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It has been two weeks and Willow and mum are driving me mad.

Willow is cracking it because I enrolled her in to the local school. She wants her old school with all her friends. She wants to go home. I've tried telling her that we live here now but she wouldn't have it.

Some mornings, I take her to school and mum picks her up, other mornings, it is reversed because I'm doing the long hours of driving to and from, from my old house to mum's. But only when mum isn't working.

Mum is making me mental because she claims the house is too crowded. That we are jamming her groove or something like that. I know deep down she secretly loves us there, but how can I blame her? It's been ten years since I lived with her.

I finally moved the last of mine and Willows stuff, most in storage about an hour south of here and I had a free weekend.

Willow was with Stella for the weekend and I was weary, but I was given the indication Connor wouldn't be there.

I told Stella what happened and she was disgusted, mortified on Connors actions. Willow has become scared of her father and wished not to see him.

I can't do anything but respect her wishes. I'm not going to force her if she doesn't want to.

Me, I haven't seen Willow since I dropped her off at school, which was this morning.

Willow is attending the same school as Stella's kids, so Stella is picking up my girl after school.

I on the other hand, scrapped together all my spare cash that I could splurge with and purchased supplies yesterday, packing my car up and after school drop off, I left the town and headed north for about an hour.

I also had these past two weeks thinking long and hard, considering on taking my mother's advice.

"Go out, I'll look after Willow. Spend some time on you. Talk to him. Let Willow talk to him. Go and reflect. Go away for the weekend."

So I'm doing as much as I can to get me back to me. I told Ryan I'm doing this to focus on myself, but I haven't even started.

I pulled in to the dirt road and slowing my speed down to ten kilometres, I checked the message on my phone and smiled at the reply.

I have four hours. I hope I can get everything done by then.

I drove down the road and kept to the left of every path, but instead of going where I use to every other year, I drove forward more, another couple minutes drive until I found the perfect spot.

Turning my car off, I got out and went straight to work. I know how hard it is to set up a tent all by myself, but I've done it before. But this one isn't my one I'm use to. It was fancier.

I built the frame and tugged the cover over it, locking each section in to its place. Rushing against the clock, I set up a little kitchen, pulled out a foldable table and two chairs before checking the time.

Still had ninety minutes. Biting my lip and pulling my hair back, I set up the bed and started dinner. I know it's early, but I like to get it ready and stewing away.

I hung up lights, made the bed, set the table and hooked up a fishing line. My heart was beating so loud in my chest I wasn't sure if this would be something Ryan would like.

I mean a whole weekend away. I texted Ryan nearly four hours ago, asking him to meet me where he picked Willow up from. I told him to bring himself, nothing more.

I saw the pothole in my plan and forgot to mention he will need spare clothes. I'm going to sit down and we are going to talk. Like adults.


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