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"Guys, look!  I bought a car!"  Tatiana told the group of freshman excitedly.  She grabbed Ruby and Monse's hands and pulled them to the parking lot where her newly bought black Camaro was.  It wasn't 2018, but it ran good and it got her places.  "It was only a couple thousand dollars and I don't have any payments to make."

"Dude, this is sick!"

"Congratulations, Tati."  The afro-latina said, and the older teen smiled even more.  She went through a lot in the past 4 years so to see her thriving on her own made the freshman look up to her.  "No more walking after dance practice or stealing grocery carts."

"Hey, I return those."

The younger Diaz finally caught up with the three and examined the car.  "I'm proud of you, T."  Once again, the senior smiled and checked the time on her phone.

"We have to get to class, come."

× × ×

With Cesar out with his friends, the senior laid out on the couch with her head in Oscar's lap.  They weren't doing anything for once, no drops, no pick ups, not even TV.  "Oscar, am I your girlfriend?"

"I mean, I claimed you a few months ago, so I guess."

The teen moved her head to look at him and sighed.  "But they aren't the same thing.  I don't want to be claimed like some item, I want to be your girlfriend."

For whatever reason unknown to Tatiana, his attitude changed at what she said. "Don't get all soft on me.  They're the same thing.  If you don't like it, there's the door."

"I'm not leaving for some petty shit, cabrón.  It was just a question because until you ask, I'm technically single."

"Sure you are.  You droppin' it now?"  The gang leader grumbled, and it further pissed her off because he gave 0 fucks while she was tired.  Tired of not knowing if they were going to be together and tired of thinking if he was off with girls closer to his age while she was in class. 

"No, can't you just ask me out?  All I want to know is if I'm being led on or if this is actually serious."

"You know I don't do that relationship crap.  I don't like being tied down."

"You don't or you just don't want to date a highschooler?"

It took a few seconds, but when the response came out of his mouth, she scoffed. "Both."  Standing up, she grabbed her keys and walked out without saying a word.  She was hoping he would come out and apologize, which is why she wasn't rushing to leave.  But by now she should've known that the Santos leader wasn't one for apologies and with that in mind, she went home.

The next day at school, her friends pulled her aside the second she walked through the quad.  "You broke up with him?"  Aiyana asked her.

"Broke up with who?"

"Ay Díos, Spooky!  The guy you been messing around with since summer?  The whole school is talking about it."

Tatiana rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk down the hallway with 3 of her friends around her.  "I told you, we were never dating to begin with.  Long story short, he doesn't want a highschooler to have the title of 'Spooky's girlfriend'."

"You better be lying, because lo juro por Díos."

"Why would I lie about that?  You all know how long I've liked him and I didn't want to be one of his little flings.  He doesn't want to date a high school student, so he can go back to his little hoes and I'll go back to trying to get a fullride scholarship.  Maybe it's time I find someone my own age."  The young latina told her friends, walking away and to the office since she was supposed to talk to the principal about something.

"Ms. Ramos, there you are.  This is Nathaniel, he's a new student."

Later on in the day, the group of freshman watched their older friend introduce a guy with a full sleeve to her group of friends during lunch, and 3 of them became confused.

"Am I trippin' or is does she look happier now than she did when she got her car?"  Monse asked the group, all 4 of them watching as Tatiana smiled at something her new friend said.  "What happened with her and Oscar?"

"Why do you assume something happened?"  Jamal asked her.  "Maybe she just decided to hang out with her friends again and not skip school."

The 3 freshman turned to look at Cesar, suspecting that he knew the answers.  From the rumors around town, they knew Tatiana hasn't spoken with Oscar, but no one knew the dirty details. When he caught them all staring with knowing looks, he sighed but kept eating.  "Oscar told her he didn't want a relationship so she left the house."

"Of course, ladies never understand the hunt.  Men don't like being tied down and when they do, the lady has to earn it."

The two girls stared at Ruby with open mouths and Jamal's eyes flickered between both parties, not wanting to get himself involved in a sticky situation.  "Everything you just said was complete bullshit.  Tati and Oscar were basically together since school started.  He was leading her on and no one likes that."

"Exactly."  Olivia agreed.  "Most girls want a relationship, and it doesn't take a genius to know that she had feelings for him.  If he can't give up his huge ego and actually date someone, then it's a good thing she left him."

"Am I the only one seeing this?"  Jamal called out, gaining everyone's attention and stopping their debate.  His friends followed his gaze and saw that the new kid was gripping their friend's bare thigh.  "I mean, she was never in an actual relationship."

× × ×

As time went on, a lot of things happened.  Tatiana and her new, tattooed friend had gotten closer, Olivia had started dating Cesar, and Tatiana ignored everything having to do with Oscar.  Though Nathaniel, Nate as she liked to call him, was flirtly from the day she met him, but she had no objections since he was actually kind of cute.  After 5 days, they were already on a dates and after 3 weeks, she had met his dad.  His mom passed away, but that was a different story.

A few days after meeting his dad, Tatiana and Nate started dating.  It wasn't a big surprise since the two have been attached almost 24/7, but not everyone was happy about it. 

When she left Oscar's house, he didn't care that another one of his hynas walked out after he denied an official relationship title.  But when he caught word that she was already hanging around another guy, he was pissed.  He wasn't sure why, but the people around him had ideas.

Maybe it was because he was a gentleman, or because of how happy she looked.  Maybe because she was claimed by him and he didn't like seeing his things taken.  Then again, that's what caused this.  Because that's all she was to him, a thing.  An item that refused to be claimed by anyone.  An item that wanted a relationship with the guy she's been fawing over for 3 years.  An item that just wanted a title that didn't degrade her.

But the gang member let her slip away.

Okay, what in the actual fuck did i just do?  Starting drama 2kForever

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