treinta y cuatro

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Tatiana was back in school and its was exhausting to say the least

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Tatiana was back in school and its was exhausting to say the least.  However, due to her being a senior, she didn't have to stay the whole day, so she went back home and threw herself on Oscar.  "I'm going to die."  She groaned.  "Did you make lunch?"

"I put it in the microwave so it stayed warm."  Tatiana smiled and kissed Oscar's cheek, ignoring the fact that the whole gang was over, before walking inside to get her food and drop her bags and car keys on the kitchen table.  Tatiana grabbed the plate of chicken quesadillas and looked in the oven to see that Oscar was already making enchiladas.

Tatiana went outside to sit down on the porch chair she made Oscar get, but Oscar pulled her over so she fell back into his lap. "Why you dressed all nice for?"

"I had a scholarship interview." Tatiana just shrugged and bit into one of the quesadillas Oscar cooked. "Want some?"

Oscar shook his head and leaned back into the chair as Tatiana ate. "Did you already apply for colleges?"

Tatiana nodded her head and swallowed her food so she could start explaining. "I did UCLA because it's really close and they have like the best nursing program in California. And USC, UCSB, Stanford and Cornell because I thought it would be funny, and... actually, I think that's it." Tatiana ended. "But I'll most likely go to UCLA because it's closer to you and they gave me a dance scholarship, so that takes out a big part of my tuition."

Oscar smiled as he listened to Tatiana talk about college, but couldn't help himself to think about how she was leaving soon, and he was never going to be able to get out of Freeridge.

"And then once we get more money, we can buy a bigger house and have all those kids you were talking about."  Tatiana said, catching Oscar off guard.  "4 kids, right?"

"And a bigger car."

Tatiana smiled and nodded her head.  "A bigger car too."

× × ×

A week had passed since that talk on the porch with the chicken quesadillas, and for some reason Oscar has been slowly distancing himself. At first, Tatiana thought nothing of it because she knows from experience that when Oscar's stressed with the gang, he'll stay quiet just so he could think.

However, it's been a whole week and when she asked the gang if anything was going on, they shook their heads and sipped their beer. "We have a truce, so we're chillin'." Sad Eyes told her.

Tatiana pursed her lips as she sat on the bed, waiting for Oscar to come from the bathroom.  When he came back, he said nothing as Tatiana watched him and messed with the tag on the blanket.  "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"  Tatiana watched him throw a shirt on and then sit on his side of his bed.  "Night."

Before he could roll over and face away from her, Tatiana grabbed his shoulder.  "Wait."  Oscar sighed, but didn't look at her and Tatiana scooted closer to him.  "Are you okay?  You've been quiet all week.  Is it Cesar?  Because he's safe, I promise.  He's been staying at my abuelita's house, so you don't have to worry about him."

"It's not Cesar."

Tatiana waited for him to continue, then she realized he wasn't going to. "Did I do something?"

"Yeah, you came into my life."

Tatiana furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at Oscar.  "What are you talking about?"

Oscar let out a big sighed and rolled over to his back, so she didn't have to keep holding his shoulder.  "You're going to college in a few months, Tati.  You're making something of your life and I'm stuck in this ghetto ass town leading a gang until I get murdered."

Tatiana shook her head and reached for his hand.  "Don't say that."

Oscar shook his head and scoffed.  "It's true!  You're going to UCLA, meet some guy who has money to support you and forget all about me."  He exclaimed.  "You're gonna be a nurse and I'm just another lowlife dating someone younger than him.  You deserve better than me."

Oscar went to roll over again, but Tatiana caught his shoulder and kept him on his back.  "What I deserve is to be happy.  And my happiness is you."  She told him, looking directly into his eyes as she spoke.  "I don't need to fall in love some rich guy to support me, I don't need anyone to support me.  What I do need is you."

"No you d—"

"Yes I do.  You've been telling me to take the right path in life since we met, and I am, but I can't do it without you.  I don't need some fancy college or money or even dance.  I just need Oscar Manuel Diaz, and nothing is going to change that.  Not even a scholarship."

Oscar stared right back at her as she spoke and knew she was being completely genuine.  "You shouldn't throw your future away because of me."

"I'm not throwing anything away.  If I was, you'd be the one thing I'd never let go.  No matter what."  Oscar just stared at her for a few seconds, then nodded his head.  Tatiana smiled since she got him to talk and leaned over to kiss him.  "You're a pain in the ass sometimes."

"Aye, you just said you love me."

Tatiana hummed like she was rethinking and squealed when Oscar grabbed her waist and threw her down so she was on her back and under him.  "I was kidding.  I love you."

Oscar flopped down beside her and pulled her close.  "Te amo también." Tatiana leaned closer and kissed Oscar when a whine came from Blossom.

Tatiana turned around and saw that Blossom's paws were on the bed as she stared at her owner and Oscar. "Come on, mama." Blossom let out what sounded like a sigh and put her paws down before jumping onto the bed and laying on the edge.

"How come she had kids before you?"

"What you trying to say?"

Oscar pursed his lips, rubbing the small of Tatiana's back while she just stared at him. "Girls have babies in college all the time. And they graduate."

Blossom so cute man 🥰☺️

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Blossom so cute man 🥰☺️

No one:
Oscar: *depressed because his girlfriend is going to college, so he ignores her*
No one:
Not even Tati:
Or the devil:
Oscar: "let's have babies NOW"

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