didn't gain an advantage soon, Arya imagined them turning and fleeing for their lives. And she wouldn't blame them.

Her own charge was almost suicidal.

The witch, attracted to Arya's cry, directed her flame towards the onrushing girl. Having anticipated such a reaction, Arya tucked herself into a ball and rolled to the left as the green fire scorched the earth where she would have been. Still some ten feet from the witch, Arya tried to judge the next attack. Lisa had freed the first man, who'd fled in panic after his ropes were cut instead of helping her with the other prisoners.

Bouncing off the wooden piles, the young girl powered towards the next bonfire where Myra was struggling to free herself from the bonds.

"What have you done?" The witch, having seen the chaos on the stand where everyone was fleeing the sick and the stricken Lord, screamed with rage. She lowered both arms in front of her to launch another assault. As the green flames flickered, Arya sprinted between the first burning bonfire and the witch. Then she abruptly stopped and rolled back the way she'd come, allowing the green fire to flash by. It exploded against the already burning pyre. Scorched wood and clods of earth blasted into the air. The blackened remains of the sacrificed man disintegrated.

Arya closed the gap while the witch began to summon more flame. As the green fire began to form on her hands once more, Arya launched into a wild overhead swing seeing the witch had no apparent means of defence.

Except for the flames.

The witch raised her hands, and as Arya's blade reached the green fire, the creature was able to catch and stop the weapon without causing her withered limbs any harm.

Arya pulled back, looking to strike again she realised the blade had shattered. Using her speed to swivel, Arya thrust the remains of her weapon towards the creature's exposed body. This time it struck home, but another glow of sickly green light erupted from the creature's stomach, and while the witch's face contorted in pain for a brief moment, Arya found herself holding only the hilt of the shortsword. She threw it aside.

The red witch smiled. "I will have your blood Arya Stark of Winterfell." She came at Arya with both hands glowing. Moments before being touched, the assassin rolled underneath the crooked clawing hands, and as she rose, Arya delivered a kick to the witch's stomach powerful enough to send the creature stumbling off-balance.

It gave Arya a few moments to gather herself.

Panting as she tried to decide her next move, Arya saw Lisa had freed Myra. The older woman had taken the knife and was already working on the next victim. Lisa had moved closer to Arya.

Arya dashed across the few yards towards the young girl and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Get away from here," Arya pointed her towards the lower part of the courtyard where the struggle continued. "See if you can find Elsa."

It still wasn't going well for the townsfolk. Some had fled in terror, and though others had managed to overpower a few of the guards and take their weapons, the guards were desperately fighting for their lives. Arya could see Elsa and the Innkeeper back to back smashing any enemies that came near with robust kitchen implements. Elsa was making effective use of her large serving ladle.

Lisa just stared at Arya with eyes full of dread. Arya wasn't sure if any of her words had got through. The witch gave a hideous squawk as she regained her equanimity and started after them.

"Just run Lisa," Arya knew there was only one course of action she could take. "I'll distract the witch."

She pushed the girl towards the lower courtyard and charged the opposite way, hoping the witch would ignore Lisa in the pursuit of Stark blood.

Arya sprinted towards the nearest bonfire free of any prisoner, grabbing two club sized branches before another blast of green flame shattered the woodpile. The force of the explosion sent Arya tumbling back.

She rolled onto her feet and pushed towards the edge of the raised grass area. Recalling her earlier visit, Arya measured the distance in her mind between the last bonfire and the cliff edge to make sure she didn't find herself running off into the darkness and plummeting to her death.

With the light fading the further she moved away from the main area, Arya skidded to a halt just short of the drop. The sound of water slapping against the rocks came from below, drowning out the crackling of wood as two bonfires burned with a ghastly mix of orange and green flames.

Arya was pleased to see the other prisoners had been rescued by an animated Myra.

The hairs on the back of Arya's neck tingled.

Instinct made her dive to her left.

There was a sensation of heat as fire whooshed by her.

Turning, she faced a witch who seemed to float across the grass towards her. The flame still engulfed her fists, but it was flickering, and Arya hoped her power was fading.

Further back, the townsfolk were scattering or being captured. One of the Lords had rallied the guards and called upon his own handful of troops to make the difference. Knowing she could only deal with one crisis at a time, Arya hefted the wooden branches and took a deep breath. Whatever happened, she was determined to rid Westeros of this red witch.

Another shaft of fire.

Arya dodged again.

This time she span right around before hurling one of the branches as a makeshift spear. The witch swatted it aside, but Arya saw the magic spluttering in and out of existence. Her enemy hesitated, as though going to launch again, before moving forward and trying to close the distance between the two women.

Taking the remaining branch in both hands, Arya leapt and swung her weapon towards the witch's head. The creature raised an arm, blocking the blow. Only just managing to pull her branch aside, Arya saw the end of the branch was burned.

The green fire continued to diminish.

Weaving back and forth, Arya swung at the red witch's head. Again, the attack was repulsed. The witch pushed her hands towards Arya when they were close. The fire burnt through the thick wolf fur and seared against the girl's shoulders and upper arm. Arya broke off, flipping backwards, just avoiding the edge of the cliff. Her makeshift weapon was gone, but she saw the red witch could only conjure green sparks dancing in the darkness.

Pressing her palms together the witch cursed, uttering a new spell. The green light grew slightly, and she swooped towards Arya.

Ducking below the witch's outstretched arms, Arya attempted to throw the creature off balance as her own bare feet danced on the edge of the cliff. The witch pressed her attack. Arya went low again, but her enemy reached down and grasped the front of the wolf tunic. A spark of green fire burned through the fur.

Pain ripped through Arya as she felt fiery residue scorch her stomach. Giving a roar of pure agony, she took hold of the witch's cowl and yanked the creature towards the cliff edge.

For a moment, Arya thought she had the upper hand. The witch stumbled forward and lashed out at Arya with a screeching cry which seemed to stimulate a flourish of magic. Though grasping hands missed Arya, the fire scorched her flesh once more. An intense flare of flame forced Arya to her knees as she tried to prevent herself from passing out, only avoiding another blow by throwing herself backwards.

Her head lay next to the cliff edge.

The red witch loomed over Arya. There was no green fire.

Instead, a sleek obsidian dagger appeared in withered hands with the clear intent of falling on her victim and plunging the blade into Arya's stricken body.

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