It Begins

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Arya absorbed everything unfolding in the castle courtyard. Looking for the best time to strike she watched for every possible threat, fearing the greatest danger would come from the red witch. Worried she didn't know the full extent of the old woman's powers.

The others, Arya knew she could best. Lord Flowers would die quickly, and any of the other Lords who dared stand against her. She expected many of the guards to crumple to the floor once the doctored stew had taken effect, allowing the townsfolk to overpower them.

Then there was the red-robed creature.

The witch danced between the bonfires, calling out in Asshai. The Lords and their attendants sat on the makeshift wooden stand, allowing them a prime position for the atrocious spectacle about to unfold. Copious amounts of wine and food were brought by subdued servants while plans for future conquests, once Lord Flowers had unveiled the promised power, were discussed.

The reluctant crowd, drawn from the town, had already assembled below the raised section of the courtyard where bonfires were built in readiness for the night's events. Numerous lanterns adorned the walls of the courtyard, illuminating the macabre scene. Musicians, hired to add atmosphere, strummed and plucked their instruments playing merry tunes out of place with the mood of the crowd. A juggler moved through the people trying to tempt some of the younger ones to take part.

No-one paid any attention.

Arya felt the pull of the leather collar around her neck. She was Lord Flowers new pet, chained to his wrist. He'd delighted in demonstrating how, when he yanked violently enough, the leather would tighten and restrict her breathing, subduing any efforts to withstand him. Afterwards, Arya had managed to loosen the collar a little with her fingers, but there would nothing she could do if he pulled the chain so tight the leather choked her to death.

However, this was nothing to the sick show he'd forced her to witness during the afternoon as he'd satiated sexual appetites on his previous plaything. The witch had watched on before commanding the Lord to slit the throat of his poor victim as he finished. She scooped up the blood in a silver goblet. Tasting it herself, and then handing it to the Lord who drank while a crazed fire burned in his eyes as he listened to her promises of the power to come. Lord Flowers roared like some primordial beast and would have dragged Arya onto the blood-soaked bed there and then had not the witch calmed him.

She'd told him he had to be patient. To await the right time.

Arya had been bound so tightly she'd began to question her plans to make everything right. Had Lord Flowers not been restrained by the witch, Arya knew it would have been difficult for her to resist.

Difficult, though not impossible.

She'd only been released from the bondage once the old crone had left, as though the witch knew the possible consequences of even a modicum of freedom for the assassin. As Arya was led away, she'd looked upon the pale, lifeless body of an innocent victim and vowed vengeance would be swift.

"Here they come." Lord Flowers shouted excitedly as he leapt up from his ornate chair at the centre of the stand. The movement tightened the collar around Arya's neck as she tried to remain knelt on the floor.

Like the rest of the Lords, Arya looked towards the castle keep entrance and watched the guards lead out the prisoners chosen for the sacrifice. Arya saw Myra was with them, head bowed and plodding in line with the others. While some of the prisoners wailed in protest or begged for mercy, Myra remained silent.

Observing the accompany guards gave Arya cause for concern. If Elsa had poisoned the stew as instructed, some of the guards would have eaten it and been affected by now. But Arya couldn't see any showing signs of weakness. If they didn't soon, she'd have to act anyway.

"Is this really necessary Franklyn." Lord James shifted uncomfortably in his seat as the procession of prisoners reached their designated sacrificial pyre.

"If we want a power to match that of our enemies, then it must be so." Lord Flowers growled. "These are criminals, murderers and thieves. They deserve to die. They will be embraced by the Lord of Light and spend their eternity in a glorious afterlife. They should be grateful for this chance to redeem their pathetic lives." The Lord was rambling and collapsed in his chair. The day of drinking heavy on his breath and belly.

"Not a pleasant way to go," Lord James muttered.

"Are there any good ways to die?" The ginger Lord laughed, gnawing on a particularly juicy chicken leg.

"Underneath a trio of whores from Essos." Another voice chipped in, causing raucous laughter. It made Arya sick to hear them when they were about to witness innocent people burned to death. She wanted to scream out that they weren't murderers or thieves, just people caught up in the Lord's thirst for power.

The guards tied the prisoners to their posts. Some struggled and fought, their wailing never abating, while others, like Myra, were passive and quietly accepting their grizzly fate.

Among them, the witch swirled with graceful swoops which belied the crooked figure under the red cloak. The music had changed to the simple drumbeat accompanying the witch's calls as she uttered words and verses in honour of the Lord of Light.

Arya rechecked the state of the guards. She could see Elsa and the Innkeeper ladling generous portions of the stew into bowls being handed out to the soldiers and guests. The potion should have had them slumping to the floor passed out. But they appeared fine.

It hadn't worked.

Her already precarious plan was going badly wrong.

Lisa caught her eye. She'd been fetching food and wine to the stand for the Lords and privileged guests from the town. Traitors hoping to curry the favour of Lord Flowers with no regard to the cost of their neighbours. Arya saw those who'd come to the Inn to give her up.

There was a questioning look on Lisa's face.

"Soon," Arya mouthed silently.

The younger girl gave a brief smile before bowing her head. Arya knew Lisa was nervous and hoped she'd be able to hold it together long enough to help, or it would be yet another part of her plan to unravel.

As the last of the prisoners were tied to the stakes, Arya knew she couldn't wait any longer for the potion to take effect.

Lord James vomited over his kneeling manservant. Other guests roared with laughter as they saw the unfortunate young man drenched in sick.

One of the guards who'd restrained a woman prisoner dropped to his knees and threw up on the grass.

A second bent double, clutching his stomach.

Somehow Elsa had messed up the potion. But it was enough.

Arya smiled to herself. Go time.

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