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"Stop ringing me! I'm trying to work and I've already been warned!" I heard Harper hiss out.

I was walking past the kitchen, heading elsewhere when I heard it. I turned on my heel, dropping my briefcase. I had just finished for the day at work and was about to head to the study.

"I don't care." I heard her again. "Find something for her. I work till eight, I get home around eight thirty, I don't want to be up all night cooking your dinner. You do it yourself." I raised an eyebrow at Harper's tone. Is this the same person that rings her nearly every day? If so, something happened because she is usually soft speaking and caring. Now she sounded cold.

The remaining smell of whatever Harper cooked for dinner for Liz was escaping the kitchen and it smelt so good.

"I am not transferring you money to buy something to eat!" Came a small screech. "You work as well. Make a goddamn toastie! Fine!" Then her tone changed completely. I stayed out off sight as I eavesdropped. "Hey, baby. I know. I'm sorry. There isn't anything I can do. I'll see you tonight, Will. Love you."

Then Harper sighed. I waited a couple minutes and when I turned to walk in to the kitchen, she left, heading up the stairs.

I followed at a slower pace and I heard them talk through the open door to Liz's room.

"Oh dear, how are you really?" I'm still amazed that Liz took a liking to her. Liz doesn't like many people. We have gone through so much staff because of that.

Harper let out a long sigh. "I'm fine, Liz. Just frustrated."

"With this job?"

"Oh no! Never! I use to love cooking and then it became a chore. I was limited to a certain amount of food and it became dull and boring. I enjoy cooking for you. Especially when you fuel me up with compliments." Then I heard a soft chuckle.

"Because you deserve to be appreciated. But what is really bothering you? Is it that husband of yours?"

I heard a mumble, but I didn't hear the words properly. I turned and went back down the stairs, going to the kitchen and looking in to the fridge.

There I saw a plate, wrapped in cling wrap with a sticky note. I took the note off and saw my name written on it. It said it was a peace offering. I just stared at the food, a bit confused. I've never had any of Liz's cooks make me food before.

"That's for you." I heard as I looked behind me. "An apology really, about snapping at you the other day, for all the personal phone calls." She went past me and placed something in the sink.

"Oh, well, thank you." I muttered out. "What is it?"

"Home-made beef teriyaki with hokkien noodles."

"Chinese?" I asked as I pulled the plate out off the fridge.

"I don't know if it's Chinese, but it's Asian origin, I think."

I put the food in the microwave as a small smile crept on my lips. I watched from the corner off my eyes as Harper slowly moved about the kitchen, putting dishes away and wiping benches.

Her hair sitting on her neck trailed not so far down her back. I waited for the microwave to finish before getting the now hot dish and placed it on the bench.

"I spoke to Liz and she said that you're my actual boss." Harper said quietly.

I frowned at her. "If you mean I'm the one that pays your wages, then yes."

I watched as Harper turned to me while I placed the dish from one bench to another. My stomach was growling and I haven't eaten yet.

Sitting down on the stool by the bench, I took a mouthful of the food. It was really good. "This is delicious." I told her after I swallowed a mouthful.

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