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While the Inn wasn't open to the public, three men had forced their way in and were surrounding the Innkeeper. One of the party, a tall man with angular features and a hooked nose, was jabbing the Innkeepers with his bony finger. Arya could see the tension in the larger man's shoulders despite holding his arms out in a conciliatory gesture.

"I assume you are talking about me." Arya stepped into the common room. Food was stacked on some of the tables ready to be transported to the castle. She grabbed a fresh bread roll from one of the plates. It might be awhile before she had a decent meal again and her teeth tore into the crusty cob.

Five faces looked her way. The hooked nose man pushed the innkeeper aside and stamped across the wooden floor. Arya didn't move. Instead, taking another bite and slowly chewing the hard bread, she looked the newcomer in the eye. If he considered his stomping right up to her intimidating because he was just dealing with a girl, then Arya nearly laughed in his face at his pathetic efforts.

"It's you they're after. This could all stop if we turn you in." The man took a step back as if unnerved by Arya's nonchalance as she continued to nibble on the roll. He looked her up and down, trying to regain some of his initial bluster. The two other middle-aged men stood with the Innkeeper. They didn't look to be carrying any weapons and Arya assumed they were some sort of town elders.

"So, if I turn myself in tonight's sacrifices won't go ahead. Everything will be fine?"

The two elders left the Innkeeper, and shuffled next to their companion. Their faces were hardened and serious. These were men who'd tried to keep their town safe during the recent upheavals. They were farmers, traders and fishermen, not fighters. Folk desperate for the rich and powerful to stay out of their lives so they could continue to eke out a meagre existence.

She noticed the one on the left, who still had some colour in a head of hair that otherwise was dark grey, wore more expensive garments and though his hands were clasped in front of him, she could see his rings were gold and silver. The only residents Arya suspected would be able to retain such wealth in the town were those in the pay of the Lord.

The third man was smaller than his companions. With a rat-like complexion, ravaged by pox, and thinning ginger hair. His brown robe was the shoddiest of all three and nothing about him told her he was prospering under the new regime. Though he probably hoped that by helping deliver Arya to the castle he would procure the Lord's favour.

"You are only making it worse," Hook nose snapped.

"The Lord of Light will be merciful if you turn yourself in my child." The ring adorned man spoke and confirmed Arya's suspicions. He was the influencer, the one who'd persuaded the others to turn her in. He would die tonight.

"I'm no child," Arya smirked. An expression that unnerved all three men. There was a knife on the side of the table next to the rolls. She retrieved it before slicing off a piece of bread in a deliberate manner. Hook nose watched her every move, shuffling back a little and leaving the real traitor in a more prominent position.

"If we don't take a stand, then where will this end?" The Innkeeper shook his head as he wiped his hands on his apron despite there being no need.

"The Lord of Light will show mercy." Grey hair bowed his whole upper body. "To be sacrificed is a great honour."

"Great, then you'll come with me and offer to take one of the places." Arya pointed her knife towards his heart.

A startled look spread across the man's face for a moment. He forced out a weak smiled as his composure returned. "The choices have already been made."

"Then you don't need me," Arya returned to her slicing and eating of the bread.

"You must answer for your crimes against the town." Hook nose stammered. He looked drained of confidence.

"The only crime she has committed is trying to help us." The Innkeeper protested.

"And only made things worse," Ratface hissed. "They've taken my wife because of last night. I told her not to. I begged her. But this witch had cast a spell on her."

Arya raised her eyebrows. So she was a witch too. What other charges would be laid against her? There was more shouting outside the main doors of the Inn, and Arya knew the soldiers were here. "So, you've already made up your mind." She remained calm, though her heart was hammering at the prospect of what was going to happen next.

"It will be better for the town." Hook nose failed to sound magnanimous.

"I want my wife back," Ratface whimpered.

"And you think this will really help," Arya pointedly stared at the grey-haired man. "The Lord of Light will spare her now. Lord Flowers will spare her."

"He promised."

While Arya thought the grey-haired man didn't sound convincing, it was enough for his companion, who was understandably desperate to hold on to any shred of hope his beloved might be saved.

Fists hammered against the Inn's main doors. "Open up in the name of Lord Flowers."

The four men looked at her.

"You better let them in if you're only here to save your skins." Arya stabbed the knife on the table, making Hook nose jump. Ratface backed away. Grey hair seemed to grow in confidence with the proximity of the soldiers.

"Are you sure?" The Innkeeper gave Arya an incredulous stare.

She nodded. "If you don't let them in they'll break the doors down anyway. You've already done enough for me."

"But what shall we do?" He was rapidly wringing the apron while edging towards the doors.

"Be prepared for anything tonight." Arya gave him a wink as she popped the last of the roll into her mouth. "And speak to Elsa."

The Innkeeper nodded, and he moved between tables before unlocking the door. Half a dozen soldiers spilled in, their weapons drawn, a ragtag assortment of armour strapped onto their bodies as though they were expecting to fight a hoard.

"This is her." Hook nose stood aside and pointed towards Arya. His confidence returning.

"Are you going to give us any trouble?" One of the soldiers stepped forward, brandishing his arming sword. He at least was wearing a Lord of Light tabard.

"I'm just a girl," she offered an innocent smile. "What trouble can I be?"

"Then come with us." He roughly grabbed her arm and Arya was forced to resist the urge to grab the knife and drive it into his eye. She'd already calculated that if she then seized his blade, another soldier could be stabbed in the face and of those remaining, more than one was liable to piss himself once the blood started spurting.

Instead, she took a deep breath and allowed herself to be steered towards the door.

"Don't take my sister." A whirlwind flew from behind the bar and threw itself at the lead soldier. Scrawny arms wrapped around his neck. "Leave her alone."

Lisa then started beating against his helmet with a tiny fist.

For a moment, the soldier was so shocked he released Arya and staggered into one of the tables and shook the trays of food so much the rolls tumbled onto the floor. Recovering, the soldier plucked the girl from his shoulders.

Lisa found herself dangling in the air by the back of her worn blue dress. She lashed out with her fists but was unable to reach.

"What do we have here." The soldier laughed as he recomposed himself. "A relative."

"Let her go," Arya spoke through clenched teeth. "She's nothing to do with this."

"You're all the Lords' subjects. She has everything to do with it."

Arya lunged at the nearest soldier, who was watching on with amusement while resting on his spear. She grabbed at the short sword, untidily strapped onto his belt, and pulled it clear. Her hopes faded as she spun to face the lead soldier only to see he was holding Lisa with a mailed hand around her throat. Lisa was already gasping for breath.

"Once step closer girl, and she dies."

"I've got a better idea." Arya heard the voice of the guard behind her. While transfixed on Lisa's plight there was a blow to the back of her head.

Everything went dark.

Arya rides into TownWhere stories live. Discover now