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"Let Tati do it."  Jamal said as said girl walked up behind him and scared the soul out of his body.  "You just need to talk to Oscar about letting Cesar out."

"I already tried that 2 weeks ago and I haven't talked to him since."

"Well, let Ruby do the talking.  You just go there and make sure no one dies."  Jamal said and she saw Ruby throw his head back with a scared look on his face. 

"Don't worry, Ruby, I won't let him hurt you."  She told the younger boy, throwing an arm across his shoulders.  "Oh, I have to get to dance.  Tell me when we're talking to Spooky.  See you guys, later."  She said, patting the shorter boy's cheek before walking away from the group and towards the dance room.

When Tatiana was halfway there, Jasmine came out of no where and walked beside her.  "Oh, girl, I see you.  You and Ruby gettin freaky.  Tell me, does he take a lot of cold showers?"  Jasmine laughed as Tatiana looked confused but kept walking.  "Hey, I know why I didn't make the team.  I get it.  Not everyone can handle all of my talent.  Wait, slow down.  Tengo asma."

× × ×

The next morning, the senior met up with Ruby and the rest of the group.  They were talking about what Ruby would be saying to keep him safe and it was then that the 18 year-old realized that this wad basically a life or death situation for her friend. 

After the rest of the group split up, Tatiana patiently waited for the freshman to walk into the backyard.  If she remembered correctly, the back area was a mess and could actually be a little scary since the sun never hit it.

"You got this, Rubes."  The senior encouraged the freshman who seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack.

"Acid."  He whispered in horror.  "I can't do this."  He mumbled, speed walking away to escape the area as fast as possible. 

Tatiana, went after him and right before they could pass the beat up car, Spooky's voice called out from behind them.  "Sup, fools."  Ruby turned around slowly and his eyes send to be pleading Tatiana for help.  Oscar picked up 2 flipped over buckets and moved them over. 

Ruby took quick steps to make his way over and sat on one of the buckets after looking back.  He was terrified out of his mind and be just wanted to be sure that he had a friend there with him.  Ruby was breathing quickly and as Oscar leaned forward so his face was a mere inches away, he arched back and groaned quietly.  "What's with the glitter?"

"Late night at the club.  You know how hynas be."  The boy rushed out, and Tatiana wanted to wrap her arms around him because of how choked up he sounded. 

The man sitting across from him laughed and started reaching into his pocket.  "I feel you homie.  Sometimes my ruca wears that same shit.  She be rubbing all up in me and I can't get the crap out for days."  At the thought of Oscar with another girl, closer to his age, Tatiana felt a mix of emotions.  She felt sad because she believed she was the only girl, but also angry. 

While Ruby talked, she could tell he was dumbing it down because she could actually understand what he was talking about.  At some point, he compared Cesar to a baby bird that's ready to leave the nest. 

"I was thinking hawks."

"Hawks can suck a dick."  Oscar yelled and Ruby visibly clenched onto the strap of his backpack. 

"Exactly."  The freshman have a sheepish smile and look back to make sure that the senior didn't leave him alone.  "I mean, you feelin' me, Spook.  Spooky."

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