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         "But he'll be sparkbroken," I noted, watching as Shockwave brought in one more load of tools from his lab on Earth. He wouldn't let me help, much to my dismay,

         "A minor matter when compared to the safety of the faction." he stated, and I thought for a moment before nodding my agreement.

I put away the tools he had brought up, and told him to be safe as he left once more to finish his move from below to the Nemesis. I placed a dull blade in the 'repair' bin, wishing I had kept it in my servo when I turned around to find the well-known medic, Knockout, just behind me.

         "An interesting choice in mate," he said, looking down at me with his red optics... I found myself very scared.

         "M-may I he-help you?" I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

         "Actually, I think you can," a smile appeared on his faceplate as he guided me away from the possible weapons I could use to protect myself, "How does an emotionless scientist earn the affections of one of the fairest vehicons on this ship?"

I didn't know how to answer. How can I answer? What answer could I give that he would be satisfied with?

     I've heard the stories of his treatment to us femmes, a reason why my carrier never allowed me to see him. He's taken advantage of many, though was found to be quite naive and vehicon mechs have taken their places from time to time, confusing the medic. Vehicons look after their own, unless they're like me...

         "I-I'm afraid I am unable to answer..." I breathed as I felt a wall press against my backplates. I had failed to notice that Knockout was advancing... I'm trapped.

         "Then it mustn't be that serious," he purred, faceplate coming dangerously close to mine. In a desperate attempt to get out of the situation, I pushed him back, obviously surprising him as he stumbled a few steps away.

         "I-I cannot... cannot accept." I shook my helm, closing my optics tight, only to open them as I felt a firm arm brush the side of my helm. Knockout stood over me, a smirk on his faceplate as he trapped me once more.

         "Come now, what can he offer that I can't?"

I knew he could see my fear grow, and tried to back away further but the wall wouldn't give way.

         "If anything I can offer more," he whispered, making me shiver, and my cooling fans kicked in from the growing anxieties. He obviously took it the wrong way as his smirk widened, "With me you'll have two optics to stare at, you'll have a set of derma to kiss, two servos to hold you."

He brushed a servo against my faceplate, unknowing of the pain I felt at his touch. He left a scratch, and failed to notice as he forced me to look up at him, a sharpened digit digging into the underside of my chin.

         "Why settle for less when you can have more?"

     I kept myself from crying as more pain shot through my circuits when he removed his servo from my chin, only for it to find the back of my neck cables as he tried to kiss me. As painful as it may have been, I wrestled out of his grasp, making him try to keep me in his arms, and I managed to escape, his sharpened digits raking across my delicate armor, and I felt the scratches deepen as he tightened his grip, only to lose me as I ran to the sliding door. I was three steps away when it opened on it's own, and I slammed into the form of Shockwave, ending up on the floor with numerous tools landing on my helm as he dropped them, and quickly picked me back up. I was already crying, and the pain worsened as he brushed my helm, somehow being a sweet relief from Knockout's earlier touch. Shockwave looked to the red medic, optic bright.

         "What is your business here?"

         "I was coming to see if you needed help," was Knockout's reply, a smirk displayed on his faceplate knowing that I wouldn't say a thing about what he was trying to do, "But you weren't here."

         "You will know that your assistance is not needed," the scientist stated quickly, "I would advise you to leave."

The medic sauntered out, though not before looking to me with a glare, and I hid myself further behind the mech I refused to leave. Not for a fool like him.

         "What did he do?" Shockwave asked, gently brushing the deep cuts on my arms, obviously from Knockout's servo and not the tools that had been dropped on my helm.

I shook my helm, leaning into his frame.

         "(Y/D), what. Did. He. Do."

I flinched at his tone, and shook as he placed a servo on my shoulder, still gentle, but firm, and I shook my helm once again, refusing to follow the command to answer his question.

         "(Y/D), I will force you to go back to the other vehicons," his threat was true, and I froze, "Tell me."

It took a moment, as I stood back up, hesitant to tell, but not wanting to go back to those who hate me. I rubbed the sides of my arms, which hurt, but I ignored the pain that shot through them. I shuffled a pede, looking to the floor. Why is it so hard to tell him? Perhaps it's the embarrassment, or maybe the fact that he knew of our relationship... he called me Shockwave's mate... He wanted me because I'm an oddity... it's illogical for me to be what I am to Shockwave.

         "He... he tried t-to kiss me," I sobbed, "h-he tried to m-make me leave you... for him."

I felt the soft caress of his servo, but flinched away from it as he brushed the scratch left by Knockout.

         "He did this?"

I nodded, and quickly grabbed hold of Sockwave's cannon before he could continue out the door.

         "H-he didn't realize," I stated, "He didn't realize how fragile my armor is, please just let him g-go."

         "I will not accept this treatment of you," he stated, looking to me as his optic burned bright with a held in fury, "It is more than illogical, it's despicable."

I wrapped my aching arm around his own, keeping him close as I nodded my understanding, still crying.

         "What did you expect?" I asked through a shaky breath, "I'm a disfunctional vehicon, and you're known for being the emotionless, obsessive scientist. I should have been offlined long ago, and you..." I sighed, "This entire situation is illogical and Knockout knows it. Even lord Megatron has become suspicious."

         "That does not mean he has the right to experiment on your loyalty to me." Shockwave said, using his one servo to cradle my helm, and I leaned into his touch, despite the pain that would appear when he found a dent or scratch.

         "I-I know... but any apparent opstical has never stopped a Decepticon." I noted, knowing our tendencies.

He let out a sigh, and took his servo away from my helm, and went to find the tools to repair me for the ump-teenth time.

     I sat on the medical berth, slightly dazed as fatigue began to creep up on me, and the pain started to become evident as my sobs ebbed to short hiccups that refused to leave. I wiped away the remaining tears that lingered, wincing as my arm hurt from the movement.

         "Lay down," Shockwave ordered, and I complied, placing my arms at my side, as if I were standing in the position of attention, "This may hurt."

I simply nodded, and closed my optics in a failed attempt to lessen the pain that came with the repairing of my helm, then my arms, and what few there were on the rest of my frame. He lingered near the scrapes on my faceplate, done by Knockout's sharp digits. He gently ran a digit down the longest one, and I stiffened at his touch.

         "What did you say to him?" he asked after a moment.

I opened my optics, seeing his singular one staring down at me.

         "I said I could not accept him..." I answered, hoping that this was what he wanted to hear.

He nodded, and made the last of the scars disappear. 

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