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"Now, you be good, do as you're told." I said sternly to Willow as she nodded. "Your phone and charger are in your bag. I've packed you enough clothes for a week "

"Okay, mummy, I'll miss you."

Smiling I hugged Willow. "I'll miss you too, baby. I'll see you in three days. On Monday."

I smiled up at Stella who was waiting for me. "She'll be fine, Harper. You have my word."

I hugged in to Stella. "Thanks, Stella."

"I'll give him a talking to. Tell him what he is missing." She said to me as we stepped away from each other.

I laughed at her. "I don't care if you do. I ain't taking him back. Not this time."

Stella looked like she couldn't believe her ears. "Really? That's great, hon. I can tell you are so much happier now. Like, no offense, but you were always gloomy."

"Gloomy?" Now I couldn't believe my ears.

"Sad." She corrected herself. "I'll tell him what he threw away."

"Don't bother, I'm just garbage to Connor. I couldn't care less." I shrugged, playing with Willows hair as she spoke to the other kids.

"Yeah? Well one person's garbage is another person's treasure, Harper." She stated, crossing her arms.

"I know. All good. I am happier. It's taken a few weeks, but I've fallen asleep too many times crying over that bastard."

Stella sighed.


"Nothing." Stella stated, taking Willows bag.

"Stell, what?" I was getting impatient.

Stella leaned forward and lowered her voice. "It's about bloody time." Then she straightened up. I knew what it was. Her husband is good friends with Connor, even though they met through Stella.

"Thanks. Well, I better let y'all get to it." I gave Willow another hug and a kiss before leaving, taking the three hour car drive home.

I took a couple pit stops for coffee since we had been up since 4am and it was just before eight when I left Stella's.

Long drives exhaust me, but I pulled through, thanks to my triple shot vanilla latte, well, three of them. So the next couple pit stops was toilet runs because the last one I ordered was not what I ordered. I asked for soy and I got full cream.

It was just just after midday when I pulled back into my drive way as I went to the front door.

I immediately felt the loneliness of the place. It was dead quiet. It was small as well. And as tired as I was, I couldn't rest. So I did the washing and the dishes, mopped the floors and before I knew it, it was time for me to get ready for work.

It felt strange not having Willow with me. I had called out to her to get her stuff when I remembered she wasn't home. She had texted me already, with her shocking spelling and I made a mental note that I need to get ahead on that. She noted that they got there and she loves and misses me already.

My heart swelled at it as I smiled like an idiot.

I continued with work, feeling the loneliness settle in. It was just so quiet and everyone felt it.

Olivia came down asking for Willow to find out she wasn't here. I think that would have dampened Liz's spirits.

Even Ryan looked a bit, lost, if that was the right word. "It's so quiet." Ryan mumbled out.

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