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It was Saturday evening and Willow had been permitted to watch a movie after dinner.

Ryan showed her to the right room while I cleaned up the dishes.

My heart was heavy and I was in pain. All evening I had been distracted. Connor had came over today, this morning, hand delivering a letter.

I was intrigued as I took it and he left immediately without saying a word to Willow. I ripped the large envelope open, pulling the contents out as I walked back inside.

It was divorce papers.

Connor wanted a divorce.

I felt so broken. Connor wanted out. I have tried my hardest not to weep about. But it wasn't unnoticed.

Willow asked me several times and I just smiled and nodded. I didn't really eat, pushing the chicken leg around on my plate.

But once I cleaned up and went upstairs to see what Liz would like to eat, I found her fast asleep in her bed.

Willow must have drained her with all that talking while they were playing cards.

I let Liz sleep, going downstairs in search of Willow. It was only seven and I still had an hour left as I found her in the lounge room, the television playing something.

I leaned against the wall, watching Willow as she laid on her side on the couch, her finger rubbing her nose.

I don't understand why Connor didn't want to be a family with us. I quickly got rid of the tear that was escaping my eye just as I heard a voice.

"Doesn't Aunt Liz want supper tonight?"

I quickly turned around, hoping it wasn't evident of what I just did. "Pardon? Oh, no. She is asleep already." Came my soft voice.

Ryan's face changed to concern. "Are you alright?" He asked me quietly as I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I smiled and walked back to the kitchen.

But I wasn't fine. I was distraught and lost, unsure on what I even wanted and I knew it would put me in a pickle for Willow's sake. I always wanted Connor. I love him. Even though he isn't the best husband or father, I still love him. But he doesn't want me.

The thoughts crept through, unwanted.

"Harper?" I heard Ryan behind me. I was frustrated and irritated and so angry. It was all from Connor, but I couldn't leash it out on him.

"I'm fine!" I snapped out, getting meat out for tomorrow night. Liz wanted chicken snitzels. "Why do you care? Why does it all matter?" I mumbled, trying to refrain myself from yelling.

"That isn't fair. I'm trying to see if you are okay?"

Frowning, I faced Ryan. "It doesn't matter. Why should you care? You've accused me of trying to get my way in to a will. You've ignored me until recently, where you've started talking, having a conversation with me. So what's your deal?"

I saw his eyebrows lower as his eyes narrowed. "Because I'm trying to be supportive. Clearly you're upset. Is it here? Your job?"

I took a deep breathe and shook my head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap."

"Come sit down. Talk."

I went to protest but Ryan wouldn't have it. Sighing, I followed him to a couch, a different room to Willow. How many couches does he own?

"What's wrong? Whatever it is, it's affecting you."

"I don't want to burden you. They are my problems. Not yours."

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