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I groaned in to my coffee as there were a couple sharp knocks on the front door.

This morning was chilly, the temperature dropped through the night and still hung around in the morning.

Taking my coffee cup with me to the front door, cursing in my head that I wish it was a freshly hot made coffee in case it was Connor, I opened the door to see a surprise.

"Ryan?" I breathed out in disbelief. "What are you doing here? Is everything okay? Is it Liz?" I was worried in case something happened through the night.

Ryan smiled, making me relax instantly. "No, Aunt Liz is fine. I recall you saying you had to buy Willow a phone."

I looked even more surprised then. "In my budget." I reminded him.

"May I come in? It's a bit cool out here." He asked as I saw the fog on his breathe.

"Oh, right, of course, come in." I stepped out off the way, letting Ryan in.

"It's a nice place you have." He spoke, looking around and I followed his gaze, horrified. I had two baskets of washing on the floor, the floor hasn't been swept in a couple days and the table didn't get cleaned off from lunch yesterday or breakfast this morning.

"I m sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone over." I mumbled, tidying up.

"Harper, stop." Ryan said gently. "It's fine. Your house isn't a showroom. It's lived in."

I sighed out a huh in realisation. "I guess so."

"It shows character. That you are doing everything right as a mother. You have clean clothes, you feed your child, it feels very, homey."

I blushed at his words, trying to cover it up. "Then don't look in the kitchen sink." I joked at him. "Would you like a coffee?"

"Well, I was going to take you and Willow to the shops. For Willows phone."

I nodded and downed the last of my now room temperature coffee.

"Willow!" I bellowed, shocking Ryan.

"Wow, for a small person, you have a great set of lungs." He laughed, making me follow along.

"Yes, mum? Ryan!" Willow shrieked as she came out of her room.

"Go put your shoes and jacket on. We are going to get your phone."

Willow jumped in excitement and did as she was told as I went to the shoe rack and pulled out my boots before sitting down to put them on.

"So why do I need an escort to get a phone?" I asked Ryan as he leaned against the small table.

Ryan shrugged but didn't answer me.

"But you have a job. Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I do most at home, sometimes going to the office. I'm entitled to not turn up every now and then." He grinned at me, showing me his white teeth.

"Entitled?" I laughed as I struggled with my boot. I finally got it on, zipping it up before struggling again with the next one.

"Yes. I think entitled is the right word for now."

"Ha! You're playing hooky." I egged at Ryan, pulling a face as I forced my foot in to the boot and sighing in relief when I finally got it.

"You right there?" Ryan asked me, looking at me weirdly.

"Yep. Just one of the pros and cons of being a girl. The boots are awesome, but suck putting them on." I got up and went to the coat rack, taking off my hand bag and a jacket, slipping it on and not worrying about the buttons.

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