treinta y dos

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"Ew, gross." Tatiana mumbled, watching the school in disgust as Oscar's pulled up in front of it. "Do I have to? I can stay with you and bullet wound hurts." Tatiana said, nodding her head since the plan sounded good in her head.

Oscar laughed at her and shook his head. "You know you want to see your friends."

"I can see them after school though."

Oscar shook his head while Tatiana pouted since he was driving closer to the drop off. "Go get your education and graduate. You got acceptance letters about to be sent out." Oscar stated.

Tatiana sighed and shook her head. "You're picking me up, right?"

"As long as I drive you in the morning, yeah." Oscar nodded. Tatiana smiled as leaned over to kiss him, letting the cars behind honk. "Te amo."

"And I love you." Tatiana smiled again. Her and Oscar kissed a few more times, then she hopped out of the impala. Oscar watched her walk through the gates. However, there was an old lady behind him honking like it was an oxygen mask and she needed it to live.

Oscar was about to purposely park his car to piss her off, but then he remembered he has a run and sped off down the street. Tatiana shook her head when she heard the familiar tire screeches and continued walking down the hallway, taking note of all the people giving her sympathetic looks.

"Best friend!" Aiyana squealed, running up and hugging Tatiana in the middle of the hallway.  She gently, but firmly, hugged Tatiana and rocked them both from side to side.  "Oscar's been keeping you hostage, I see."  Aiyana commented, poking the safe side of Tatiana since the other one had the injury. 

"He doesn't keep me hostage, I just stay inside."

Aiyana nodded her head and stayed quiet while her and Tatiana walked down the hallway holding hands.  "So, Stockholm Syndrome?"  Aiyana joked, laughing when Tatiana punched her shoulder.

× × ×

"What if they don't like me?" Tatiana asked nervously, looking up at the big dance studio Oscar was parked in front of. After a broken leg and a gunshot, Tatiana had to practice for Coachella, Beychella if you will, with a bunch of other dancers.

"If they liked you when you auditioned, they'll like you now." Oscar assured, rubbing her thigh while she stared up at the building. "I'll walk in with you if you want." Tatiana shook her head while girls walked by and went inside the building. Some of them spotted the car and were staring, then staring even more at the cholo behind the wheel.

Tatiana opened the door, but turned to Oscar who was already looking at her. "You're coming back right?"

Oscar nodded, holding Tatiana's hand that was feeling pretty clammy. "I can't leave mi princesa alone." Oscar smirked. Tatiana leaned in to just kiss his cheek, but he turned his head and ended up pulling her into a heated makeout.

"I have to go." Tatiana mumbled, pulling away even though Oscar was holding her against him. "I'll see you later." Oscar watched Tatiana get out and walk to the double doors, ignoring the girls that kept sending him looks.

Tatiana looked around the building in amazement, wondering how the dance room will look if the hallway alone is extravagant. "I'm Ysabela." A girl greeted, sticking her hand out to Tatiana and walking beside her. "You look familiar. Do you go to UCLA too?"

Tatiana shook her head, making the girl pout. "I go to Freeridge High School." Tatiana answered.

"High school? Damn." Ysabela mumbled. "Your parents must be proud. No one really gets out of Freeridge, especially before graduating high school. Hey, are Spooky and the Santos still around?"

Tatiana nodded walking into the dance room with Ysabela still talking. "I'm dating him."


"Oscar." Tatiana stated. Since Ysabela was drinking water, she spit it out and started choking, making people look over. "Are you good?"

Ysabela nodded, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Wait, you're the Tatiana? The one that's been with Oscar since she was 14?"

Tatiana nodded, surprised that people knew about that. Tatiana and Ysabela continued talking and stretching as more girls came in and joined them. "Oh shit." One of the girls mumbled, looking at the doorway. Tatiana came out of her straddle and turned around where everyone was looking at and clapping for Beyonce.

Everyone stood up as her and some choreographers started introducing themselves.  "Now, who's Tatiana?"  Ysabela and the group turned to Tatiana who raised her hand, making everyone look at her.  "Your boyfriend dropped this off for you."  The choreographer said, handing over a bag that had extra bandages, pills and ointment for her bullet wound. 

"Don't over do anything."  Beyonce commented, making Tatiana freeze for being star-struck.  Tatiana nodded and took the bag, completely forgetting that Oscar made her bring that just in case.

"Alright, we have a lot of work to do!  Let's get started."

× × ×

Tatiana waved to her new friends and walked out to the impala making Oscar jump up since he was just leaning against it.  Since she was sweating so much, Tatiana was only in her leggings and sports bra.  Tatiana surprised a lot of people with the bullet wound, so she ended up pulling her leggings higher to cover it.

"Hey, mamas." Oscar greeted. He went in for a hug, but Tatiana pushed him.

"I'm all sweaty."

"You're sweaty when we're having sex, cállate." Oscar stated, wrapping his arms around Tatiana while the dancers that heard him laughed. "Did you have fun?"

"I met Beyonce." Tatiana smiled. Oscar chuckled lowly and kissed her before opening her door. "Can we get food before we go home? I'm hungry."

"But I cooked for you."

"Oh, well then drive fast." Tatiana said. When she realized Oscar is always driving over speed limit, she laughed. The drive back to the house might take a normal person 45 minutes, but with Oscar driving, it takes no more than 20 minutes.

When Oscar parked the car, he turned to Tatiana, but she was asleep against the door, her face smushed against the window and her hand keeping her head up.  He let out a sigh before he leaned over to unbuckle her.  Carefully, he dragged her across, then lifter her out and closed the driver's door.  With one hand, he unlocked the front door.  Tatiana stayed asleep through it all, even when Oscar accidentally slammed her leg against the wall.  Before he walked into the room, he contemplated for a second, then decided to lay her in bed and tuck her in instead of giving her a bath and possibly waking her up.

Once Tatiana was in bed, she moved around a bit and curled against Oscar's side even though he wasn't there.  She kinda frowned, but when Oscar finally went beside her, her body subconsciously got comfortable and smiled.

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